[i][color=ed1c24][b][h2][CENTER]Kaiga Asagumo[/CENTER][/h2][/b][/color] [hr] [sub][color=00aeef]Location[/color]: Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture [/sub][/i] The fight...was over Kaiga knew he was strong and that fire was the weakness of Nomu's but he didn't expect it to end this fast, oh well that didn't quite matter did it the fight was "[color=ed1c24][b]Guess I was just overreacting.[/b][/color]" Kaiga said walking over to Ria before he felt it...absolute terror from [i]something[/i] no [i]someone[/i] Kaiga quickly jumped over to Ria and stared at the man. A business suit? He had seen weirder costumes, especially from that stupid Spiderman hero. Kaiga could tell he was the [i]bad guy[/i] from a single glance he gave off the aura of evil, but he doubted he could beat him by himself looking over at Ria to make a plan to run before he noticed she was barely standing, yeah this guy...was bad news. Kaiga put his hand around Ria's shoulder to help her stand she wouldn't be able to fight like this he himself was feeling the overwhelming terror of the man's aura but...he couldn't give up. Endeavor had inspired him to continue standing after all. Gently placing Ria down while ignoring whatever the guy was saying (probably basic villain spill) Kaiga prepared to fight, he opened up with a fire arrow before rushing the guy with a blast of steam, but by the time he was charging he was already falling to the floor to fast... He couldn't comprehend what had just happened that man had just blitzed him the fight was over before it began the man had turned his back on him and he couldn't blame him he was weak...but he couldn't just give up he could get one attack out before passing out one chance to at least do some type of damage. Forcing fire into his palms he started shaping it before. "[color=ed1c24][b]FIRE ARROW[/b][/color]" Kaiga screamed out throwing the arrow with all his might before he passed out...