As Fellwing closes her eyes, she is graced with a vision, similar to the ones the Darkness gave her... but also different, somehow. She can still see the forest around her... or rather feel it. The ground beneath her feet, the trees, the wind... she feels it so deeply that it creates a picture in her mind, like how a beast with sonar is able to 'see' through sound and vibrations. It's darker than the actual forest, but every object is outlined by a faint light, all of varying colors. She can even see herself as she feels her spirit starting to lift upwards over herself, her form highlighted by the faintest light of all. This is also how she is able to see the bright, glowing wires wrapped around her legs and wings, constricting her and becoming tighter with each step forward she attempts to take. It's only when she sees them on her that she notices that they are, in fact, [i]everywhere[/i]. All around her, wrapped around everything - the trees, the rocks, even molecules of dust in the air - and as she stares out in front of her, she notices they only get thicker and more tangled from this point forward, seeming to be originating from somewhere ahead. She realises, while she's still in this disembodied state, she can do one of two things: One, she can cuts the wires, releasing herself and anything else she wishes to. She could even clear a rough path ahead so she doesn't get further entangled, allowing her to move forwards... ... or, while still detached from the physical, she could follow the wires back to their original source, see if there's way to root them out at their core. [i](note: neither option requires an extra roll at this time)[/i] What will Fellwing do? [hr] Coryn looks blankly at Skobeloff as the trickster explains the situation to him, before turning his gaze back towards Lazward. After a pause, he just says, [color=FF7F7F]"Again?"[/color] [color=29465B]"[i]Yes[/i], Coryn, surprisingly the problem you haven't bothered to fix is [i]still[/i] a problem,"[/color] Lazward says, pausing in his attacks against the plant only to give his roommate a glare before returning to his attack. [color=29465B]"Because that's how it works: you ignore something, and it gets worse. That is simple cause and effect." [/color] [color=FF7F7F]"It's not a problem,"[/color] Coryn says, even as his many, many plants continued to exceed their growth and fill his half of the room. [color=29465B]"Uh huh. Sure,"[/color] was Lazward's only response as he continues to beat up the plants growing on his shelf. Frowning slightly, Coryn turns his attention back to Stargaze and Skobeloff. [color=FF7F7F]"Err, sorry about this," [/color]he says. [color=FF7F7F]"Is there something I can help you with or...?"[/color] [hr] [color=8D3A19]"Oh no, it's fine!"[/color] Rudrick says, the smile on his face not faltering even for a moment. He doesn't even seem that bothered that Shieldwing ran straight into him. [color=8D3A19]"If you have anything to ask me, go ahead, we can talk on the way to the mine. I don't believe there's anything too dangerous between here and there and I'd appreciate the company."[/color] He takes a step forward before motioning with one of his wings for Shieldwing to follow.