[right][b]The Apartment of Barry Allen // Central City[/b] [sup]Issue #1: Check out these new threads.[/sup][/right] Iris grunted slightly as she shimmied her waist into the tight cotton-leather hybrid fabric that made the costume. Barry explained that it was a hybrid of the same synthetic fabrics that made up Olympic runner costumes, which had some form of kevlar infusion. It was science beyond her understanding, all she knew is it was going to be better than running around in her normal clothes. [color=red]"How's it coming in there-"[/color] She had known Barry was elsewhere in the makeshift lab he called his home, yet he had been quiet for so long she had honestly forgotten he was there. [color=red]"I'm no tailor, but I went with the measurements you gave me..."[/color] She managed to coax the fabric past her waste, now pulling it over her torso. [color=yellow]"So you're saying if it doesn't fit, it's [I]my[/i] fault?"[/color] Iris could practically hear the gears in Barrys brain grinding and churning as he struggled to think of a response. [color=red]"N...No? Anyway, I've been running tests and I think you-"[/color] He was cut off as Iris pulled back the privacy curtain, having finally finished struggling with the costume. Cowl down, her hair spread over her shoulders contrasting with the yellow. She had to give it to Barry, the suit was surprisingly comfortable. [color=yellow]"Barry?"[/color] [color=red]"Hm?"[/color] [color=yellow]"You think I'm-"[/color] The colour drained from his face. [color=red]"Pretty-"[/color] As the last syllable slipped out of his lips his brain caught up with his mouth and the colour drained from his face before it was replaced with a scarlet that was far brighter than that in her suit. [color=red]"I mean I'm pretty sure, that I think-"[/color] He tugged at his collar and Iris had to suppress a laugh as he coughed. [color=red]"I'm pretty sure that you're not a mutant."[/color] He turned around and walked towards his computer, turning the screen around to face her. On the screen was, what she was told, a blood scan. [color=yellow]"Journalism major, break it down for me Bar."[/color] Barry sighed as he clicked a couple of keys, highlighting several elements. [color=red]"You're missing the X-Gene. It's the gene that all mutants have-"[/color] He slapped a couple of more keys and half the screen was taking up of an old picture of a 'Charles Xavier'. [color=red]"-Professor Charles Xavier, who has basically cornered the research on mutants since the discovery of the gene, theorises that all mutants carry the gene. Some are activated at birth, some through puberty and some through moments of extreme stress-"[/color] [color=yellow]"Such as being hit by a bolt of lightning-"[/color] Iris interjected, Barry nodded. [color=red]"I agree with you, all the circumstantial evidence points to you being a mutant and yet-"[/color] He pointed back at the screen. [color=red]"We can't argue with the facts."[/color] [color=yellow]"So, back to square one then."[/color] Barry nodded. [color=red]"The scary square."[/color] Iris couldn't help but smirk slightly at his dumb joke. [color=yellow]"Soooo...?"[/color] [color=red]"So you leave it with me. I've anonymously contacted someone at STAR labs to see if they can help."[/color] They both turned to the window as there was a loud explosion, which was followed by a shockwave that rattled the windows. Smoke could be seen in the distance. [color=red]"Well at least you're already dressed for the job, there's an earpiece embedded in the cowl. I'll find out what you can."[/color] Iris smiled as she pulled the cowl up, goggles going over her eyes. She stretched up and planted a kiss on Barrys cheek. [color=yellow]"Thanks, you're the best."[/color] She walked towards the door, turning before she left. [color=yellow]"It's a shame you're not a better wingman, only thing you can't do is find me a boyfriend-"[/color] She had barely finished the thought before she had disappeared in a flash of light.