[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UozwHux.png[/img] [/center] [color=808080] [hr] It was interesting that the woman didn’t want him to thank her, it might have been something weird to appreciate, but he did appreciate her kindness. He could tell there were subtle hints that she didn’t really enjoy this whole interaction. That she was only being kind and it seemed almost uncomfortable — he understood. Lunarians and Aurelians have always been at odds and didn’t care for each other. It was supposed to be different in Dawnhaven, right? Everyone was supposed to start getting along and he understood it wouldn’t happen overnight or maybe at all. Sunni shrugged his shoulders with indifference, since he couldn’t compare his own experiences with Flynn, the sun priests, or any other Aurelian. They all had different experiences, but he didn’t necessarily believe this was important, especially more important than others. He didn’t believe that it was that interesting either. A sigh left his lips as he nodded, “[color=a93226]I suppose so,[/color]” The smile was reassuring, the opposite of how he was feeling, since he was completely uncertain about this whole situation and how it was going. He couldn’t tell if it was bad or not… “[color=a93226]Maybe we will be able to sit down and talk about our cultures, sometime, if you want to,[/color]” he gestured with his hands as he spoke. [i]It’s been a busy time for all of us.[/i] Those words were true and reminded him that he had a list of things to get done. He needed to finish the roof of that house and get everything secured then the interior could be worked on. The thought of his own house getting done crossed his mind. A quick thought about the market building caught on. Everything that he needed to do came to light in his mind. Sunni went to respond but his lips closed as he noticed her expression. Her expressions were not matching her words at all. She looked as pale as a ghost and it wasn’t in a positive way. At least it wasn’t positive to him. A somewhat serious expression with a saddening smile appeared on his lip as he stood there. Stood there and looked at Elara while he internally considered what he should do about this. “[color=a93226]Elara, you do not have to make plans with me if you don’t want to be around me,[/color]” His smile seemed to become more genuine and bright while his expression softened. “[color=a93226]I will not be offended. I promise. It’s somewhat painful standing here and watching you try while your body language and facial expressions are telling me the opposite of your words,[/color]” He chuckled lightly while looking down. His hands sliding into his pockets in a way to distance himself and protect himself. Looking down at the rocks, he moved some with his foot, “[color=a93226]I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to come on a walk with me. I know we are not supposed to get along. You being Lunarian and everything and I’m Aurelian. This is probably uncomfortable for you and I apologize for that. I’m sorry for last night too,[/color]” His eyes rose to look at hers. To examine the facial expressions she was making and what not. “[color=a93226]Once Octavia is feeling more up for conversation, I will talk to her about what she wants me to do for winter preparations,[/color]” His voice going into work mode compared to anything else. It was more serious and less light hearted. “[color=a93226]However, I would enjoy reading or spending time with you. I really would but with how pale you have gotten by saying those words. I feel like you are going to get sick of the ideas of spending time with me,[/color]” Sunni laughed at that a bit. He didn’t seem that upset about it. Looking back at the town, “[color=a93226]Come on. I’ll walk you back to the royal cabin to make sure you are in the safer parts of town. I need to get back to working. The houses won’t build themselves,[/color]” Sunni gestured for them to follow the path as he began to walk towards it to make their way to the cabin. This time, not requesting that the woman hold his hand, since he felt like that would be rude of him to do so. Elara was already uncomfortable by the looks of it. He was trying to think of everything that he said. What did he say or do wrong? [color=a93226]It’s about the rocks isn’t it? Why did she have to ask about the rocks and why can’t I just shut the fuck up at times?[/color]” He sighed at those thoughts while his expression kept a light smile, more for show than anything, but he needed to get back to work. [hr] [b]Interactions[/b] [@Qia] Elara [/color]