[hr][hr][center][h3]The Third Trial[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [b]"ATTENTION, APPLICANTS: LESS THAN HALF OF THE SPHERES REMAIN!" boomed a giant voice over the arena.[/b] "Some of them are really going after it." Captain Bisera commented, kicking one slender ankle where one shapely leg crossed over the other. "Maybe we ought to think these tests through a little more before we go changing them up again..." "I don't know about you, but I've been watching the ones who decided to team up." said Captain Walder as he crossed his enormous arms. "We changed the test from just "flight skill" to "retrieval of a target," but I think it's turned into a display of who's willing to work with others, and how they go about it." "It's turned into a free-for-all, is what it's turned into." Azarleon snorted. Beside him, Argos nodded in agreement. "We're going to have to rewatch all of this on a recorder tool to pick any of them out of the chaos! Who's bloody idea was this?" [hr][hr][@Duthguy][@Th3King0fChaos] [b]As Albie and Illios both retrieved their spheres with great effort,[/b] given their individual limitations, they found themselves drifting away from the majority of the swarming hordes of other would-be-recruits. Both would soon come within sight and sound of each other--[b]however, they were not alone![/b] "Heeeeey, Sunny Boy!" called a familiar voice towards Illios. It was [b]Bryant[/b], the same boy he'd talked with at the food stalls! With a wicked grin on his face, the lanky blonde came swooping at him from above! "Good to see ya, pal!" As he grinned sarcastically, the mage thrust one palm towards Illios! [b]"Acid Magic: Melting Spray!"[/b] A wide cone of hissing, steaming white liquid headed towards the Sun mage! "COMMONER! DON'T THINK YOU'LL GET AWAY FROM ME!" Albie would immediately recognize that voice---[b]Snyder Glassard[/b] had escaped Gunnar's restraints, and the fire mage was nowhere to be seen this time! "Either hand over that sphere, or I'll TAKE your hands! [b]Glass Magic: Shattered Scalpels![/b]" With a sweep of his arm, multiple blades of transparent glass took shape in the air, and all of them swiveled their points towards Albie! "They said no [i]lethal[/i] force--they never said anything about MAIMING!" There was a cold determination behind the pale young noble's thick spectacles... [hr][hr][@imia][@Remram] [b]As Ludo's snakes shot towards her, the girl in the hoodie yelped and tried to find another route[/b]--only for the serpents to curve in mid air! Rather than attack her directly, Ludo had limited her movements--she could only go up, or down! After only a moment's indecision, [b]she went up--but Parin, who had been watching from the back, would be able to see[/b] the other girl's telegraph the moment before her broom started to move! If the water mage acted fast, she'd be able to [b]intercept[/b] her--the only question was, would her physical attacks pass through the intagible magic the way Ludo's poison had? However, the girl wasn't completely helpless. She revealed a handmade wand in one hand, and pointed it at Ludo! [b]"Permeation Magic: Invisible Volley!"[/b] she shouted! There was a slight glow of power around her---but the projectiles were nowhere to be seen! Despite no doubt making an attempt to dodge, [b]Ludo would feel a sudden impact like a handful of hard punches striking his shoulder, chest, ribs, and leg![/b] [hr][hr][@ReusableSword][@Expllo] [b]Rio and his large, clumsy new friend were still inside the cloud of steam along with several others, thanks to Hikari.[/b] As they no doubt searched for a way out of the foggy field, they would find themselves nearly running over the ox-boy! However, before the three had a chance to decide whether to fight it out or not, another half-dozen shadowy figures emerged from the sizzling banks around them! "Which one's got the sphere?!" "Which one's causing this cloud!?" "Who cares, get all of 'em!" [b]Multiple beams of wind, water, lightning, sand, a rippling soundwave, and a writhing vine of thorns all barreled towards the three mages![/b] [hr][hr][@Xaltwind][@SilverPaw] Nephys and Solveig found themselves back to back against a crowd of other mages closing in on them, but the various applicants were also eyeing each other warily--there were only two spheres up for grabs, but at this point there were at least three mages competing for each singular Angel Sphere[sup]TM[/sup]. [b]"Hey!" called one noble looking applicant[/b]---though the two ladies might or might not be familiar with him, given that he was a member of the Kira family, [b]Ludo's "friend" Isvelt appeared out of the crowd.[/b] "The two lovely young misses, there! I've a proposal for you I bet the rest of these boors can't match!" he called, to the sour looks from the rest of the group. [b]"I'll HELP you defend those spheres, if you'll help ME get one afterward!"[/b] He winked at them with a smile. "After all, isn't it unfair of all these riffraff to gang up on two innocent doves like yourselves?" "I'll show YOU riffraff, you pompous ass!" A young man with wild green hair and several piercings all over his face, wearing an open leather vest over a white shirt and red trousers, rocketed up towards the young noble. "Rock Magic: Rolling Stone--!" A rapidly spinning, melon-sized sphere of stone formed in his hand, but before he could complete the spell to throw it at Isvelt, the young royal held out his own palms. [b]"Gold Magic: Coin Flip!"[/b] An enormous, round golden coin manifested in front of the noble! It seemed like a normal magic shield at first, but when the spinning stone struck it, the broad surface rapidly spun like a water wheel paddle! It flipped the rocky projectile right back at its caster, striking him dead-on in the face! Nose bleeding and eyes rolled back into his head, the wild young man plummeted towards the safety net of the officials... [b]"Forget him, take the girls out!" shouted another! A barrage of fireballs, a lightning bolt, icicles, a wind funnel, and a purple, pulsating laser beam all flew towards Nephys and Solveig--![/b]