[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ix1ljG4.png[/img] [color=crimson][h1]Mr. Terrific[/h1][/color][/center] Volume 1 - First Prototype [right]Broken Guns and Broken arms[/right] [hr] This isn't exactly how Michael Holt thought his Saturday night would go. A few months ago and he'd have been working late or at a bar with Alex, practicing their inevitably failed attempts to chat up women. Oddly enough, most women aren't too keen on lines relating to quantum physics or cyber security. He was currently standing on a roof overlooking Metropolis, hunched down against a parapet. With a gloved hand he clicked the face on one of his new and improved T-Spheres and the four he had on the floor in front of him whirred to life quietly. [i]Moment of truth,[/i] he thought. He damn well hoped they had gotten the flight capabilities completely sorted out, otherwise he'd be making a leap of faith across two apartment buildings straight into a potential gunfight. A deep breath in and then raised his head to look across the gap. The Gazzo crime family was making a weapons trade with some low level hoodlums. Not the biggest news in the world, but if he managed to intervene now it might save someone getting a bullet to the gut later. Michael reached into the pocket of his jacket and retrieved a small inconspicuous white tub. Another of his new inventions, but one potentially a bit more dangerous for Michael to use than his Spheres, at least on his end. The balaclava he'd used previously was stifling, breathing in the thing was a nightmare let alone fighting in it. Plus, it could slip off at the drop of a hat and was far too easy for criminals to remove if they'd gotten the upper hand. Instead, he'd opted for a new high-tech nanogel he had personally worked on. He dipped his hand into the tub and spread it across his eyes and down past his mouth, forming a 'T' on his face. Of course, branding was important too. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KPvJIrW.png[/img][/center] He opened his eyes, now a singular solid red, and slid the tub back into his pocket. Environmental data was now being fed straight to his cornea, and the world seemed a whole lot brighter than it did before. He looked down at his Spheres as his mask powered to full functionality. A list marking the status of each sphere scrolled down the right side of his vision. Time to test his new gadgets. If they worked right, the slightest facial movement should control them to his will, if they didn't he'd have to go manual. Shouting out commands to his gadgets wasn't the best thing for stealth, but it was better than going in without them. Michael rose to his full height as he signalled for his spheres to rise up next to him. The ghost of a smile played on his lips as they floated along next to him. Now for the field test, this next part was a lot easier to do in an empty warehouse 5 feet above the ground than it was across the gap in a building. Another deep breath as he stood on the edge of the building and leapt. Ecstasy doesn't even begin to describe the feeling he felt as his Spheres shot their way under his feet and carried him swiftly across the gap. It was like being saved by an angel when imminent doom is on your doorstep. It felt like a mixture of surfing and rollerskating as he dove across and at the gangsters. "The money's all there man, just give us the guns." "Yeah yeah, we still gotta count you know? Yous guys ain't exactly the most respectable guys in the wo- what the fuck is that?!" Shouted the large Italian man as he spotted Mr. Terrific flying at him. He was on them before they could react, jumping off of his spheres and slide tackling one of the hoodlums from behind before his spheres shot out at the other assailants, smacking them across the face and into their guts before whizzing off to attack from another angle. Michael rolled forward towards one of the mobsters reaching for his pistol, wrapping his leg around and spinning on his shoulders to pull him into an imanari roll. It only took a quick burst of pressure to break the criminal's ankle and Michael rose quickly after, darting at another assailant close by and lifting him with a double leg before slamming him into the roof. His spheres set about targeting any weapons they could detect as the fight went on. Every time a wise guy reached for his pistol it would be smacked out of their hand and dented inwards by the flying metal. Michael was like a panther prowling around the roof, knocking out or incapacitating each of the gangsters and snapping any of their weapons the spheres didn't get to before moving onto the next. It was all over within 5 minutes. Michael stood panting on the roof as he destroyed the last of the guns that were meant to be traded. Not bad for a night's work. He got airborne again, calling Alex through the built-in communicator in his mask as he was lifted off of the roof. "A, I stopped the Gazzo deal, heading back to base now." "Nice one dude, have any trouble with them? "Nah, Spheres worked perfect and those clowns weren't any troubl-" Michael felt something hard and cold hit him in the back of the neck. It seemed he hadn't been as thorough as he could have ensuring he'd incapacitated all of the criminals and one had, in absence of a working gun, opted to throw the gun at him. If Michael could have a sense of humour about the situation he might have wondered why the guy had taken up crime rather than becoming a professional darts player, the guy had accuracy for sure. But unfortunately all he could think about was how he was rapidly losing balance on top of his Spheres. This wasn't a wave he could ride. He fought to regain his composure but seeing another broken pistol whiz past his head sent him under the waves. The only thing he could hear next was the aggressive, horrible noise of wind whistling passed his ears as he fell. Michael wasn't sure whether or not to call it lucky or unlucky this sound was only short lived. His spheres rushed to catch him, but unfortunately they weren't quick enough. He fell on his shoulder at the top of a fire escape and tumbled his way down the stairs, almost falling straight off the other end had his Spheres not managed to get there before him and cushion his falll against the railing. He let out a sigh, both of relief and exasperation. No one said this was going to be easy, but did it have to be this hard? His communicator crackled to life. "Yo, T! What happened man are you alright?" Alex hurriedly asked. "I'm alright, man." He spoke, just before a wave of searing pain shot up his right arm. "Actually scratch that, I think I have definitely maybe broken my arm. Call the cops to clean up the Gazzo's and I'll make my way back home." "Definitely or maybe? Can't be both bro." "Definitely. [hr] Sunlight poured into the tiny bedroom and Michael woke with a groan. He attempted to hold up his arm to block the sun from his eyes, but was only met with intense pain. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand, sitting up and looking down at his bandaged shoulder. A leather jacket wasn't going to be enough. He needed some extra padding if he was going to be taking falls like that in the future. He slid out of his bed and pulled on some jogging bottoms with his free hand before making his way to the living room. Alex was already up and tinkering with some gadget on their coffee table. "Hey man." Michael spoke, Alex turned with a startle. "Jesus Christ dude, stop sneaking up on me like that!" He said, Michael grinned moving over to the coffee machine and pouring himself a cup. "What are you working on? We really got to get something on the market soon man, I can't keep living on cup noodles and tins of beans." This made Alex guffaw loudly at him, he got up from the couch holding the invention in his hands and turned to Michael. "You're damn right we need to get something that will sell soon, if you weren't so busy going out at night fighting the Italian community of Metropolis we might have had something out weeks ago! Anyway, I've managed to get [i]Terrifitech's[/i] first invention working! And, luckily for the both of us, you've just been gracious enough to suffer an injury that will work great for the first test!" Michael groaned. "First of all, we are [i]not [/i]calling ourselves Terrifitech. We agreed on Cyberwear. Second of all, this better not be another prank like that 'Voice-Activated Coffee Maker' you had me test." Alex grinned mischievously. "Hey, that was a legitimate prototype! Just because it poured coffee everywhere but the cup doesn't mean it wasn't a solid idea. But no, this is for real. Check it out!" He held up a sleek-looking device that resembled an arm brace. "This, my friend, is a state-of-the-art, pain-relief and mobility-enhancing arm brace. It's designed to support your arm and stimulate healing. Plus, it has some of our nanotech integrated for real-time diagnostics." He tossed it to Michael, who caught it with his good hand. The brace opened in half, and Michael clasped it around his upper arm and shoulder. There was a few seconds of momentary pain as the brace adjusted and resized to fit around him, and then nothing at all. Michael stretched his arm, flexing the muscles with a smile on his face. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Alex, I can't deny it. Feels good as new!" "When don't I outdo myself? Now hold still, I'm going to run some diagnostics on your arm to make sure the softwares working properly." He picked up a tablet from the coffee table and began tapping away on it. Alex's face suddenly grew very serious and a he began scatching his chin with a free hand. "Hmm, this is really weird." Michael frowned. "What is it?" Alex looked up with a deadpan expression. "According to this, you're going to grow an extra arm by next week." Michael shook his head, grinning. "I have no idea how you can be so smart, yet such an idiot at the same time, Alex. It's truly a marvel of science."