[color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color][color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Episode One: Finding their Feet[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color][center][h2]Saturday March 4th, 2094, before qualifying[/h2][/center] [hr] [quote]"We'll have to see what comes up later today! What do you think of Ava Villarosa, your team-mate? You say you want to be comparable- what do you think splits the two of you?"[/quote] [color=lime]”We’ve done a lot of sim training together in the off season and I think we complete each others’ skillsets well. Ava is a very smart pilot, good with all the energy stuff. I’ve got more of the raw driving skill. It’s a mixed track this week so between me and Ava it comes down to who can make up more time in the sections they’re good at to cover the deficit on the other half of the lap. For the race, if we’re competing, it’ll be down to consistency. She’s got me beat there, I’ve been known to pull some boneheaded manoeuvres in the past. But if we play our cards right and play the team game, we can make up for each others’ shortcomings on a track like here, Spa or Rift Valley.”[/color] Bea explained. [color=lime]”Racers who came up through Rallying like Ulrich and I also have this thing, I like to say that we’re ‘Rally Brave’ because we’re fine doing up to 180 kph through a forest down a narrow gravel road so up to 600 kph on a wide, purpose-built track with runoffs, soft barriers and forcefields is almost like a grocery run to us, but the reality of the situation is that we’re plain mad with no self-preservation instinct.”[/color] She added semi-seriously. That could be both an asset and a drawback, being both the core of her racing style and th reason behind those early boneheaded maneuvers. [color=lime]”Off the track, I think we’ll work great. Every comedy act needs a straight man to the weird one and Ava is perfect for that. Besides, I’m already used to having a responsible older sister trying to keep me- Well… Not ‘grounded,’ that would be pushing it, ‘within sight of the ground,’ that we can talk about, so now I basically have two. Let’s see if they can manage.”[/color] She ended with a cheeky grin. [color=lime]”Has she smiled in your interview at all?”[/color] Bea asked, laughing when Aurora’ hologram answered, [color=lime]”Just once? We’re working on it. Results by the Lunar AGP, I promise!”[/color] She said with her right hand raised in a pledge. [hr][h2]Saturday March 4th, 2094, 20:05[/h2]The video was shot on her phone as Bea ducked and weaved through the crowds, the format indicating a short, spontaneous video rather than something planned. If she was normally excitable, she was practically bouncing off the walls. [color=lime]”Oh my God, I just learned that Keira Weaver is in the Southern Cross VIP zone! Hang on, I gotta go through the restricted areas, I feel bad rushing past the fans trying to flag me down.”[/color] She went through a door and continued down a sterile white corridor, a completely different world to the vibrant fete outside. [color=lime]”Okay, for those who don’t know, not only is ‘Raven Squad’ both my favourite action movie and my favourite comedy of all time, Sam Dalton also happens to be my favourite character in that movie, so she’s not leaving the paddock until I get my hat signed. I don’t care what it takes, I will eat the false imprisonment charge if I have to.”[/color] She laughed before the video ended. [h2]Saturday March 4th, 2094, LA:TE[/h2]Bea wasn’t a racer who came up from the grassroots nor did she try to cultivate the image of one, she came from two generations of money and everybody knew it, but she understood the power of the common folk. Yes, those who could afford VIP passes paid a lot, but those who couldn’t were a lot more numerous. A lot of the time, they were also more pleasant. Not always - and even among the regular people there were those who felt like the world spun around them - but the money crowd tended to bring entitlement along in greater numbers, or more likely greater concentration. As always, a loud minority souring the reputation of the greater whole. So she always made sure to slip out of the VIP zone at somewhat regular intervals to get amongst the actual pillars of the sport. Security wasn’t happy about that, but they agreed to a compromise that she’d stay near the entrance of the VIP zone where those stationed at the door could keep an eye out on her without leaving their posts. That’s how a video of Bea singing ‘The Wild Rover’ with a trio of drunken Irish fans before excusing herself with an apology and a maybe-true-maybe-false line about sponsor commitments when they suggested ‘Come Out Ye Black and Tans’ next, recorded by someone in the crowd, made it online before midnight. That wasn’t a topic she wanted to risk. She’s had enough of dancing on a similar edge for three years in Rally, with a co-driver from Inverness bringing in fans from all over Scotland. [hr][h2]Sunday March 5th, 2094, 13:00[/h2]She felt a little out of place in her racing suit, the segmented hard polymer plates covering as much of its surface as possible making it look like she could shrug off a sledgehammer to the chest, her helmet - similar in construction to the one worn by SR-71 crews a century go and adorned with a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9f/e9/79/9fe9793d6e1490cb4012c7c01b459063.jpg]sharkmouth[/url]-style design of her own making depicting a Siberian Husky, each eye pointing in a different direction and the tongue comically hanging out down the left side of the helmet - held underarm. The suit bore the team’s black and white colors with lime green accents, though if it were painted battleship gray with white numbers, fake rivets and a balkenkreuz it would’ve felt right at home on ‘The Panzer’. The team took full advantage of the mostly flat plates, the chestplate proudly flying the vine-wrapped Anglo-Saxon shield of Pridwen Solutions - ‘Planting dreams, harvesting future’ - among the usual smattering of other sponsor logos all over, the team’s own looming large over her back positioned in such a way that when she moved her arms, the motion of the small, overlapping shoulder plates made it look like the stylized Condor was moving its wings. The girl in charge of placing the logos was pretty talented, and Bea had spent several hours nerding out about graphical design with her when the suit’s appearance was being finalized. [color=lime]”Big step up from my school in the dress code department. Especially the Falcons, who did your suits and do they take orders?”[/color] Bea noted following Henry’s comment, trying to paint over Cassie’s words. [color=lime]”And hold off on the fighting, the network doesn’t have rights for UFC. If one must get slapped around, might as well get royalties from it.”[/color] She took the first bit of time when they were not being corralled to marks taped to the ground by the director to make rounds around the rookies, specifically those she knew from her two years in Junior Formula AG to shake their hands and wish them good luck, starting with Mulder to tease him about his mechanical failure a bit. [color=lime]”Your ship was looking nimble in the street section. Well, maybe not yours.”[/color] Bea grinned. [color=#fff200]“I wanted to give you guys a chance.”[/color] He mirrored her expression and tone. [color=lime]”That’s the spirit. But they know what died, right, or is it [i]dead[/i] dead?”[/color] She mimed slitting her throat with a thumb for emphasis. [color=#fff200]“We’re racing today.”[/color] [color=lime]”There you go, looking forward to it. And fans love it when their driver fights through the field.”[/color] [color=#fff200]“That they do. I’ll give you a wave when I pass you tomorrow, for your fans.”[/color] [color=lime]”Cheeky bugger.”[/color] Bea laughed, [color=lime]”Good luck, mate.”[/color] She moved on after a handshake.