[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UozwHux.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt8vE4yt9XQ]Lake Ambience[/url] [/center] [color=808080] [hr] [color=a93226][i]Sunni… you might have fucked up by pointing that out,[/i][/color] the man thought to himself as he noticed Elara’s eyes and expressions kept letting guilt and regret peer through her. Staring into her blue eyes, he glanced away at the rocks underneath them and thought a little more as she spoke. He was honestly shocked that she referred to the rocks as [i]beautiful[/i] and understood why he would like them. A thought went through his head to remind him that he overstepped in plenty of ways last night — [color=a93226][i]She is being nice.[/i][/color] Yes, he had to remember that Elara was nice. She was being nice. Nodding his head at those thoughts, he tried to smile to encourage her to do the same, but he was trying his best not to point out the notes of negativity on her face. “[color=a93226]Thank you for being kind,[/color]” He gave her a little more of a smile. The redheaded man found himself feeling guiltier and guiltier as he noticed how uncomfortable Elara was looking. She looked guilt-ridden herself. [color=a93226][i]Maybe you should stop talking…[/i][/color] Except he found it hard to not talk around Elara since he wanted to share thoughts and things with her. Usually, he was able to play cool around women and had done so for a long time in Aurelia. Going to bars and having fun. One-night stands. Not making an idiot of himself. Showing Flynn how to pick up girls and smooth-talk them. Those years and years of skills withered around Elara. It gave him the same feelings as when the tutors would punish him for speaking out of line, wrong, or using “peasant words” and so on. [i]I care very much about learning things about you.[/i] Those words sounded honest though he felt like they lingered with other emotions and a slight frown appeared on his lips before it quickly pursed into a thin and straight line. “[color=a93226]You…[/color]” His culture? What about it? The man couldn’t think of anything distinctive or great about it at the moment. “[color=a93226]You would probably learn about Aurelian culture better from the prince or the sun priestess… [i]or something…[/i][/color]” The man stated unconfidently. He didn’t believe that he was the best to talk about Aurelian culture, especially with how his father spoke about him. [i]I’ve expected so much from you, my first born son, and this is how you repay me? By wandering around with lesser individuals? Acting like they are more your family then I or your siblings?[/i] [i]Why can’t you be more like your siblings, they understand their places in society, and you clearly do not understand your place in all of Aurelia![/i] Staring at Elara when he thought about those statements and many more, he shook his head, since he did not believe one bit that he was good in that category. It was a constant disappointment that he didn’t fit into the societal-cultural lines of Aurelia. His father constantly reminded him of that. Looking back at the rocks to give himself a break from staring at Elara, he looked at the shore of the lake, and how the water greeted the rocks lovingly with little waves and movements. Hearing how she was not proficient in the arts, he nodded his head, and he decided to not bring up how he enjoyed painting. That wasn’t something that would pique her interest at all then. Walking over to the shore of the lake, he noticed a rock that he wanted, and it was more turquoise with darker green stripes and white dots. His body movement and the parting of his lips, it seemed like he was going to show her the rock, but he quickly shifted his body and put the rock in his pocket. Sunni chuckled a little and smiled when she clarified that she was talking about books. Was she making fun of him? Since he clarified way too much especially when he brought up painting? A charming smile that showed his pearly whites could be seen as he continued to walk a little bit and look at rocks. “[color=a93226]I’ve always enjoyed reading. It’s somewhat of a good way to escape from reality. I find myself reading scholarly books more than anything. I sometimes enjoy stories. Romance or adventure. Those are fun to read at times. Do you have any favorites?[/color]” He wondered as he stood up and looked at her. “[color=a93226]I’ve found that I do not have much free time since arriving at Dawnhaven, so I haven’t read that much,[/color]” Sunni confessed. There was so much work to be done that he found himself participating in manual labor more than anything. [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] [@Qia] Elara [/color]