[center][color=ED2939][h1]Shieldwing[/h1][/color][/center] [color=ED2939]"...Ah!"[/color] Shieldwing exclaimed, noticeably perking up at Rudrick's words, his half-turn stopping in its tracks. He turned back toward the larger dragon, tail wavering in the air behind him. [color=ED2939]"A-are you sure? W-well, hah, I-I suppose if that's an open invitation, I-I'll be happy to!"[/color] He smiled as he watched that wing motion for him and he was quick to fall into place beside him. But now that led Shieldwing to his next immediate dilemma. How was he supposed to bring this up, exactly...? Should he just, like...ask outright? No, no, wouldn't that just seem like it's coming out of nowhere? No, he's a Brynback! He's supposed to be good at leading conversations and negotiations and what-not, right? At least...he thought so. The many duties of Brynback leadership had always kind of overwhelmed him sometimes and made his head spin. But if he wasn't going to ask outright, how could he lead into it? Argh, where was he even supposed to start...? [color=ED2939]"U-um...w-well...heh...I-I was curious, um..."[/color] Sheildwing murmured rather nervously. Then, suddenly a thought struck his mind. Ah, that could work! [color=ED2939]"When we first got here, weren't you with some other drakes or something like that?"[/color] he asked. Now that he had a starting question in mind, his confident and formal demeanor was quickly restoring itself. [color=ED2939]"What were you doing with them? You know, before you saw us with Garrock?"[/color] His head craned upward a bit so that he could look directly up at Rudrick's face. He remembered some sudden conversational etiquette and wanted to make eye contact when conversing...though it was more than that. He was genuinely curious about this. Hopefully, it would lead right into the topic he wanted to [i]truly[/i] discuss....