[H3][color=goldenrod]Anathema Dunn[/color][/h3] [Color=goldenrod]Time:[/color] Early Morning, [Color=goldenrod]Location:[/color] Communal Hotspring to Dawnhaven Market [hr] Anathema listened with some amusement as Céline chastised her. Certainly, she was right and it was nothing to be laughed at, Anathema had taken an awful risk for curiosity's sake--her fortune notwithstanding. Still, there was some sort of humor in that the first blightborn she had met was chastising her as a parent might a child; admittedly gentler and with far fewer declarations about "abominations" than her own parents had when she had announced her plans to leave, but ultimately with the same intention at heart. Anathema was relieved that Céline seemed to take no issue with her reason for coming to Dawnhaven, beyond encouraging her to proceed with a hint more caution, and that she wasn't pressed for a deeper why. Céline disappeared in a whirlwind. Anathema's head whipped around to see what she was running from, finding nothing; where she was running, seeing movement in the dark as a form entered the hotspring. Perplexed, Anathema stood and once again waded in the water. She wasn't about to step out barefoot into the snow as Céline had done, not yet at the very least. Céline stood above the new figure in the water, rigid, she didn't look well. She was about halfway to the other side of the hotspring when the blighted woman fell forward in the form of a penitent worshipper at an altar. Anathema abandoned the warmth of the water now, taking to the snow. Céline retched, and Anathema ran to close the distance, her feet stinging from the shock of the transition between the welcoming warmth of the spring to the biting cold of the snow. [color=goldenrod]"Oh, dear..."[/color] she murmured. [Color=goldenrod][i]Is she sick?[/i][/color] It didn't seem likely, she hadn't seemed to be sick before, this all seemed so [i]sudden[/i]. Anathema studied Céline's heaving form; concern tied up her insides like a net. “[color=a464b0]Can you help us!? Can you go get help? I’ll watch her,[/color]” Anathema thought to contradict, surely this woman would be able to find help more readily? That was, assuming she was not also a newcomer to the young village, of course. Anathema wished for the sun more than she had ever before yet. If only the sun still rose, she would be more helpful. As it stood, her healing abilities were certainly not sufficient for a severe condition. Nodding to the stranger, Anathema laid her hand upon Céline's dark cheek and spoke quickly, [color=goldenrod]"Céline? Céline, I'm going to find help."[/color] And she ran. The landscape around her shifted without its due consideration. Before she realized she came barreling down the streets of Dawnhaven, [color=goldenrod]"Help! HELP!"[/COLOR] she shrieked as she came upon a duo, a woman of moderate height and stout and another especially short. [Color=goldenrod]"Help! At hotspring...Céline...sick.[/color] she spoke through gasps, doubled over with her hands on her knees, staring at her bare feet. [hr] Mentions/Interactions Céline [@SkeankySnack], Octavia [@The Savant], Sya [@PrinceAlexus], Becky [@amorphical]