[center][h1][u][color=BC3823]Evander[/color] [color=CC5500]Fino[/color] [color=d4af37]Synesti[/color][/u][/h1][/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/G7cNWYc][img]https://i.ibb.co/qBkVNqk/Hijinx-a-young-18-year-old-male-noble-ponytail-blonde-hair-blue-d099bb62-6c35-4df4-b6f8-8cba3d8ebba5.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h2]White Thresher[/h2][/center] [color=8D918D] Monsters and Legends. Who could tell which from which as the battle between a fleet of hardened men and women roared against the White Thresher? The tides, only to be cast by the gods, came hurling at the hull of the mighty Mkuki wa Zengali. Fashioned with wood and steel, protecting some of Zengali’s finest. Today, however, the finest would know fear. The beat of each wave synchronized with each beat of fear in their hearts. The certainty of surviving was lost on many. For the men and women on board, a collision with fate was all they could surmise—a fate known as the White Thresher. The monster attacked and the legends clapped back. All 48 cannons were prepared and firing. After their brush with death, the Mkuki wa Zengali took damage. Similarly, St. Elmo’s Fyre was knocked down, trying to get back up. Evander saw what could be a fortunate opportunity as he spotted the pirate Falzon in a vulnerable position. At the cost of furthering his mission with the Marquis, Evander took his shot. Falzon was nearly as necessary because of who he brushed shoulders with, an antagonist closer to Revidia’s chest—timing his exit as the White Thresher attacked. Evander teleported from the decks of the Mkuki wa Zengali and onto the decks of St. Elmo’s Fire. Evander immediately took in the damage caused by the White Thresher’s earlier attack. The once-swift and mighty ship was listing, foremast buckled, and the crew desperately trying to keep afloat. Amid the chaos rang an alarming voice. Xavier Falzon, without fault or fumble, directed his men with a mix of authority and desperation. “[color=FFFFFF]Falzon![/color]” Evander’s voice punched through the din, firm and commanding. Some sailors twisted their heads, eyes darting to their perceived invader. One called out - “[color=BC3823]Aye, a Revidian bilge rat![/color]” “[color=BC3823]Ain’t none of you welcome on this ship![/color]” Another shouted. Falzon turned, eyes narrowing on the Revidian noble as his men gathered the courage to jump Evander from all directions. Slightly confused, Falzon extended a hand to see why this Revidian was aboard their ship in the middle of a battle. “[color=CC5500]Stand down. Let’s give the rat a good paw checking before we bite.[/color]” The sailors huffed and puffed at the orders. Falzon approached the Revidian and turned to face his lads, “[color=CC5500]Well? We got a boat to keep from drinking the depths![/color]” The crew scattered after Falzon barked orders before focusing on Evander, “[color=CC5500]What ye be here for, kid? Your kind isn’t exactly known for charity.[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]I came to help.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Unless you came aboard to grab a bucket and toss what water we’re taking on, I suggest you leave wherever you came from before I let my men tear you apart for mucking our clean decks.[/color]” Evander held his ground. It appeared true: Falzon’s attitude had hardened against the Revidians. The evidence was in his lashing words without provocation. “[color=FFFFFF]Mucking up your clean decks? When did our coin become lesser than the paws who snatched them?[/color]” “[color=CC5500]What![/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]What swayed your eyes and temper from us, Revidian bilge rats?[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Don’t act a fool, you little princock! You slither beneath sheets to find gaping wounds to poison with your dirty ambitions.[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]What are you talking about?[/color]” “[color=CC5500]I know why you’re here. You won’t finish what he started.[/color]” Evander tilted his head in puzzlement, “[color=FFFFFF]I’m here because I met with Nerio Lucchese on Isla D’Amato. He told me about your shifts towards Amelea of Segona. Shifts that risk Revidian ships.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Amelea? That’s why you’re here?[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]Yes, why have you shifted to her and now seem to have a grudge with Revidians?[/color]” Falzon’s jaw tightened, “[color=CC5500]winds change.[/color]” He unsheathed his sword, taking a step closer to Evander. “[color=CC5500]And, when the tides turn, and gusts catch you by surprise, you ought to be ready to take the spokes by force.[/color]” Trying to read Falzon’s intentions, Evander slid one foot back. “[color=FFFFFF]Be careful, pirate. Hastening your turns and catching too much wind is a certain remedy for disaster.[/color]” Falzon took a second step closer. Evander warned him again, “[color=FFFFFF]Think not of you but your men![/color]” The captain scoffed, “[color=CC5500]That is all I do now. Name yourself so I may know who I will cut down![/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]Evander Fino Synesti, son of Duke Foscari, a family who’s traveled these seas longer than you and I.[/color]” Falzon’s hand came sundering down like lightning. Faced with the choice to stand his ground and trust that Falzon was bluffing or give way to the pirate, ending his story on St. Elmo’s Fire, Evander didn’t budge. The crack of the blade against wood as it snapped rope shot through Evander’s ear, a hairline away from his cheeks. Falzon’s bullish face and rank breath were striking Evander’s space. “[color=CC5500]The son of Duke? A Synesti, no less. Perhaps the fates rolled for our tails to meet, perhaps, not. I'd be a fool to cut down such a chance at a proper duel. Show me how nobility fights and I will show you why I do not follow.[/color]” The Djamantese stated as he turned to take three steps back before drawing another sword. “[color=CC5500]You want to know why I shifted? Perhaps I will share if your blade rubs it out of my throat. Perhaps I won’t.[/color]” Evander pleaded, “[color=FFFFFF]Don’t do this, Xavier. I came here on friendly terms.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Perhaps your master should’ve done the same![/color]” Falzon’s sword arced down from above. Evander quickly ripped the pirate’s wedged cutlass from the wood next to him using his magnetism. The two curved swords clashed, one in Falzon’s hand, the other by Evander’s magical touch. Any later, Evander would have given up his ghost. In this dance of fury, Evander flicked his wrist, manipulating the magnetic field around his cutlass to find zero gaps in Falzon’s defense. Instead, Falzon met steel with steel and, redirecting the weight of Evander’s cutlass, there was an opening to strike Evander down. As Falzon’s cutlass stabbed toward his target, the ship hit a wave that pushed Evander and Falzon off their footing. The pirate missed; Evander evaded. Evander saw this opportunity to spin the blade around and through the air. His cutlass hummed with energy, attempting to sever the link between Falzon’s hand and weapon. Yet, Falzon was like a black cat twirling to face Evander and redirect the blade again. Except this time, Falzon would cut and cast Evander’s blood across the deck. “[color=CC5500]Dear boy, you must see your mission is a failure; get off my ship or meet the locker.[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]It isn’t over yet, not until my blade rubs your truth out of your mouth.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Why are you so determined![/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]Because what comes next is more important than you and I.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Says you![/color]” Falzon spat. Then he charged. Evander played a smirk on his lips as he was about to reveal the dance of metal and magnetism. Recognizing his folly too late, Falzon witnessed Evander flick his wrist as before. Evander’s cutlass came bending back, aimed at Falzon’s exposed flank. A visceral slash caught flesh, painting blood and regret onto the St. Elmo Fyre’s planks. Falzon tripped over his feet but had not yet fallen, so he continued his charge. Evander sidestepped while revealing a dagger that superficially cut the pirate in passing. More of Falzon’s life force drained onto his ship. “[color=FFFFFF]Let’s stop this foolishness, or else you’ll be drowning in more than just water.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Finish this![/color]” Falzon, in desperation, took Evander off guard. Evander adjusted but took the last of Falzon’s might into the thigh. Evander staggered, feeling the sharp sting in his leg. “[color=FFFFFF]Let’s.[/color]” With a grimace, Evander tightened his grip on the dagger, eyes locked on Falzon’s desperate, bloodshot gaze. The tension hung thick in the air. In a fluid motion, Evander lunged forward, twisting his body to avoid another wild slash from the pirate. His shoulder bashed Falzon’s chest, sending the older man to the deck. Before Falzon gasped as his back smacked the wood under him, the air chucked from his lungs with Evander tight to his neck with the edge of his steel. The fire in Falzon’s eyes dimmed as he looked up in defeat, his strength spent, “[color=CC5500]collect your pay.[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]Why change course against Revidia?[/color]” Falzon's eyes darkened, "[color=CC5500]Prospero.[/color]" "[color=FFFFFF]What about him?[/color]" "[color=CC5500]Prospero ran a false flag to undermine the queen. Levidan's Brigade, my fleet, got caught in the crossfire.[/color]" Falzon's head slid to the side, "[color=CC5500]I lost my brother, Marju.[/color]" Taking a moment to collect himself, he raised to meet Evander's eyes, "[color=CC5500]Amelea offered me revenge against the Doge.[/color]" Evander released his blade’s edge and backed off Falzon. At that moment, the ship was silent. The crew was caught between the rules of a duel and nearly losing their captain. “[color=FFFFFF]So you seek to destroy Revidia for what Prospero has done to you and your crew?[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Yes.[/color]” Evander shook his head and slid his dagger back beneath his garments, “[color=FFFFFF]you know as well as I do that Prospero does not represent all Revidia.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Sure, yet Revidia follows him.[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]Revidia does not follow him. In time, Prospero will meet his fate. For it is what he’s sown, and all men hang by the threads they weave.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]So what? Who will avenge my people and have Prospero hang by his threads?[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]You.[/color]” “[color=CC5500]What?[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]Revenge, this is your demand, correct?[/color]” “[color=CC5500]Yes.[/color]” “[color=FFFFFF]I’ll help you by guaranteeing your freedom to operate, and if you get your chance, I won’t stop you.[/color]” Falzon studied him, “[color=CC5500]And those who executed the deed?[/color]” "[color=FFFFFF]That's a personal matter for you to handle,[/color]" Evander answered. "[color=FFFFFF]For now, what say you?[/color]" The pirate’s eyes flickered with determination. “[color=CC5500]What do you want in return?[/color]” "[color=FFFFFF]I want your pirates and Amelea.[/color]" Falzon's heart launched from his chest, "[color=CC5500]she's mine![/color]" Evander sensed a protective response to his comment, which his counterpart misunderstood. "[color=FFFFFF]I want to speak with her, Xavier, that’s all.[/color]" Falzon's eyes furrowed, and his facial expression tightened, “[color=CC5500]I’ll see what I can do.[/color]” As Evander and Falzon came to common ground, the monster roared as it took on a last strike from those who'd be called in stories from this day forward as the legends who slayed the White Thresher off the coast of Zengali. [/color]