[center][h3][b][color=CadetBlue]Jingorō[/color], [color=ed145b]Sio[/color], & [color=gray]Umeki[/color][/b][/h3] [indent][color=gray]An Expllo and [@Brink] collab![/color][/indent][/center] Sio rather enjoyed the peace and quiet that surrounded her. Her Division claimed the third most interest, however her attitude made the new graduates cut their interactions short. She wishes her higher ups weren't so busy so they could attend instead of her, alas, the most anti-social member had to be here. It wasn't all too bad though, as the weather was nice. A light smile flashed across her face as she enjoyed the breeze carrying the cherry blossoms through. Her smile would fade, however, as another graduate would approach from behind. She turned to him with a lip curled in what could only be described as disgust as she listened to him speak. [color=ed145b]"Right..."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Well, I'll tell you right now that everything those handbooks tell you is bullshit."[/color] She shrugs. [color=ed145b]"It doesn't cover even half of what we experience in this Squad. It's a mentally and physically grueling, squad. Everyone looks at Shinigami as powerful protectors, even heroes,"[/color] she scoffs. [color=ed145b]"None of that applies here. We've seen the strongest cry like babies while we tend to the deepest of wounds, yet we never get any credit. It's always noted how resilient someone is, but never noted that [i]we[/i] are the reason why."[/color] Her tone was cold and sharp, yet clearly held some sort of resentment. [color=ed145b]"So if you're looking for some grandiose statement on how we're this oh-so-loving everything is fine kind of Squad, you're talking to the wrong person. I'm giving you the cold, [i]hard[/i], truth. You will see your peers at their lowest, and see traumatizing wounds. You better take pride in helping others if you want in, because it's largely an unrewarding job that we do."[/color] She glances at a few other graduates that moved on to the Third and Eleventh Division. Her tone softens, just a little. [color=ed145b]"... and most have a glamorized idea of what we do, that's why they often put in for Squad transfers when they experience the real thing. I'd rather you hear it how it is then jump into anything you aren't ready for."[/color] Having come from the noble houses and under the strict, stately upbringing his father had imparted to him Jin was surprised at the lack of formality. Most of the officers at the festival, even the captain commander himself, seemed void of the ceremony and tradition Jin thought was at the forefront of the Gotei. But as she continued Jin began to realise that the direct, unclouded description was probably to his benefit. It was a military organisation after all. Whilst death was of particular offence to Jin's sensibilities, combat was not. He was fully prepared and trained to fight and even injure, only relenting once his opponent couldn't continue. He hadn't been in many real world scenarios but the idea of wounds wasn't particularly off-putting to him. In that regard Jin was often underestimated. People had labeled him soft in the past and taken his mercy as a sign of weakness, yet when he fought he was seen to be cold, calculated and even cruel. Strike to maim, not to kill. Besides, Jin knew there was a lot more to the art of healing than the academy taught. And the idea of specialising in a specific branch of Kido appealed to him, especially when those talents could be used to save lives. "[colour=CadetBlue]I assure you, it will not be a problem.[/colour]" He eventually replied. His expressionless countenance defying his inner monologue. [color=ed145b]"Good. Another thing to note is that our squad is often sent in after the fact, to either help the fallen or evacuation. That means even in our free team, we could be called in any minute. So, as long as you're fine sacrificing your free time, we can move forward to your name and what [i]you[/i] feel you bring to our Division!"[/color] Sio put on a fake-enthusiastic tone at the end, that would be rather convincing if not for the constant deadpan expression on her face. Jin bowed immediately. "[colour=CadetBlue]Hai. Jingorō Hanma. Tenth division![/colour]" spoke with a sudden enthusiasm. "[colour=CadetBlue]I only seek to improve as a Shinigami, I will do what I must to help preserve the tradition of the Gotei and become as strong as possible.[/colour]" words said with a little more formality and passion than intended so was his engrained training, but veracious nonetheless. [color=ed145b]"How flattering, but I'm not a Captain or anything close to it, so keep all of the formalities for your true superiors,"[/color] Sio nudged her head towards Seki and Goten, that look of disgust back on her face. [color=ed145b]"But if I could give some advice on getting in our squad, focus on being as patient as possible. It's valued here and an important aspect many don't consider when dealing with injured people or supporting others in a tough battle."[/color] Sio waved her hand dismissively. [color=ed145b]"Well, that's really all I bothered to memorize. So, other than that, did you have any more questions?"[/color] She raised an eyebrow as she studied the tall man, not quite sure what to think. However, she would have to remember the name and send it off to her Captain for further review. The sudden enthusiasm gave the girl high hopes - high hopes that the Captain would take note of that and use him for these sorts of things instead of her. It was perfect, really. "[colour=CadetBlue]Patience.[/colour]" Jin nodded affirmatively. "[colour=CadetBlue]No questions. I think field experience is what I lack, but the academy has prepared me well. If the fourth division is to be my home, I will see you in the field.[/colour]" With a deeper bow he took a step back, leaving Sio to her reluctant duties. As Kobe was still preoccupied, Jin scanned the crowd to see what his next port of call would be. He had planned to talk to multiple squad officers and the conversation just had piqued his interest further. Would they all be like this? he wondered. He had intent to talk to the third squad lieutenant, but felt obliged to let her finish talking with the other graduates first. As a result he scoured for a member of squad nine, but failed to find anyone of note. Eventually resting his eyes on the squad six captain Umeki and his intimidating appearance. "[colour=CadetBlue]Squad six.[/colour]" Jin mulled the idea over to himself for a moment. "[colour=CadetBlue]Not my first choice, but worth exploring.[/colour]" The mumbled words somewhat hidden by the patter of his sandaled footsteps. Umeki yawned as he watched only the second person tonight approach him. Although Jin was tall himself, he would still have to look up to match the Captain's eyes. That is, if Umeki didn't abnormally stretch his neck downwards to match Jin's eyes. Umeki didn't blink for a second as he stared intently. [b][color=gray]"So they're [i]green[/i] huh? Kekeke~"[/color][/b] That weird laugh seemed to echo and trail around Jin as Umeki continued to stare without blinking, although his pupils danced around rapidly as a grin stretched across his face. [b][color=gray]"So who the fuck are [i]you[/i] supposed to be? Feeling like a real tough guy coming up to me, [i]huh?[/i]"[/color][/b] "[colour=CadetBlue]Just a new graduate looking to learn about the sixth division, Captain.[/colour]" Umeki commanded a supremely unsettling presence. Over this history of the Gotei, that Jin had studied at least, it was usually the pride of the research and development squad to be helmed by a captain as odd. But in the few seconds upon his approach, Jin felt what might be impressed upon the hollows and other miscreants that would have to face such a Shinigami, and in that he found understanding. "[colour=CadetBlue]Jingoro Hanma.[/colour]" He gave a deep bow as was appropriate. The formality helping him stay unfazed. [color=gray][b]"Jingorō huh? What a name..."[/b][/color] Umeki's pupils stopped shaking about, and he finally blinked and retracted his neck. He sensed no other intent besides curiosity. Plus, the night was nearing its end, and Umeki really needed a drink so he would play nice. [color=gray][b]"Well, for starters, we're the most hated division in the Gotei 13. We do deal with unlawful Shinigami activity, and who commits more crimes than those in power?"[/b][/color] He shrugs. [color=gray][b]"We primarily prioritize capturing Shinigami as opposed to killing, and we make sure we have sufficient enough evidence for Division One or Central forty-six to make their final decisions. So, intellect and self-control are important in this Division. I don't just let [i]anyone[/i] in, as we have some of the fewest numbers, but we prefer it that way. I'll [i]die[/i] before I let anyone corrupt my Division, but I'd sooner kill the person who tries. [i]Remember[/i] that."[/b][/color] The captains words resonated with Jin more than he anticipated. The slight retreat of his off-putting visage along with the outline of squad six duties made the division a much more appealing proposition. "[colour=CadetBlue]In that we are aligned.[/colour]" The days light had started to dim, and the few lanterns around the festival were starting to come alight for those few that continued the party into the night. Jin would not be one of them. Another deep bow towards Umeki, this time with a more confident intent, began the end of his celebration. The night had given him a lot to think about. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself in picking which division would best suit him and yet choosing who to train under would eventually be one of the most important decisions he would ever make. And now he had a new, unexpected player to the game. "[colour=CadetBlue]Thank you for your time, captain. I look forwards to us meeting again.[/colour]"