[center] [h1][b] Saturday March 4th, 2094 Auckland, New Zealand [/b] [/h1] [/center] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Interview Wrap Up - Alexander Knight[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [b][color=ec008c]Aurora: "Apologies, Alexander. Whilst you can't divulge changes, how would your approach impart on the team?"[/color][/b] Alexander had already turned his attention to finishing up any last minute details, having some dinner, and getting horizontal till morning. He was surprised when he heard Aurora asking him to stop behind him with one final question. He sighed as he tried very hard to not growl in response. His patience was almost at an end. He was out of practice dealing with the media. Maybe he could talk Leopold into understanding that he should provide the media LIMITED ACCESS to his grumpy crew chief. He wouldn’t hold his breath though. By her very questions he could tell Leopold and the marketing team were pumping the fact that he was a pilot from the beginning of antigravity racing to build the hype for the season. He dropped his head in resignation and turned back around. He didn’t bother to hide the exhaustion on his face as he gave her a genuine wry smile before he replied. [color=00aeef]“Well Aurora I hope my changes will impart a winning season but only time will tell. If you are wanting to know what changes I will be making for the team or what I plan to focus on, I honestly don’t know yet. We will all find out together how successful I am. Now if you don’t mind I have a few last minute things to see too.”[/color] He gave her a quick nod of his head before he left with a determined stride. He was not stopping for anything else. Behind him Alexander heard her reply. [b][color=ec008c]"We will be watching keenly, and I am sure we'll be excited to see an ex-driver in the paddock as a specialist at a big team. Thank you for your time. We will see you later!"[/color][/b] He snorted in amusement as he stepped through the door. He hoped he didn’t grow to despise her by the end of the season. Overly perky people annoyed him because they always seemed like they were hiding their true intentions. They just didn’t feel authentic. He knew he was biased due to previous experiences. Now on to his next challenge of the day. [hr] [center][h1][b]Prior to the Pre-Race Party [u]Post Qualification[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Alexander was in his hotel room eating some surprisingly good room service. He was reviewing important notifications sent over to him by the team. He was sorting it into categories of need to deal with immediately, tomorrow, next week, next month, or never. The number of requests for interviews were staggering. It was not even feasible for him to carve out enough time to do a quarter of them. He punted those to the marketing team and told them to set up a press conference at team headquarters for the week following the race. He would make it a team affair and share the spotlight. That should appease the sharks and chum the waters at the same time. He closed the laptop and finished his dinner and was sipping on the last of his beer. He thought about the notification for the Pre-Race Party. He shook his head worried about that. He would try to get them to do the next one before qualifiers. He was not happy about his pilots being up late and partying the night before a big race. He wanted them well rested and focused. He also understood that this is how the game was played. The racing team had to have fans who brought in sponsors who paid for everything. To get the fans and sponsors they had to be in the media. He didn’t mind his drivers going to a party but the timing of this party almost felt like sabotage. Granted some of the pilots were so augmented they probably had blood filtering systems and could drink all the alcohol they wanted and not be impaired. He knew their drivers didn’t have those kinds of augmentations. He also put some thought into how this party could affect his rookie. As a young man starting his pro-rookie season, Paul had to be excited to be in the big leagues and doing what he loves. Paul had to be nervous as well. He knew that Paul was feeling the pressure of the technical default that led to his failed qualifying round. His ship had a minor malfunction and failed to fire at the starting gate. Alexander had been furious and tore into the engineering and mechanical team. It had turned out to be a loose wire on the starting mechanism. Knight could see that it had rocked Paul’s confidence. It was not Paul’s fault but he understood that Paul felt that way because it was his butt in the seat. He didn’t want Paul to drive poorly tomorrow because he was hungover. Paul deserved his moment in the limelight and the perks that came with being a racer. He didn’t want to take this moment away from him. He knew Dorian would know his limits and had the experience to decide what was appropriate for himself. He wasn’t as concerned about the veteran racer. Alexander was staying in the same hotel as the drivers. He asked them to come to his room for a meeting. He had a small suite with a separate bedroom and a small living room area with a desk and a small dining table. It was not overly pretentious and met his needs. He snorted as he knew some teams would pick a penthouse. He thought that was ridiculous unless he was sharing that space with other members of the team. He had no interest in knowing what his drivers were up to or what kind of company they might have. He preferred his own space. Alexander heard a knock on the door and got up to let the two men in. He turned and indicated the couch. [color=00aeef]“Have a seat gentlemen.”[/color] He closed the door and followed them. He took the chair across from the couch where Dorian and Paul had settled. He smiled at them both before starting the conversation. Alexander wasted no time as his arms settled on the arms of the plush chair he was sitting in. [color=00aeef]“Thank you for coming. I wanted to check in and see how you were both doing. Dorian, let's start with you. How do you feel your qualifying round went?” [/color] Dorian had settled onto the couch and had one leg propped up on the knee of the other. He relaxed back into the plush sofa. He can’t say he was surprised by Knight’s last minute request for a meeting. He had been getting ready for the Pre-Race Party and was already dressed in a custom tailored suit and tie with soft Italian leather shoes. His hair was styled and had enough product in it to keep it looking that way. He had on a nice cologne which was always a hit with the ladies. He looked like a million bucks and he knew it. Dorian exuded confidence as he regarded Knight. He had been shocked to hear about the crew chief change. He was not surprised that Valkyrie had decided to fire Dominic so much as the timing and who they had chosen to replace him. He respected Knight but he had no clue what he thought he could learn from someone who had been out of the game for so long. [color=00a651]“I did well in qualifying. I placed a respectable seventh place. The ship’s actuators for turns were a little sluggish which caused some shimmying and vibrations. I already let the engineering team know.”[/color] Dorian shrugged like it was an expected result. He was satisfied with his performance. Alexander nodded as he spoke. [color=00aeef]“I agree with you Dorian. You did well. Thank you for letting me know about the issues you had. I will double check that the engineers have that problem fixed before tomorrow's race.”[/color] Alexander turned his attention to Paul and smiled at the rookie driver. [color=00aeef]“How about you Paul? How are you feeling after qualifiers?” [/color] Paul had sat quietly after greeting each man with a flick of his head. He had been surprised to get a request from Knight to speak to them before they left for the Pre-Race Party. Paul was dressed in stylish but comfortable dark jeans, a nice blue button up shirt that was tucked in, a black leather belt, and butter soft dress black leather shoes. The blue shirt made his blue eyes stand out even more and look more vibrant. His blonde hair was styled in artful waves. He had a gold Rolex on his right wrist. It had been a gift from his mother. She had given it to him when he had left for New Zealand. He had been shocked that her attitude about him racing had changed. She was still afraid for him but she was supporting his dream. The watch she had given him belonged to his father. It had been a present from her for one of their anniversaries. He nodded as he listened to Dorian’s response. He agreed that his teammate had done very well in the qualifying round. Paul couldn’t hide his nerves and discomfort about talking about what had happened during his qualifying round. [color=fff200]“I didn’t get the chance to run the qualifying round. The damn ship wouldn’t start.”[/color] Paul's voice was full of all the frustration, anger, and resentment he was feeling about that. Alexander met Paul’s eyes with a serious no nonsense look as he spoke. [color=00aeef]“Paul, in case you didn’t hear from the team, it was not your fault. The engineering team reported back to me that they found a loose wire on the starter assembly. It had been jarred loose during shipping somehow. I have already promised them they could expect my size tens to meet their asses if your ship is not perfect by race time tomorrow. It will be dealt with.”[/color] He watched to see how his words landed on the young man. Paul met Alexander’s eyes unsure how to feel about this man. He could see from the dark circles under his eyes that the man was tired. He could almost sense the frustration on his behalf in his voice. He blinked a little as he was a little surprised at the crudeness of his remark. No one had yet thought to tell Paul what the issue had been with his ship. He couldn’t help the relief he felt that it was not his fault. It was nothing he did. He couldn’t think of how to respond and simply nodded. Alexander was glad he had asked to speak with Paul. It was clear to him that no one had told him what had happened. He had seen the instant relief and tension leave his shoulders. He gave Paul a tired smile. [color=00aeef]“I have faith you will redeem yourself tomorrow. You know something similar once happened to your father. He went on to take third in that race.” [/color] He winked at Paul. It made him happy to share memories of the man who had once been his best friend. It also made him a little sad. He missed Audrick. When he died, there was a huge hole left in his life that no one else had ever filled. He turned his attention to the reason he had asked them to meet him. [color=00aeef]“Gentlemen, I wanted to talk to you about the Pre-Race Party. When I was racing these things didn’t occur the night before a major race.”[/color] He turned to Dorian and addressed him first. [color=00aeef]“Dorian I know you have the experience to handle yourself and you know what to expect. Please keep an eye on Paul and answer his questions. Please remember you are racing tomorrow. I would like you to watch your alcohol intake and be back in time to get plenty of rest before the race.” [/color] Dorian snorted with laughter at Knight’s admission. He smiled at him a respectful nod before giving him a resentful look. [color=00a651]“I know how to take care of my teammate Alexander. I already had his back in the interview room.”[/color] Dorian rolled his eyes in annoyance at him for presuming to tell him what he needed to do. Alexander had caught Dorian’s tone and raised an eyebrow wondering if he was going to have issues with the man. He let it go for now. As the crew chief he couldn’t presume that Dorian would do what was right. Competition between team driver’s happened all the time. It was his job as crew chief to make sure the whole team was looked after. If he needed Dorian to mentor the new pilot, then Dorian needed to step up and help mentor the rookie. Alexander turned to Paul and met his eyes once more. [color=00aeef]“Paul, I want you to enjoy this experience but be responsible. Don’t accept any recreational substances other than alcohol and try to watch how much you drink. Don’t forget to drink a glass of water before bed as well. There will be a mix of fans, other drivers, and media there.”[/color] He then flicked his eyes over both men. [color=00aeef] “Have fun but remember there are eyes everywhere. Watch out for each other.” [/color] Alexander smiled at them both and flicked a hand towards the door. [color=00aeef]“Get out of here and go have some fun.”[/color] He watched them leave before retiring to his bed and was soon asleep. [hr] [color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Pre-Race Party[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Paul had resented Alexander's words a little. He felt like he was a child being managed with kid gloves. He was not a child who needed to be coddled. He resented Dorian being tasked as his babysitter. Paul had no clue how Dorian was feeling about it. Dorian had been quiet and had a slightly annoyed air since they had left Alexander’s suite. Dorian turned to Paul in the limo after putting up the privacy barrier between them and the driver. His accent had a hard edge to it as he spoke. [color=00a651]“Look Paul, I am not your father or your keeper. I am your teammate and I will help you out. Please just relax and enjoy yourself. Alexander means well and his advice is solid. I know you have been in the junior circuit and know how to handle yourself with the media. You wouldn’t be here if Valkyrie had any concerns, okay?”[/color] Dorian waited for Paul’s nod, his face looking somewhat mutinous and angry. Dorian gave Paul a smile. [color=00a651]“This party will be… how do the American’s say… lit!”[/color] Paul looked at Dorian and met his eyes. His resentment faded with Dorian’s words. He nodded and gave him a smile. It was funny to hear American slang from Dorian. It was clear from his delivery that it was not something he used often. Dorian could be very dry and formal when he spoke. He gave into it and just laughed. His good humor was restored. He chuckled before asking Dorian. [color=fff200]“Do you have any advice you want to share?”[/color] Dorian patted Paul on the shoulder. [color=00a651]“No, I think you know what you need to do. Have fun. If you need me, have one of your security shadows fetch me or send a message to one of mine.”[/color] Dorian winked at Paul as the limo slowed to a stop. [color=00a651]“It’s showtime.”[/color] The limo door opened and they stepped out onto a red carpet to a sea of flashbulbs. There was the typical sea of media at the entrance to the track. They made their way into the Valkyrie AGR fan zone that was part of their paddock at the track. There was a great DJ and music was being pumped throughout the track. Valkyrie’s marketing team had set up lighting to turn the fan zone into a dance club. Colorful lights cut through the space and lit up a packed dance floor. There was a bar area serving alcohol in collectible mugs and cups. There were servers walking around with trays of appetizers, and bottled waters. There were of course merchandise tables where pre-autographed merch was sold and along with merch for sale to get signed. Dorian and Paul each had their own signing station area where they could meet and talk to their fans. There was a step and repeat backdrop set up for pictures with the Valkyrie AGR logo and their sponsors logos. Some of their sponsors had their own booths catering to the fans. One of Valkyrie’s sponsors was a sports drink manufacturer that was giving out bottles to the crowd and branded merchandise. There was a food truck parked on the track side where a meat substitute sponsor was serving bratwurst sandwiches made from their product to the crowd. Dorian smiled and waved to the crowd as he made his way to his station. He had learned long ago it was easier for him to be stationary. Others could come to him. It was easier for his security to manage the crowd that way. He easily chatted with fans and signed autographs while answering questions to the media. Paul followed Dorian’s example and made his way to his signing station. He wanted to be sure he didn’t disappoint his fans. The Pre-Race Party was a fan exclusive event that they paid good money to attend. He wanted them to feel they he was an accessible driver and approachable. Paul quickly relaxed and was having a great time. Laughter flowed around him and there were smiles and laughter coming from those surrounding him. So far the media had been respectful and had not asked too many prying questions. Many of them asked what had happened at the qualifiers and he joked about it. [color=fff200]“Well these things happen.”[/color] He had winked at the press who were hanging on his every word hoping for a byline. [color=fff200]“I feel it gives me an advantage. My competition hasn’t seen my set up or my abilities for this race. I am the dark horse underdog for this race.”[/color] Paul oozed charm and confidence as he said it. He brushed it off as just something that happened with the sport which was true. Mechanical issues happened. He would not let them see that he had been rattled earlier. The topics soon turned to other things and he chatted with his fans hoping to steal their hearts.