[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — Castle Plaza[/h3][/center] At last, directions to a proper diplomatic channel. Someone there would definitely be able to hear the otherworlders out, and even act upon their warnings... Assuming they could convince anyone that the threat was even real. Truth be told, Anne herself wasn't sure if she could trust Lavielle's words. Was passing on the cryptic prophecies of a goddess seen only in dreams really the right thing to do? Her uncertainty could be seen in her eyes, even as she thanked the guard who'd helped her out and set off towards the embassy. Uncertainty, and a trace of irritation as she passed by her companions, maybe even wickedness. "Fran, make sure you keep holding her nice and tight. She's our [i]precious Lady Scarlet,[/i] after all." There would be no more nonsense from that one, not while Anne had such quality muscle on hand to assist. In fact, perhaps for the first time, the Knight met the horned Servant's gaze through her bangs and genuinely smiled at her. "You know, I was wondering why you came along... But it turns out I'm glad to have you with us. Let's wrap things up quickly, and get back to the others in time for dinner." She said that, but the embassy really was a long way away. Before long the Knight's brisk pace slowed to an uneven walk, and she could be heard quietly grumbling to herself under her breath. [i]Damn it. They don't have cars in this place... All this marching around is hell on my knees.[/i] They could probably have tried to hire a carriage or something, but that would mean parting with more of what little currency they had, a prospect Anne recoiled from instinctively. With a grimace, she forced herself onward through the bustling streets, barely paying attention to any who might be watching or passing by until she at last slumped against the embassy's heavy door and heaved it open with a grunt of exertion. This place definitely wasn't as heavily guarded as the castle, but hopefully it wouldn't be completely deserted either. As she caught her breath, Anne looked about for someone suitably official-looking she could approach and introduce herself to. In the event that she found one, she'd quickly dust herself off before striding up to them and clearing her throat. "Anne Mayer, representing Lady Remilia of House Scarlet. We have a message that needs to be passed up the chain of command." [@Rezod92][@Izurich][@PKMNB0Y]