[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRAl9ZPVyXc3JIcr37cDTkHwBInTn6P4V85Sw&s[/img][/center] [right][b]Financial District // Central City[/b] [sup]Issue #2: Sorry sir, banks closed.[/sup][/right] Iris ran through the streets, dodging between the pedestrians and weaving between the various cars and trucks. Every time she stopped to get her bearings, there were confused looks on the faces of the people on the street. Phones were pulled out, and photos snapped in the brief moments she was there before she continued her journey. Within moments she had arrived at the First Bank of Central City, usually closed on a Sunday somebody had decided to re-open it early with some explosives. Iris tapped her cowl around her ear, then again, and a third time before she finally heard the [I]beep-eep[/i] of the comm piece. [color=yellow]"Ba- Uh. I'm here. Someone has blown their way in, I'm going to go take a look-"[/color] Before he could respond she clambered up and through the hole in the wall. Armed with assault rifles one of the masked gunmen stood watching their entry, two more at the main door, a fourth appeared to be unpacking rucksacks from a main bag near the entrance to the vault—no doubt to load up their ill-gotten gains. Iris stopped in the middle of the room as her earpiece buzzed. [color=red][I]"Be careful."[/i][/color] [color=yellow]"Hey guys."[/color] "What the-" "What was that-" "Hey look-" "WHO ARE YOU-?" It all kicked off at once. They had seen the flash of light and felt the rush of the air as she had ran into the room. Though until she had come to a stop they hadn't understood what was going on. She heard the sound of safeties being knocked off as they raised their guns in her direction. [color=yellow]"I'm the... the... well. I don't have a name yet, I'm still workshopping it."[/color] "Lady you got to be kidding me." One of them spoke up, she could hear another approaching her from behind. [color=yellow]"I'm giving you this one chance to put down your weapons and leave. Nobody has to get hurt."[/color] She heard the laugh behind her, and pulled herself to the side out of arms reach of her attacker. Grabbing his outstretched arm as she did so. Using all the lessons she learnt in her self defense class she pulled him with her, using her momentum. While he moved in slow motion she saw his eyes suddenly go wide before he went tumbling across the room. Grunting and groaning as he went. In shock at what she had done she raised her hands to cover her mouth to stop the gasp escaping her lips. One of the goons ran over to him, while another two opened fire. She stepped out of the path of the bullets, ducking down below the second volley. Reaching them she looked around the rifles, flicking the safeties on and pulling the currently loaded magazines out of the weapons, throwing them to the other side of the room, undoing the belt of one of the two goons she wrapped it around his arm and his compatriot. Tying them together. [color=yellow]"Okay, is that enough or are we not-"[/color] [I]Bang[/i] She ducked down as the shot whizzed over her head. This wasn't as easy as she thought it was going to be, turns out bank robbers were a [I]lot[/i] more determined than she had ever imagined. Skirting around the edge of the room, she ducked below the handgun, pushing herself up and catching him in the chin with her fist. A stabbing sense of pain travelled down her wrist, and she instantly knew it had been a bad punch. She'd have to remind herself to take up martial arts classes again. That was four dealt with, that left- nope that was it. Iris smiled to herself as she rubbed her wrist. The two gunmen she had tied together were still trying to undo the knot that held them together. The one she had knocked to the floor first groaned as he rolled over, the sound of police sirens growing closer and closer. "Lady. You're in for it now." She laughed. [color=yellow]"Am I? I just took you all down without even breaking a [I]swear[/i]."[/color] "You missed one." Iris looked around the room, arching an eyebrow, and he tilted his head up towards the vault as he collapsed back down onto his back with a groan. Turning she ran in towards the vault, though immediately as she stepped in she felt herself lose traction as her feet slipped out from underneath her. [color=yellow]"What the actual-"[/color] slamming onto her butt her momentum carried her spinning along the floor. Pulling her limbs in as tight as possible to try and prevent as much damage as possible she careered into the far wall slamming into it with more speed than one should probably hit a solid object at. She groaned as she rubbed the back of her head, as from behind the open door walked a man dressed in black. Several canisters on his back, a gun in each hand with a crown emblem on his chest. Looking down she saw the trail of liquid that she had slipped in, and she was just glad her suit had yellow in it because it was likely stained. Touching some with her hand she raised it to her nose, the smell. Unmistakable, and incredibly unlikely. "Well I [color=#ffdb58]mustard-mit[/color]. Our meeting came sooner than I expected, but I [color=3CB371]relish[/color] the opportunity for you to face the wrath-" [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/9qhuTyY.png[/img] [h3]"-of the [I][b]CONDIMENT KING![/b][/i]"[/h3][/centre]