[color=fff200][b][h2][CENTER]Akira Yuzuki[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] Akira could only do nothing but stare as Mei suddenly acts like his little sister. She was always serious and to the point during their meetings and the rare times the two of them talk. He felt that he was out of depth, like he was threading unexplored waters. It was very confusing and a bit, he cannot really find the words that will encapsulate what he means. For now he would resort to relief, nobody died and time is what’s needed to resolve this ailment. [color=yellow][b]“Let’s get that arm treated.”[/b][/color] he announced as he opened the med kit. [quote] Before any tender moment could be felt, Mei was frozen solid and so was everyone else except for Amaya. The way they're frozen is only 90% of their bodies excluding their heads, except for Mei, who was literally frozen solid. A bespectacled white-haired lady in a killer black business attire stood above them, she's majestically floating stop her ice platform. [color=royalblue]"Akira? You must be Noboru's...[/color] [/quote] Before he could even take a step, he found his body and medkit trapped in a shell of ice. He quickly looked around to see everyone except Amaya trapped. While Mei, suffice to say that the indescribable feeling suddenly turned into panic. He turned his head to the woman responsible for this incident. She was looking at him, specifically him not Amaya who has a similar quirk and currently unfrozen. Noburu, why does that name sound familiar? Like he heard that name before. [hider= A forgotten conversation] A repressed memory of a home without a light flashes his mind, only two souls stay awake between those wretched walls. Souls still clinging to hope despite their cage blocking all light. [color=yellow][b]“You know I want to become a hero.”[/b][/color] one of the souls spoke as it looked down on his bunkmate, its voice felt like sunshine. The other soul stayed silent, what’s the use of dreams if there is no way to escape. What’s the use of defiance if failure means a dark unknown and clearly cruel fate. [color=yellow][b]“Do you think it’s stupid.”[/b][/color] the shining soul asked the other, silence was shared before the dim soul spoke. [color=silver][b]“I don’t think it is.”[/b][/color] it lied, if only so that its companion could sleep more at night. [/hider] [quote] Icyhot waltz into where Amaya, Yui, Mei and Akira were, using the Heavenly Piercing Ice Wall, freezing the entire area. [color=slateblue]"Jun, Chinmoku. Do you think you two can defeat Nemesis? I have to go where Matsuru and the rest are."[/color] [/quote] Akira snapped back to reality as he watched a pillar of ice approach him and feel the temperature of the place suddenly drop. Taking advantage of Icyhot’s entrance distracting the mysterious woman, he summoned his armor in his full form, easily breaking the scarlet ice and replacing it with crimson light. It was not from his quirk, the color came from a reopened wound. [color=yellow][b]“Ready to help sir, just give me the orders.”[/b][/color]