[center] [h1][color=007236]Jonathan[/color] [color=39b54a]&[/color] [color=598527]Joseph[/color][/h1] [color=808080][sub]NPCs[/sub][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a7/34/00/a7340081e03cda602f23f7f3f42c735f.jpg[/img] [/center] [color=808080] [hr] There was no leadership in sight and they assumed they got the day off today. After having a simple and quick breakfast the boys found themselves playing with one of Sunni’s many decks of cards. These ones had star signs decorated on the back, the sun, and the moon plus two decorative backs that resembled the moon and sun goddesses. They were very pretty. With a creak of the door, the youngest boy, Joseph jumped up thinking that their boss had arrived yet he seemed surprised that it wasn’t Sunni’s face coming through that door. “[color=598527]H-hello![/color]” The younger one shouted out louder than he thought he did. Jonathan was sitting on the stool and his head turned to see who was calling out. A larger woman and the innkeeper were at the front of the market building. “[color=007236]You do not have to be so loud, Joseph,[/color]” He corrected his brother before standing up with a semi-charming smile for a middle teen aged boy. “[color=007236]I’m sorry but Mister Emberani is not in at the moment,[/color]” He politely informed the ladies who were searching for the older man. “[color=007236]If you want, you can leave a note for him or something, or we could tell him,[/color]” Jonathan gestured to Joseph who was on the other side. The younger brother looked confused at first before looking around. Grabbing a writing utensil and some parchment that was on the counter and handing it to his bigger brother. The older one grabbed the items and handed them to the women. “[color=598527]We will make sure it gets to him too![/color]” Joseph assured them with a smile. Bright and innocent. [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] [@amorphical] Becky & Sya [@PrinceAlexus] [/color]