[quote=@AndyC] So, y'know how I said I wasn't going to post a second character application until inspiration struck me? Well.... [hider=Inspiration struck me...] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a7VEFsIMSM]But first, a little mood music.....[/url] [hider=Now let's ride] [CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=Orange][b]G H O S T R I D E R[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zmWnaHr.jpeg[/img][CENTER][sup][color=Orange]"Time fer you to bite the ground."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][h3][sup][sub][color=Orange]Jonah Hex [color=Red]♦[/color] Bounty Hunter from Hell [color=Red]♦[/color] Chihuahuan Desert, USA / Mexico [/color][/sub][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER][COLOR=Orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3] O R I G I N S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT] There's a popular ghost story that makes the rounds in the stretches of desert between Fort Worth and Phoenix, as far north as Santa Fe and as far south as Durango. The story's about an old gunfighter by the name of Jonah, a man so ugly that the half of his face that was burned off by the Apaches was considered his 'pretty' side. A man so ornery that even cultists and child-killers called him a monster. A man that some folks say sold his soul to the Devil himself so his guns would never miss. The truth is, Jonah Hex's soul belonged to the Devil from the day he came into this world. Born to a mother who died giving birth, raised by a drunken bastard with a black heart, sold to the Apaches for whiskey and used as a slave, then riding as a butchering marauder for the Confederates, Jonah's life was one that only knew suffering and sin, taking his share of hurt and learning how to deal some in return. It wasn't until his officers ordered him to burn a church filled with unarmed townsfolk that he'd felt any kind of shame or remorse for what he'd done, and Hex deserted in the wake of the massacre. He prayed for any kind of redemption, anything to clean the stains from his soul, and while Jonah never got his answer from on high, he got one from down below.... The stories say Jonah Hex made a deal with the Devil (or someone on the Devil's dime), to find souls in the world more wretched than his own and drag them down to Hell in order to pay off his debts and earn his salvation. They say he became the Ghost Rider, a spirit of vengeance, a bounty hunter of the damned, doomed forever to ride the length and breadth of the desert to burn away the wicked. And some folks say that for near on 160 years, a string of killings along the Rio Grande have all had a few interesting features in common: a smell of sulfur in the air, bullet holes without bullets, and tracks that look like horseshoes burned into the ground. Some say the wayward soul of Jonah Hex still rides across the West, carrying out his fool's errand, trying to kill his way to Heaven.... [/indent][/indent] [COLOR=Orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [b][i]Stiletta's Bar Outskirts of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico[/i][/b] [color=Yellow]"Get the fuck outta here, ugly,"[/color] the bartender scowled at the stranger in a long black coat and wide hat who stepped through the front door, drawing the eyes of some twenty or so men. [color=Yellow]"This here establishment's private property."[/color] The air stank of cigarette smoke and cheap liquor, and buzzy, blown-out speakers blared noise that some people called rock music. On a stage toward the back wall, a young lady wearing next to nothing listlessly gyrated, going through the opening acts of a degrading routine she had done a hundred times before. Stiletta's was a dive bar of the worst kind, once a so-called gentleman's club where lonely and frustrated men could spend a few dollars to have some pretty young thing show some skin and make them forget about their problems for a while. When business began drying up, a crowd of even more unsavory souls had moved into town and claimed Stiletta's as their own. They called themselves the Road Reapers, a gang of bikers who controlled the stretch of interstate between Albuquerque and El Paso. They were a small outfit compared to most clubs, but the Reapers were known for being especially vicious, using their connections with the southern cartels to run drugs, guns, and people across the border. They had a number of hangouts along their route, and Stiletta's had become a favorite. [color=SlateGray]"Just here fer a drink,"[/color] the man said, looking up from under the brim of his wide-brimmed hat, giving the bartender a view of how truly hideous his face was, [color=SlateGray]"An' fer a fella by the name a' Falcon Fleischer."[/color] The two dozen bikers inside stared cold death at the stranger. A few even drew their guns on him. He looked back and forth, one good eye in a half-squint, the other lidless one staring wildly. [color=SlateGray]"Best not do anythin' stupid, boys,"[/color] he warned them as he approached the bar, several of the bikers moving in behind him like predators circling their prey. [color=SlateGray]"Ah ain't here fer any a' you...not yet, leastaways. Ah'm only here to see this Falcon fella."[/color] [color=FireBrick]"Right here, ugly,"[/color] called out a man from the pool table in the far corner. The old man was powerfully built, his skin nut-brown and weathered from exposure to the sun and the open road, and covered in tattoos depicting salacious acts and blasphemous symbols. His long white beard was the only hair on his otherwise clean-shaven head, his eyes covered by a paid of mirrored sunglasses. Over his bare chest and back he wore a leather vest, on the shoulders of which he'd sewn in patches that looked like the talons of a bird of prey-- a falcon, the stranger reckoned. [color=FireBrick]"Whatever it is you've got to say, you've got about ten seconds to say it 'fore my boys blow your fuckin' head off."[/color] [color=SlateGray]"Jess had one question fer ya 'fore you do that,"[/color] he said, glancing to the dancer on the stage. As he turned, his long black duster shifted, showing the pistol on his hip. [color=SlateGray]"That little thing up there...she even old enough to be dancin' like that?"[/color] [h3]*BLAM!*[/h3] One of the Reapers had approached the stranger from behind, gun drawn, and fired point-blank. The bikers expected a spray of blood, bone, and brain matter, then they'd cut the man up and feed his remains to the dogs. Wouldn't have been the first person to walk into Stiletta's and not come out. Instead, when the man's head cracked open, flames spewed out. The bar began to smell heavy with the stench of brimstone, as from the center of the blaze, the stranger's skull spoke. [color=Orange]"That's what I thought,"[/color] the stranger said as his pistols came up. The music swelled, and Stiletta's bar filled with screams. [COLOR=Orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Coming soon.[/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] It is a [i]privilege[/i] to canonize this concept. [quote=@Mintz] [hider=~Squirrel Girl, Squirrel Girl! She's a human and also a squirrel! Can she climb up a tree? Yes, she can, easily!~] [CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=#B5651D][b]S Q U I R R E L G I R L[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/8f5b8430a31041dd65640f3e686b0944/tumblr_nl7nhqSiYp1u25b0bo1_1280.jpg[/img][CENTER][sup][color=darkgray]"Surprise! I like talking to squirrels!"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][h3][sup][sub][color=darkgray]D O R E E N G R E E N [color=lightgray]♦[/color] P E N D I N G [color=lightgray]♦[/color] M A N H A T T A N , N E W Y O R K [/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img][/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3] O R I G I N S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT][i]In a world full of caped crusaders just stepping out into the light, it's nice to have fledglings even among the fledglings, and that's where the "Unbeatable" Squirrel Girl squirrels her way in. While I'll be playing her a bit more straight than her proper iteration (not so unbeatable, and not so...Occasionally meta), it's still the Squirrel Girl we all know and love. A goofy, fun-loving gal who doesn't entirely take things seriously, but always has her heart in the right place. Her backstory will be kept mostly the same as well, with her origins as a mystery mutate (though I might tackle this more later) that never really grew up with problems involving her gift, with just two big differences. Firstly is that she starts her heroics much later in her lifetime, and more importantly, we're picking up with her as a high schooler; junior year. For absolutely not spider-related reasons. Of course, beyond the intent of having her bounce off other heroes who are more veteran and professional, I also plan to show off just how much of a goof she can really be, especially this new into the superhero-ing stuff. She's fresh off the proverbial presses and fumbling around like a blind chipmunk, but that means we'll see her slowly develop into a truly Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. ....Slowly.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][indent][color=lightgray]"Doreen, how have you [i]not[/i] had your secret identity busted?"[/color] [color=#B5651D]"Easy! Because Squirrel Girl has a tail and I don't. I just have a conspicuously big and [i]awesome[/i] butt."[/color] It was another day for Doreen Green. She was getting ready to go to school; another day of learning, like any other. After it, maybe she'd go and pick up some more nuts from a corner store. Probably spend some time in Central Park feeding the squirrels. Or, well...That's how she used to spend her time outside of school. Getting dressed, she couldn't help but side-eye her costume hanging ever-so-conspicuously in her closet. That fur-lined bomber jacket, complete with a utility belt...That was full of nuts. Her mom actually made it for her; she couldn't have hid this side of her even if she had wanted to. Her parents had been well aware of what she was since the beginning, given that she came out as a baby with a bushy little squirrel tail. They'd protected her their whole lives, helping to keep her gift safe. She couldn't help but smile thinking about it. It was a nice change of pace for her to protect someone instead. They were super supportive of her, too...Which, well, was pretty obvious when her own mom made a superhero outfit. [color=lightgray]"Still, couldn't you wear...A helmet? Domino mask? Something?"[/color] The one questioning Ms. Green was none other than a squirrel themselves, with fine silvery hair and a pretty bow tied around their neck. To anyone else, it was mindless chittering, but for Doreen, it was perfectly legible...If not a little antagonistic. Doreen pouted into the mirror as she stuffed herself into a set of pants, squeezing her massive tail to form her aforementioned 'conspicuously awesome butt'. [color=#B5651D]"Tippy-Toe, it'll be fine! Even if Doreen Green and Squirrel Girl look the same, the tail's the giveaway. No one'd ever guess it was me!"[/color] She was confident in her [s]rather poor[/s] disguise, though admittedly, she'd been given at least a bit of a reason to think so. It'd held together this long. Plus... [color=#B5651D]"Aaand there's the headband, too! But no one knows it's a headband; all the news and stuff thinks I actually have squirrel ears, which would be [i]awesome[/i],"[/color] She says, as if to assuage her dear squirrelfriend that the lack of such a feature wasn't something she was pleased about. [color=#B5651D]"but it makes it even more foolproof! What's Doreen Green [i]not[/i] have? Squirrel tail, squirrel ears. Simple as that!"[/color] Tippy-Toe seemed wholly unconvinced, but had given up on trying to convince the persistently optimistic young girl. [color=lightgray]"Alright, if you say so. But I will say I told you so when someone finds out."[/color] [color=#B5651D]"Pfft!"[/color] Doreen couldn't help the noise that escaped her mouth. [color=#B5651D]"You won't need to! It's foolproof. No tail, no ears, no Squirrel Girl. Though honestly, if anyone paid any real attention, the teeth'd be the giveaway..."[/color] She inspected her mouth in the mirrors, dragging it open to a near comically-large extent, showing off her rather incisor-like two front teeth. They even worked like the real deals, too, always growing and growing...It was a lot easier when they used to be able to shorten themselves on wood, but nowadays, her teeth were even punching through steel. Maybe if they got a wheelsaw or something...? Her impromptu molar inspection was cut short by a pinging noise at her bedside, to which her tail casually slipped its way free from the confines of her pants and scooped up her cellphone. Almost immediately, her rodent friend called it out. [color=lightgray]"Doreen. Tail."[/color] Doreen blinked a few times before she realized what limb had exactly gotten her cell, and she sheepishly scratched the back of her head. [color=#B5651D]"Oh. Oops! Lemme just, uh..."[/color] It was another herculean feat from her to shove the rambunctious third arm of hers back into her bottom, but once it was done, she was free to check what the sound had been about. It was a message from Nancy Whitehead. They'd only met recently in her Computer Science classes, but they'd hit it off pretty well, she'd thought. Definitely considered her a friend. Smiling, she opened the text to something that instantly caused her to take a sharp breath through her teeth. "Are you Squirrel Girl?" Tippy-Toe, seeing the shell-shocked expression that hit Doreen's face, hopped onto her shoulders to get a better view, and didn't hesitate to speak her mind. [color=lightgray]"Told you so."[/color] [color=#B5651D]"....Aw, nuts."[/color][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed interactions and stories.[/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [/quote] But to be honest, it's a privilege to canonize this one aswell. [b]Ghost Rider[/b] by [@AndyC] [b]Squirrel Girl[/b] by [@Mintz] [img]https://png.pngtree.com/png-vector/20221009/ourmid/pngtree-original-approved-stamp-and-badget-design-red-grunge-png-image_6293837.png[/img]