[center][h3]Wenyr[/h3][sub]Location: The Eye Of The Beholder, outside and inside[/sub][/center] Wenyr let the door fall into its frame, confused and slightly shaken by the scene that had just unfolded in front of him. The blacksmith had no illusions about all the shady and weird things that certainly happened behind closed doors and solid walls in Aurelia's capital, but this here was a vastly different case. This was a fledgeling, small settlement where most people knew each other, so shouldn't the prince also be more aware about the details of its inhabitants ? Doubts started to gnaw at the fringes of Wenyr's so far very benign opinion about the man. Maybe Flynn was a little too enthusiastic about all of this, slightly neglecting reality and the strict rule it sometimes required ? This Willis guy, last but not least because of being blight born, should have been subjected to a bit more scrutiny upon arrival, perhals. Or maybe he himself was just too pessimistic at the moment. Maybe the whole thing would appear as nothing more than a sequence of mishaps one could laugh about later on. Wenyr placed the bucket of daggers onto the workbench and made the decision not to melt them down today for certain. There were other priorities and just what was he supposed to do with all the other stuff Willis had dumped at the last possible moment ? Breakfast first... The day would be long and he needed something in his stomach first. It could also offer an opportunity to ask around whether anybody knew something about this insignia, so one of the daggers found its way first into a small leather satchel so it couldn't sting anymore, then into a large pocket. If nobody in the Eye would be able to tell him, nobody in Dawnhaven could. One thing came to the other. Efficient. --- Ivor was impossible to overlook for pretty much anybody on his or her way to the inn and neither was the fact that the giant apparently had not bothered himself with taking anything less than an entire tree for the repair work he was doing. For a brief moment, Wenyr wondered whether it might also have been him to have broken the door in the first place, but that was pure speculation. [color=yellow]"Good morning, Ivor. If that hatchet needs sharpening later on, just tell me."[/color] He waved towards the blightborn with a smile, completely unware of the fact that the person he had just greeted was maybe four times the volume, but not even one quarter of the trouble of his own, most recent visitor. The much more elderly looking warrior, Marcon, had just left moments prior and so Wenyr didn't witness just how... commanding... this individual could be on almost every occasion. In spite of the momentary lack of a room separator, the tavern's inside welcomed Wenyr with almost the same familiar warmth he had come to like already. The one thing he couldn't see was the one-eyed ruler of the place. Wasn't she supposed to be in here ? Wenyr looked around briefly, combining this with a search for an empty chair, but couldn't see the one-eyed woman anywhere. Hopefully today's service would not be impaired by this too much, the day before had not been exactly welcoming already. [sub]Interactions: Ivor [@SkeankySnack] Generally anybody in the vicinity, possibly[/sub]