[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ About town. The Traders. [/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Early Morning[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya just smiled at her lovely exited Baker next to her as she walked and took a comment to pause, she had said so much in such a short time and the woman had to pause to think. [color=c4df9b]“Let's see what market has, Sunni has a few lads who work for him, they liked the ale last night.”[/color] Sya said without care, if they could work as she saw it they could choose to drink. [color=c4df9b]“We are planning a larger kitchen in the extension”[/color] Sya added, noting Becky would likely jump at the idea of more advanced facilities than what they had now. [color=c4df9b]“Full on hot spring you can practically swim in.”[/color] Sya said with a happy expression, much as she was nervous about going so openly, she also wanted a soak and that was taking over right now. She felt…liberated to be more open and her ears were far more free. [color=c4df9b]“We have to get started first, Sunni should be good with this. I'm trying to expand the market and expand my … foothold? Footfall?”[/color] Sya was not unkind, just she was more.focused on the practical side, unable to think of words to describe the idea, she would add more things to sell, more things to lure customers into the Eye and thus make more money overall. She softened her words with a tone that she was very much interested in but had to consider the practical sides of them. Sya left Ivor and Becky to their moment, she could see the notable change of pose, if Becky wanted a man bigger than her and if so Ivor certainly ticked the box. She wondered how that would even work but that was a them problem not a Sya problem, how would it even fit … Sya just had a blank moment at that one and had no idea but Becky wanted it. For borders sake she was happy that Oliva would have scared off half of the people or more and she enjoyed it… she enjoyed her lover's dangerous quirks. If Becky wants her own, feel free. Walking into the market and finding her way across the open area set aside for traders. If they wanted to, that was their choice and she did not really worry. On that note spot her and smile, giving her a look she only reserved for her, letting her eye glow a little and dropping her guard before being led to the traders and so on. [color=c4df9b]“Let's go”[/color] Sya said, letting Becky enthusiasm lead. She looked over to the market behind before she followed, her big eye caught the dark fur, the simple skirt that Olivia she had worn the night before, her eye softened guard down and the gentle glow intensified in such a way only Sya let Olivia see, a side she reserved in private. She raised her back of hand and kissed it like they had shared and gave her a “until later.” Look with a gesture over her heart before she turns away embracing her more public mask" Sya knew she could see, so Sya pointed to the bathhouse, Market Place then to the Inn as to her plans today. Turning she followed letting Becky pull her along in enthusiasm greeting the two of the boys she recognised, they had the ales the night before and seemed very much to enjoy them, Young men, Working men, Sya allowed them the courtesy of young men. [color=c4df9b]“Gentlemen”[/color] Sya said kindly and gave them a little respect, they were working and they seemed to flush with pride. [color=c4df9b]“Becky, She has a list for the Eye, hopefully Sunni can acquire it for us. Becky?”[/color] Sya said and let Becky take the lead on what was required for a small Bakery and potential to make sweets and breads. [color=c4df9b]“If you want a good lunch n drink you'll have to wait till after the speech and lunch, I am taking a little time to relax and have a hot soak”[/color] Sya said to the young men, she knew Sunni looked after them and potentially they would want to spend their hard earned coin on a hot meal and so, everyone especially a young worked needed a good meal to grow strong. Sya was her small size because she was not so fed in her growing years. Sya stood back and would veto if needed but let Becky take the charge unless needed. [@amorphical][@The Savant][@SkeankySnack]