[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgbbhnFP/Elara.webp[/img][/center][Sub]Interactions: Sunni-[@The Savant][/sub] [hr][indent] [color=#ffffff]Elara watched Sunni with fascination and guilt, her heart aching as she observed the pure joy and meaning he found in these simple rocks. Each stone seemed to hold a world of wonder for him, and she regretted her earlier dismissal of his passion. The way his eyes lit up, the gentle reverence in his touch, made her realize how much she had underestimated the beauty in his interests.[/color][color=#4169e1] “They are beautiful,”[/color][color=#ffffff] she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity and newfound appreciation. [/color][color=#4169e1]“I can see why you like them.” [/color][color=#ffffff]Well, perhaps that was stretching the truth somewhat. She was, after all, only now being introduced to his world. [/color] [color=#ffffff]She watched as he picked up another rock, a genuine smile spreading across Elara’s face at his story, her heart warming at his enthusiasm. Yet, the smile faltered when he requested a change of topic, subtly hinting at her previous disinterest in his passion. A pang of guilt pierced her, and she shook her head in silent dissent, her chest tightening. [/color] [color=#4169e1]“I care very much about learning things about you,” [/color][color=#ffffff]she said, her voice earnest and tinged with regret. [/color][color=#4169e1]“Your…culture is very much different from mine, but this is good. Lots to learn.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]As for the question of painting, Elara laughed, the sound light and genuine. [/color][color=#4169e1]“I’m afraid I was not blessed with any artistic talents. Although I do love a good book from time to time.” [/color][color=#ffffff]Her mind wandered to the countless hours she had spent lost in the pages of her favourite novels, finding solace and adventure in their stories. She hoped he could see the sincerity in her words, a small window into her own passions. [/color] [color=#4169e1]“Are there any you enjoy in particular? Books, I mean.” [/color][/indent]