The moment Drake said about talking to Bane alone, Fia realised she never factored that option in until now. Of course! If anyone of this group would be able to help them with information and not put things in utter chaos as a repercussion, it would be Bane. "Okay, we'll talk with him in private somehow, got any bright ideas on how?" She asked him. With John disagreeing with Chas' theory, it gave both him and Kay some sort of relief that he could be wrong. Neither wanted whatever was to happen, to actually happen no matter what. Especially Kay. "Well that's a small relief" Kay said. "I still don't like this feeling of being in the dark about why they came back here though. I dislike the very idea that something will happen to me even more so" she then added quietly. Truth was, she was, deep down absolutely terrified that whatever demons have been stalking her for these years would actually get her and break her to their will. She also hated the fact something happens so bad that it means a future kid of hers feels it's imperative to time travel to fix it. No teenager should be having that kind of weight of responsibility on their shoulders.