[img]https://i.imgur.com/B1OEJFO.png[/img][h3][color=lightblue]Kikka - Coliseum - Inside the Coliseum[/color][/h3][hr][hr] [@Zeroth] Illios had taken hold of his prize, at first it was no small effort from the start as he had to take it from others trying for it. Now that he had his sphere, he needed to defend it, he flew around and watched every which way he could. He knew others would come for him as only half of the sphere were left, yet his eyes alone could only do so much as he was attacked from above while he wasn't looking. He looked up and saw Bryant, Illios wasn't too sure on how well he did, but hoped Bryant at least did well in the magics test. Illios put on his own smile, there was no malicious intent as he responded to Bryant, [color=gold]"Good to see you as well! How've-"[/color]. Illios was then cut off as the other boy yelled out, [b]"Acid Magic: Melting Spray!"[/b] A wide cone of hissing, steaming white liquid headed towards Illios! Illios' eyes widened for a moment as he pulled upon his magic, he tucked his legs and body close to his broom as he tried to employ a mana shield against the Acid attack and dive with the broom at the same time. An attempt to defend himself against the attack if it was to hit him and give him enough time to try and get out of the way of the cone of acid. [color=gold]"WHOA! Watch your [s][sub]acid[/sub][/s] jet! I thought we weren't supposed to use lethal force!"[/color]