[center][sub][h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/MZnCKZnz/qheader.png[/img] [b][color=black] T H E Q U E S T I O N[/color] [color=skyblue]T H E Q U E S T I O N[/color][/b][/h1][/sub] [sub][h2][b][color=black] I S S U E # 4[/color] [color=skyblue]I S S U E # 4[/color][/b][/h2][/sub] [sup][h3][b][color=black] B A C K I N T O W N[/color] [color=skyblue]B A C K I N T O W N[/color][/b][/h3][/sup][/center] [sup][i][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5363086][b]Previously...[/b][/url][/i][/sup] Tot's eyes widen in surprise as he takes my figure in, his mouth going agape. [color=khaki][b]"Charlie?"[/b][/color] I smile. [color=skyblue][b]"Tot. Can I come in?"[/b][/color] Blinking, Tot opens the door wider and steps aside, muttering [color=khaki][b]"Come in, come in..."[/b][/color] I step through the doorway, patting the old man on the arm as I make my way through the foyer and into the living room. Nothing has changed in the room since I was last in Hub City; a large bookcase containing numerous novels, textbooks, and philosophical books is set up against the wall where someone else might put a TV. Two chairs sit a few feet across from each other, a recliner and an armchair, with a double shot glass of scotch and Rand's [i]The Fountainhead[/i] sitting on an accent table beside the latter. I take a seat in the recliner while Tot takes up his chair. I motion to the book. [color=skyblue][b]"Thought you hated Ayn Rand?"[/b][/color] Tot glances at the book then chuckles. [color=khaki][b]"She always was more your speed, wasn't she? I suppose I was curious what you were always going on about."[/b][/color] I shake my head. [color=skyblue][b]"Not much of a fan anymore. Too... Self-absorbed. Ram Dass has become a favorite lately."[/b][/color] Tot nods with an impressed whistle. [color=khaki][b]"Really? The hippie in the woods recommend him?"[/b][/color] I chuckle at that, nodding. [color=skyblue][b]"Yeah, he gave me a full itinerary of philosophical books to read through during my training. Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, you name it. The Zhuangzi was my favorite, I think, but Dass really..."[/b][/color] I trail off, wanting to continue this pleasant conversation on what I had learned, but that wasn't what I was here for. [color=skyblue][b]"... I'd love to keep talking about this, Tot, but you and I both know that's not the most important thing to discuss right now."[/b][/color] The older man's smile slowly leaves his face, a grim expression taking its place. Tot nods, knocking down his double shot before speaking, [color=khaki][b]"Yes. About Fermin?"[/b][/color] [color=skyblue][b]"About Fermin. What are things looking like since I left?"[/b][/color] Tot mulls it over, tilting his head from side to side as though weighing the thoughts in his mind. [color=khaki][b]"The same as they always have been, Charlie. Only difference is you're back now."[/b][/color] I smile at that. [color=skyblue][b]"You keep my things like I asked?"[/b][/color] [color=khaki][b]"Yes."[/b][/color] I stand up, the contented smile on my face betraying the fire burning in my eyes. [color=skyblue][b]"Lead the way."[/b][/color] Tot stands as well, pressing his back up against the bookcase. I join him and the two of us grunt as we begin to push the heavy hunk of oak aside, revealing the door hidden behind it. Tot pulls out a keyring, flips through until he finds the right one, then unlocks it and opens it, allowing me to enter first. Our secret little haven also hasn't changed much, though there wasn't much to begin with. A simple chemical lab where Tot creates more pseudoderm and bonding gas for my use, though I note the workbench and assortment of tools that have been added opposite of the lab equipment. A trunk in the center of the room draws my eye, and I quickly step forward to open it. Inside are my clothes, but on top of the neatly folded articles is a curious looking gun, the shape of a hair dryer with a three-pronged hook coming out of the barrel. I pull it out, eyeing Tot curiously. [color=khaki][b]"Ah,"[/b][/color] he says, [color=khaki][b]"I was working on that before you had to leave the city. Was supposed to be a surprise. With that, you'll be able to scale buildings much more easily, rather than relying on fire escapes as you so often have. You can give it a try later."[/b][/color] I nod, pulling everything out of the trunk as I leave the room to shower and change. The water on my skin almost feels like a baptism, cleansing me of the sweat and grime of the last few days, and with it my worries about returning to Hub City. I resolve myself to go with the flow, be the butterfly that Dragon called me. The man's worries matter not when against the carefree nature of the butterfly. I start slipping my clothes on. I've lost some weight, so they're a bit bigger than usual, but even then the weight of the suit around me is a familiar comfort. The belt tightens up the pants. I never really needed it to keep my pants up before, but the buckle also housed a little secret: a compartment containing the canisters of bonding gas. I slide on the hat, then the trench coat. I dig around in the coat's pockets and find my leather gloves folded neatly in the inner coat pocket. I slip them on. Only one thing left to complete the ensemble. With the grappling gun tucked inside my coat, I step out of the bathroom, where Tot is waiting for me with a refill of bonding gas and my mask in hand. He passes it off to me and I quickly store the canisters before examining the mask, a small smile on my face as I do so. Two glass eye holes, able to see clearly around the layer of skin covering them up, and a thin filter for dust and toxins over my mouth. Pleased that the mask is the same as always, I pocket it and head to the door. [color=khaki][b]"Ready to go so soon, Charlie?"[/b][/color] Tot asks. I stop at the front door, glancing back at Tot from over my shoulder. [color=skyblue][b]"Need to remind some people that this city isn't theirs."[/b][/color] I open the door. [color=skyblue][b]"I'll see you soon."[/b][/color] And with that, I take my leave. [center]--- [sup][color=skyblue][b]O N E H O U R L A T E R . . .[/b][/color][/sup][/center] A heavy rain drizzles down, soaking the pavement and drenching anyone walking along the sidewalk. Three men in a warehouse are unloading a truck full of crates, grumbling all the while. [b]"Fuckin' hell..."[/b] one of the men grunts, setting the last of the crates onto the ground. [b]"Alright, that's that then."[/b] They don't even know that I'm watching from the skylight above. I visited one of my contacts, Roscoe, an old hobo with a penchant for hitting the sauce. Despite that, he was a reliable informant most of the time, gave me tips about the Sinners' activities around the city. He told me that he was sleeping in what he thought was an abandoned warehouse, only to be woken up by the voices of a couple of men discussing the truck they were going to receive tonight. A hundred thousand dollars worth of product. [b]"-flood the Wedge and Lucifer's Corner with enough heroin to fill Hupert River,"[/b] Roscoe recalled one saying. I open the skylight slowly, setting my grappling hook onto the roof and rappelling myself down into the warehouse. I drop down behind a stack of crates and flatten myself up against it. The tension inside me is close to erupting, the knot in my belly tightening and my muscles tensing. In just a moment, I'll commit myself; I'll burst out from behind the crates and do violence or have violence done to me. That I may die is of no interest to me, because in this moment, I am [i][b]alive[/b][/i]. I hear footsteps. One of the men heading my way. Perfect timing. I spring out from around the corner and grab the man by his arm, twisting him around. The other hand grabs the back of his head and slams his face into the crate which cracks from the force. I pull him back and let him go before delivering a roundhouse kick into the side of his head that sends him to the floor. I snap my head back in the direction of the other men who are staring at me in slack-jawed horror. [b]"Holy shit, it's the no-face guy!"[/b] I rush and leap forward with a kick into one, sending him flying back. I whip around and throw a punch at the other man, then grab him by the arm and toss him into one of the crates, destroying it and causing plastic packages full of heroin to spill out onto the floor. The one I kicked is back on his feet now, pulling out a pistol from his waistband. I whip out my grappling hook and fire it at the man, the hook hitting him in the face and causing him to drop his gun. Taking the opportunity, I dash ahead and deliver a palm to the man's chest, followed by a sweeping kick that sends him to the floor. I look back over to his buddy to see that he's still splayed on top of the pile of heroin, barely conscious. The one on the floor is trying to get up, so I grab him by the shirt and pull him to his feet. [color=skyblue][b]"Let me ask you a question,"[/b][/color] I say. [color=skyblue][b]"What do the Sinners gain in starting a heroin epidemic in Hub City?"[/b][/color] [b]"I-I don't know! They never tell me shit!"[/b] [color=skyblue][b]"Don't know? Or don't want to tell me?"[/b][/color] [b]"I would tell you! I promise!"[/b] [color=skyblue][b]"Alright. Tell me someone who does know."[/b][/color] [b]"The Reverend! He's the one who ordered the shipments from Chicago!"[/b] The Reverend. I had heard the title before during my investigations into the Gospel of Sinners' activities. He was the head of the organization, and it seemed like everything went through him in the city's criminal underworld. Now I just had to find out who could lead me to him. [color=skyblue][b]"The Reverend. How can I find him?"[/b][/color] [b]"Jake Mulligan! He's a top dog, one of the Reverend's enforcers!"[/b] [color=skyblue][b]"Where can I find Mulligan?"[/b][/color] [b]"He lives on Lemire Avenue! The fuckin' apartments there!"[/b] [color=skyblue][b]"That was quick. No loyalty to your cause?"[/b][/color] [b]"Man, fuck a cause! I just wanted to get paid, not go up against some faceless fuckin' freak! If sellin' that asshole out means I don't get my shit kicked in then I'll fuckin' do it!"[/b] [color=skyblue][b]"Typical two-bit thug. Don't care about anyone but yourself."[/b][/color] I slam the man into the ground, his head bouncing on the concrete and knocking him out.