[color=ffb200][center][h2]Kanako Seiki[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Kanako had had more than her fair share of headaches in her life. Sure, she'd inflicted them on herself and used them as weapons more often than not. Sure, she could take more mental pain then the average person. But [i]this[/i] headache was like hell itself had climbed out of the ground and clasped her head in a smothering grip. She was barely standing, and any movement caused the pain to flare wildly. She was out of the Nomu's mind, thanks to Matsuru. Aware of what was happening around her once more. Aware of the bloodshed and the aftermath of the battle she'd missed. If she'd been fighting alongside the other Heroes instead of fishing for information would this many people have died? Maybe... but maybe not. It was enough to make her question whether the information she'd gained was enough to justify the damage obtaining it had caused. In the end she decided that no, it hadn't been worth it, but the damage was done and nothing could be changed now besides moving on. Although that wouldn't stop her from fully believing these deaths were her fault. The pain in her head was ebbing slightly, like a wave being drawn out to sea, when the Villains began appearing. The redheaded flirt had singled out Haru, ignoring the others. Kanako just wanted this stupid fight to be over. She memorized the voice of the redhead and linked their minds just as Haru's attack landed. The effort of establishing the link was much harder than maintaining it. Once the link was established it'd be simple to keep it active. With all the willpower she had left she took hold of every bit of power over the redhead that she could. Rigth then the wave of the headache came crashing back with more power than before. [color=ffb200][i]Freeze. And shut the hell up.[/i][/color] She commanded firmly, forcing the Villain's muscles to lock in place and clamping her jaw shut. The headache Kanako felt was shared by the redhead. Her eyes were glowing a bright gold, almost white, instead of the usual orange gold. The mental effort it took to maintain full control over someone was lessened slightly by the shock caused by the first use of her quirk on a person. The redhead was unprepared and dazed. An advantage that Kanako wouldn't pass up. Once Kanako had control she would make it an uphill battle of will for her opponent to gain back anything. She utilized the control factor of her quirk combined with the telepathy aspect to nearly double her own control over the redhead. The headache she felt being shared also helped her now, although she still felt it's pain, so did the redhead. Her hindrance had become her weapon. The use of her quirk on another person and not a Nomu was the difference that let Kanako still be aware of everything around her, as well as staying in control of herself. If she was being entirely honest Kanako wanted to shatter the mind of this Villain, she wanted to make [i]someone[/i] [b][i]suffer[/i][/b], wanted to take out her anger at herself for not helping enough in the fight on someone, it almost didn't matter who. But she held back from breaking the mind of the redhead entirely, or, well, more than it was already broken. She could find another way to take out her anger later, after this Villain was safely in custody.