Zavakri stops to read the sign. "Oh, can't go wrong with a good thimble. I'm not quite sure a beer is meant to sting, but perhaps be sting[i]ing[/i]? Duskmallow pie..." She taps her chin. Tilts her head. "Cor, no blimey idea on that one." She squints. "...Well, you know where you stand when you've got a bundle of [i]dry[/i] wood. Can't go wrong with dry wood. Never know when you're going to wish you had dry wood. Oh, that's just darling, they do portraiture. I'm...Incomprehensibly broke by Baldur's Gate standards at the moment, but that'd be so adorable." She finally begins entering the shop after Aurora, chuckling to herself as she continues. "I can think of a few things that are worth fumbling in the dark for, eh Ror-" She stops. Blinks. Looks from Aurora to Charm. She puffs her cheeks out and blows a stray hair from her face. She busies her hands at her waist, smoothing out her tunic before propping her hands up on her hips. Something about Charm bothered her all together. She failed to bury the emotion. "Mistress Charm, was it? Has anyone ever told you that your features fit entirely within the golden ratio? I'm quite jealous, honest; If I trimmed my bangs I'd have quite the large forehead, and I've always been a little conscious that my chin is somewhat small. You, though? Positively [i]proportional[/i]. And your skin tone-- positively regal, in... er... a manner of speaking." She clears her throat, blushing somewhat. "How much for the moonlight monocle and a bundle of dry wood?"