Fia sighed with relief when Serena agreed to let her help in stopping the bleeding on her leg. She lifted the partially wrapped gauze and placed her hand over the cut so she could truly focus on it and spoke a few simple words in Latin. An orange light came from her hand and seeped over Serena's leg wound, not causing any pain to the woman as it helped stop the bleeding and kickstart the healing process. Lifting her hand away she looked pleased with her handy work, "there, now you can wrap it to keep it clean and let it finish healing naturally. But it won't bleed anymore" she explained. Standing up she walked over to Drake, "she's alright now. I've stopped the bleeding and helped it to heal" she told him softly. Kay and Chas were both wondering the same thing. It was clear the kids must.know more than they were letting on but it was also clear they weren't telling them. "The fact that neither of them are telling us makes me think it must be something much bigger than they initially let on. Which quite frankly worries me" Kay replied. "I hate to agree but I do. Drake told me Fia was the instigator of this little time trip of theirs but he told me nothing else. Just that Fia barely told him anything and dragged him to this time to aid her. Which leaves me believing it's to do with you John or even more likely, and what my money is on: Kay. I mean, she's basically the last phoenix in existence which is clearly shaking things up in the down world" he said quietly so only Kay and John could hear.