[hider=Tatsui Enatsu] [color=f7941d][b]~Basic~[/b][/color] Name: Tatsui Enatsu Appearance: [hider=Tatsui] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/5e/80/42/5e804272a37c83bf8e907464a72da3d1.jpg[/img] [/hider] 5'9, 160lbs, two scars, one on his right hand and the other on the left side of his chest. Age: 180 Squad/Rank: Squad Ten/Unseated Biography: Tatsui had a hard life growing up, his parents died while he was young, and he had only his older sister with him. He and his older sister Ayumi were left on the streets, and they lived in District 80. It meant living there was a challenge, to say the least. But, the two would work together to survive and would become close. Despite operating as thieves and being good at it. Both of them were fighters who would often spar with each other to help the other become stronger, though his sister would often protect him if a run went south. Which would push him to be better so he could repay the favor and be the one to protect someone. But after a major score and the two would find themselves with enough Kans to move to a different district, and while it would sustain them for a time. They knew it would not last forever, so while the Kans were still plentiful and in an attempt to stop being thieves and criminals. Ayumi decided to become a Shinigami for the income and would apply and enroll at Shin'ō Academy. While the income did stabilize their situation once Ayumi became a full-fledged Shinigami. Tatsui would hear of his sister's accomplishments and promotions and be inspired by his sister. Tatsui would also apply and become a Shinigami. However, during his training, his sister would disappear. Tatsui was dismayed at the news and after becoming a Shinigami and being assigned to Squad Ten, he is trying to find out any information about what happened to his sister and to find her. Squad Interests: Eleventh, Third and Eighth Division Relationships: Ayumi Enatsu - Sister - Tatsui is very close to his sister and after her disappearance. He is seeking any information about what happened to her and where to find her. [color=f7941d][b]~Zanpakuto~[/b][/color] Zanpakuto Name: Ishi Type: Elemental(Wind) Kaigo: Stand defiant Ishi Zanpakuto Appearance: [hider=Sealed][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/79/10/fc/7910fc52ec53700280461478802ca420.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Shikai][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e2/fa/58/e2fa5872632859133cec8d610d423742.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Zanpakuto Spirit][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/df/fe/80/dffe80534f7a2cdc266a6dc37136f93b.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Inner World][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/0e/32/ed0e32dd1ff7da52944bb0c2c7d5b50d.jpg[/img][/hider] Shikai Skills: Wind Wall - Tatsui is able to summon a wall of wind that is able to stop incoming attacks and protect the people behind due to its high winds. Duration - 1 posts, Cooldown - 4 posts Faster - Tatsui is able to make himself faster so he can both run faster and fight faster. Duration - 2 posts, Cooldown - 4 posts Wind Spears - An ability where Tatsui creates five spears made of wind and launches them at a target at a time. Duration - 1 posts, Cooldown - 5 posts Whirlwind - A ability that summons a large Whirlwind that is able to trap targets in it and then throw them out once it goes away, hurting them in the process. Duration - 2 posts, Cooldown - 5 posts [color=f7941d][b]~Attributes~[/b][/color] Kido: [Average] Sai Hainawa Seki Geki Horin Kyomon Fushibi Zanjutsu: [Average] Hōzuri Shitonegaeshi Hakuda: [Good] Tesshō Super Harisen Slipper Hoho: [Good] Shunpo [color=f7941d][b]~Points~[/b][/color] Saved: 0 Invested: 0 [color=f7941d][b]~Other~[/b][/color] While he may not show it, Tatsui is a fan of mangas and has a large collection of them at his house. [/hider]