[@PKMNB0Y] [@Izurich] [@Drifting Pollen] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Fran[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Nieve — Castle Plaza[/h3][/center] Soon enough, the trio would arrive at the front gates of the castle, their way currently barred by the presence of guards. [color=8dc73f]"Hmmm."[/color], mumbled Fran with a tilt of her head. Alas, it made sense. Any self-respecting monarch, in any shape or form, wouldn't just have their doors open for anybody, let alone three strangers who were [i]literally[/i] not from around here... [quote]"W-w-w-wha-... what is this insolence?! Don't you simpletons know who I am?! I'm Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, you unwashed peas-!!"[/quote] ...Which Remilia didn't seem to understand, now throwing a fit and causing a scene. Unseen due to her bangs, Fran turned to the outraged vampire, perplexed eyebrow raised. What exactly was she expecting? The berserker was willing to bet her war mace that there was no one in [i]this[/i] world that knew of Remilia or her House, so why would they care? Sighing, Fran stepped forward, reached out to brag Remilia by the scruff of her dress before lifting the little vampire with ease. [color=8dc73f]"Ah."[/color], Fran said to Anne as stepped back from the guards, small aristocrat in tow, in a tone that said, "Please handle this before this brat embarrasses us further." Though she couldn't explain it, Anne felt like she should definitely be the one to talk to the guards. She had a gut feeling that, if this was up to Fran, they could easily gain entry.....but that would cause problems... [b]A lot[/b] of problems.