[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgbbhnFP/Elara.webp[/img][/center][Sub]Interactions: Sunni-[@The Savant][/sub] [hr][indent][color=#a93226]“[/color][color=#a93226]Thank you for being kind,” [/color][color=#ffffff]Sunni said, smiling. [/color] [color=#ffffff]Kind. Is that what she was in this moment, truly? Elara’s thoughts churned, questioning her own sincerity. Would a genuinely kind person hesitate to tell the truth? The doubt gnawed at her, making her wonder if she was merely playing a part. [/color][color=#4169e1]“You really don’t have to thank me,” [/color][color=#ffffff]she said nonetheless. [/color][i][color=#4169e1]I’m just trying not to hurt you. [/color][/i] [color=#a93226]“You would probably learn about Aurelian culture better from the prince or the sun priestess… or something…” [/color][color=#ffffff]the man stated then, his voice sounding uncertain. Elara noticed the doubt flickering in his eyes, and an instinctive urge to reassure him surged within her. She wanted him to know that his perspective was not only valuable but deeply desired by her. After all, how else could they be expected to get along here despite their differences? [/color] [color=#4169e1]“Your experience is bound to be different from theirs and no less interesting, I’m sure,” [/color][color=#ffffff]she said gently, shuffling nervously under the intensity of his stare. Her eyes followed his gaze as it, thankfully, moved to the lake, soaking in the serene beauty before them. The water’s calm surface mirrored the sky, creating a tranquil scene that eased her tension. As he bent to pick up yet another rock, her eyes brightened at the mention of the books he enjoyed reading. Romance, in particular, had always been one of her favourites, and she felt a spark of connection at this shared interest.[/color] [color=#4169e1]“It’s been a busy time for all of us,” [/color][color=#ffffff]Elara said, her voice tinged with weariness.[/color][color=#4169e1] “But maybe we can find some time to read together. It might be a nice way to relax and take our minds off things.” [/color][color=#ffffff]Her face immediately blanched upon realizing what she’d suggested. More time with the man. More false hope. She shook her head, clearing it of such nonsense. [/color][color=#4169e1]“[/color][i][color=#4169e1]After…[/color][/i][color=#4169e1]the winter preparations are completed, of course,”[/color][color=#ffffff] she added quickly, her face paling even further. That was [/color][color=#ffffff][i]not [/i][/color][color=#ffffff]what she was supposed to say either. [/color][/indent]