[center][h3]Nieve — Castle Plaza[/h3][/center] The guards did little more than glance awkwardly between one another and the lilac-haired girl as the latter threw a fit in front of them, neither sure about how to react to her in the first place. They could tell at a glance that the girl was of... Better off than most of the city's residents, if only thanks to her clothes, but going so far as to throw a tantrum to try and get past them was a bit much. Thankfully, two women who seemed to be the apparent child's caretakers appeared and saved them from the awkward responsibility of having to placate a child. The first one, at least, seemed to be open to words—though their station allowed them little leeway for small talk. "Diplomatic missions would usually be received at the embassy, regardless of their purpose," one remarked in kind, with a face indicating that they were more willing to speak with an adult than with a petulant child. With his voice tinged, with a bit of pity for the apparent servants having to deal with their master's whims, he added, "It's the building over there—the building with the two silver spires sticking out from it in the distance." That was the best information they could afford to give, at least. Hopefully, the child among them wouldn't continue causing a scene at the gates in the interim. [@Izurich][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92]