[@rush99999] I have a couple questions about your CS. Can you make a case for the uncommon background Circuit Judge? I'm inclined to decline it, given the setting, the starting level, and the class of Fighter. Also, it might be a good idea to have your primary stat be +3 or +4 for your chosen role of martial. No requirements there, but might make for smoother sailing in strength checks. [@Cleveraptor] For your request, I'd like to hear a convicing backstory as to why a Dwarf, typically fundamentally rooted in a clan and kingdom mentality, would be interested in an [i]Elf[/i] of all creatures! I'll probably allow it, but you should flesh this out more, and I'm interested to hear what you come up with. Maybe they're drawn to the 'other'? Maybe they had a chance encounter with an Elf that left them struck? Maybe they grew up far away from the traditional society of Dwarven kind? As far as your CS goes: It looks like you may have missed selecting 1 ability, 1 skill, and 1 extra. You have a few more allocations to make on this sheet. The composite shortbow is 14gp, and adventurers start with 15gp, so that would be pretty much the whole lot. Look at rebalancing your outfit under 15gp, please.