[center][h3]Kenshiro's Rest[/h3][/center] [center][b]THE HEAVENLY STRIKE[/b][/center] [center]~ [@AzureKnight] (HIN, ATS & SHI), [@Enkryption] (ALI & CRL), [@The Irish Tree] (EUL & LIL), [@Rezod92], [@Crowvette], [@Restalaan] (SKA & GRI) ~[/center] "[color=f7976a]Look at how your yokai 'friends' abandon you, boy! Gaze upon the 'integrity' of your allies![/color]" Tetsuo bellowed a laugh at Takeshi when [u]Dinah[/u] departed from the battle, also taking some members of the taskforce with her. But the taunt only earned a cut to the arm from the focused Takeshi. "I'd focus more on the fight if I were you." Of course, the young lord was not unaffected by his companions turning tail but he had a duel to win. Perhaps the battle was lost, but he was not going to let Tetsuo enjoy that. The two continued fighting uninterrupted, their duel respected for now. [u]Gringor[/u] charged for the Iron Grinder leader. Other enemies moved to intercept him, but they were cut down by the deadly energy beams that [u]Io[/u] fired from the magic circle behind her. The protective barrier she erected also blocked the first volley of arrows fired upon them from the archers on the second level. Fortunately, that first volley was all the archers could release for soon, [u]Skarsneek[/u] was upon them. The Iron Grinder leader, realizing that nothing was stopping [u]Gringor[/u] anymore, braced for the High Orc's impact. Only to charge at the last moment, tower shield raised. With the shield, he threw [u]Gringor[/u] over himself. With the High Orc on the ground, the Iron Grinder brought down his metal boot unto [u]Gringor's[/u] chest to keep the monster from moving. He then reverse-gripped his sword, and readied to bring the blade down [u]Gringor's[/u] head. With the taskforce depleted for a moment, a legionnaire managed to reach [u]Io[/u]. He lost his hammer from the Lich's earlier barrage and so, could only tackle her from behind and wrap his arms around her to disable her from casting anymore spells. They rolled across the dirt a bit, smashing a few of the planted swords. The legionnaire's strength was great, forcing [u]Io[/u] to think of something else to escape the lock. [u]Skarsneek[/u] managed to eliminate most of the archers on the second level while another lightning strike knocked out all the rest. The elevated position gave him a good view of the battle. Takeshi was still dueling Tetsuo, while a couple of students watched them and ready to intervene on behalf of their master. [u]Gringor[/u] was on the ground, with the Iron Grinder leader's boot on his chest and [u]Io[/u] was captured by a legionnaire. [u]Shizuka[/u] was busy fighting most of the students, getting hit by the Heavenly Strike for every student he dispatched. [u]Hinami[/u] and [u]Atsuha[/u] were backed into a rocky corner by two of the Iron Grinder legionnaires, supported by several students. The fourth legionnaire was on the ground, killed instantly by the beams from [u]Io[/u]. The situation was grim... but fortunately, nothing really major occurred when [u]Dinah[/u], [u]Liliana[/u], [u]Kerry[/u] and [u]Eula[/u] returned. [hr] [hr] [hr] [center]~~ TAKESHI'S JOURNEY ~~[/center] [hider=The Shadow Of The Taskforce {END OF ACT I}] [color=fff200](REQUIRES ALL PLAYER CHARACTERS)[/color] "I finally have all that I need to rescue my father from the Varjans. The only thing missing now is where the invaders have him imprisoned. I'm coming for you, father. Just wait a little longer." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ TAKAMORI TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Past Never Passes] "Lord Takamori's traitorous former student, Setsuna, is training Mongol archers across Shizuyama. Lord Takamori posits that she plans on attacking Omi Springs, his hometown and a refuge for villagers. We should meet with Lord Takamori as soon as possible." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SORAE TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Traitor] "Sorae is on the hunt for Sogen, one of the conspirators behind her family's murder. To track him down, Sorae has asked us to speak with Ayu who may know where we can find him." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ SHIZUKA (MERCHANT) TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The People's Servant] "One of the farms near Komatsu Bay looks like it's had some trouble. Someone should make sure the people there are all right." -Takeshi Oja [/hider] [center]~~ TALES OF SHIZUYAMA ~~[/center] [hider=Whispers In The Woods] A villager woman remarked to the taskforce member as the latter passed by. "You better watch out if you're passing Yabo Forest, yokai. It's haunted by angry spirits... Dead samurai, eager to spill blood." "People go into the woods and never come out. Varjan and Shizuyaman alike! The bodies that turn up have all been killed by Shizuyaman blades..." [/hider] [hider=The Other Side Of Honor] A peasant man eating barbecued meat on a stick was startled when the taskforce member approached. It appeared he has news. "Yokai! You have to tell Lord Takeshi, there is another samurai noble who survived Sanjo Beach. His name is Lord Tonchiki. He's in his abode southeast of here. If you go see him, I'm sure he would join your cause." "Err, maybe not. I guess you'll need Lord Takeshi himself to convince him." [/hider] [hider=Shizuyama's Freedom] A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached. "Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by that shrine priestess that started a fight here not too long ago." "They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not trained. Better take Lord Takeshi with you too or else it might be a fight again." [/hider] [hider=Bottoms Up] A peasant man warming his hands on a bonfire noticed the taskforce member passing by. "Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force." [/hider] [center]~~ LEGENDARY TALES ~~[/center] [hider=The Heavenly Strike (ONGOING)] "Dealing with these students of the Heavenly Strike was more difficult than we thought. They have already thrown back two of the taskforce. However, the yokai fought them separately and at different times, so perhaps a more cooperative approach would be more fruitful." -Takeshi Oja [/hider]