[color=fff200][b][h2]Ueno Haru[/h2][/b][/color] [hr] Rather unexpectedly, the Nomu were handily obliterated. They were weak to fire of all things, and their weakness to it extended to the hot, piercing beams of concentrated photons that Haru so liked to use... which translated to the now Nomu that had a burning hole in its head. Uttering a prayer for whoever were the poor chaps and gals that got turned into the Nomu, the Luminous Hero looked around to see Yusuke no longer on the ground, regenerating the impalement wound with what he assumed to be a copied version of the Nomu's self-healing quirk. Hebi was not harmed, thank God. Meanwhile, Kanako looked like she had one hell of a headache. Haru would have taken that moment to reassess the situation and start cleanup operations. Matsuru had burned a Nomu's head straight off, something that Haru viewed to be a liberation of the tortured souls that might still reside in the creature-thing's mutilated consciousness. He wouldn't voice that, however, when Matsuru had blood coming out of his mouth. "You should evacuate, stat," Haru called out to Matsuru from across the street. "I'll... ah, what now?!" Portals. And villains stepping out of portals. What else was new? [quote=@Urizen] Where Haru, Hebi, Yusuke and Kanako rested, things only took turn for the worse. A redhead lady that's also in a business attire, appeared before them. Her voice sounded seductive as she commended Haru for his genuine performance with Matsuru. Her face showed light as well but of images of death, imprinted to Haru alone, hinting that she's taken interest of the young hero. Yusuke who was unconscious, has gotten up, he has copied the Nomu's super regeneration to heal himself. [/quote] Haru was immediately ready for a fight when the suited people arrived through portals of all things. What he expected from the apparent villains were words of hatred for wider society, perhaps a monologue of how they had it so bad when they were younger. It could have been anything. Instead, one of them, the red-headed lady, turned her attention to Haru, and Haru [i]alone[/i]. She spoke in seductive tones, like a [i]yandere[/i] of popular culture. Haru's face creased with cringe with every additional word that came pouring out of the lady's mouth. No, that wasn't a [i]lady[/i]! What kind of lady would utter such crass things? It was unbecoming... and expected, for a villain. For what are villains, but deviants that vent out their frustrations unto the rest of society through acts of violence and general mayhem? "First of all," Haru raised a finger, his whole body quivering in shock at the... things she said to him. It was equal parts a compliment and a twisted attempt at flirting. That, and the projected images of death on her [i]face[/i], which he tried to ignore as much as he could. "I suppose that I should thank you for the compliment for beating these creatures... And second..." The area around him immediately darkened as he once started eating photons. "Don't call me daddy, damn it! I'm Sol Invictus, the Luminous Hero, not your 'baby'!" With that last word, a beam of light came shooting out of the sphere of darkness, heading straight for the red-headed lady. It would be enough to knock her back and hopefully daze her, perhaps cause some light burns, but it wasn't as strong as the beams Haru tried to blast the Nomus with. Even if she was... insane, the goal first and foremost was to capture and contain.