[center][h1]Nakajima Ageha[/h1][/center] So, this was the world of the living. Loud, noisy, garish, and confusing. Small wonder all of the recently dead she'd met were off, some moreso than others. Ageha brushed off Mei's obvious hazing, taking the situation in. Sealed to a quarter of their strength. Annoying. What was the difference between them being too slow or weak to intercept a Hollow in time to eat a human, and [i]possibly[/i] harming some from their spiritual pressure? Two on the water. The pacifist was already dropping down towards them. She'd leave him to it. Multiple hollows emerging from the ground. Her Shikai wasn't exactly the best at dealing with that, not in the open. Ageha could feel Tetsu Moya's displeasure at her regarding the thought, but she brushed it off. They'd had this conversation more than once already. He would learn to live with it, because she wasn't budging on this argument. Nonetheless, she continued looking over the situation. The largest Hollow in the area was climbing...some big metal thing. Whatever that was. Regardless, she'd found her target. [b]"The large one is mine. I will help reinforce when I'm finished with it."[/b] Ageha stepped forward, and started plummetting full speed towards the crane, sword drawn. [b]"Rend and bite, Tetsu Moya!"[/b] Ageha released her Zanpakuto moments before she made impact, counting on the increased strength and larger blade from her release as she slammed her dadao down in a vertical cleave straight for the Hollow's mask.