[h3][color=00aeef]Shion Kana[/color][/h3][hr] For her part, the former living soul had learned something from her nerves-induced nightmare the day of the festival, notably that arriving earlier than early was important. She had been there exactly twenty-two minutes before the expected time for her mission to the World of the Living, so when Mei told her she was late anyway, she was slightly shell-shocked. The surprise was evident on her face for a few seconds before it sunk in and she collected herself. The shinigami in charge was right, if she and the others had been there even sooner, they could have had more time to prepare both before leaving and when arriving at their mission. Though [i]hours[/i] might be pushing the realm of reason. Her first mission being in the World of the Living seemed fitting for Shion, since she'd only left it a little more than six years ago. Before the others arrived, she idly wondered if that was why she was chosen for this mission, but looking around once everyone was there, she wasn't able to see Hagoromo anywhere, so perhaps that wasn't the case? Or perhaps they figured one previously living shinigami was enough. Her attention was on Mei as she explained the situation, but... A limiter!? Shion was above-average in Spiritual Pressure, yes, but to only a quarter!? Without having shikai, she'd be at a huge disadvantage... Still, she wasn't going to let that get in her way. The mission was ostensibly to defeat hollows, yes, and she had proven her ability to do so with her sealed zanpakuto to graduate, but now that she was down to a quarter strength she was a bit worried. Still, while the mission was to defeat hollows, the reason for doing so was to protect living people, a job she would take completely and utterly seriously. She walked through the gateway and saw the shipyard that they would be fighting in, noting that the other senior reaper followed in last. Shion took in the situation, the hollows' placement and that of the humans, and noticed that one of the workers was looking right at the shinigami. If they could see them, even on the small chance they could, they'd have to have notably high Reiryoku. And if they did, that would make them a prime target for the hollows, as Shion knew from experience. She decided to start near that person and work her way inwards. Of course, just as she decided that... A sensation washed over her from the direction of the warehouse just as Rio introduced himself. And right after learning his name, two of the others rushed in. She shouted to Jingorō just as he disappeared, [color=00aeef]"Be safe!"[/color] She turned to speak to Mei when Ageha spoke. Shion wasn't able to respond before she was moving, so she shouted after her as well. [color=00aeef]"Ah! Wait, if you're not careful you could knock down the entire crane!"[/color] Lowered Reiatsu would help, but at the speed Ageha was moving, would that even be enough to stop the damage? Plus, the [i]hollows[/i] weren't limited, if the fight got too intense, it could easily make the crane fall on its own. Still though, Shion felt that they had a good chance of success today. She turned to Mei and spoke up. [color=00aeef]"If Rio-san is going in as backup... Please keep an eye on us, Mei-san."[/color] Then she turned to Jinzo as well. Given his condition, she assumed he'd be going for the strongest source of Spirit Pressure, so... [color=00aeef]"If you're going into the warehouse, please be careful."[/color] Having said what she set out to say, she allowed the Reishi under her feet to dissipate and began to plummet towards the ground. As she fell she noticed that there was a hollow beneath her, also looking at where she was just standing. Crap, she wasn't expecting that! Hastily, she pulled her sword from its sheath, barely managing to do so in time to block the hollow's jumping attack. Its arm was knocked away and she was able to land a slash on its mash, but not deep enough to purify it in one blow, just enough to make it run away from her. Was that normal? She'd only ever seen two of the things up close, one when she died and one to graduate, (unless you count the ones she'd seen in her dreams) but a hollow running away implied more intelligence than she hoped it had. Regardless, she couldn't run after it with other hollows converging on the shipyard proper, so she moved ahead with her plan and went to the worker who might have seen them arrive. With that human and, thanks to her location, a few others in sight, she looked around for other nearby hollows. Now that there were others to protect, her nerves melted away and her focus intensified. She'd make sure nobody she could reach would get hurt; she'd protect everyone in front of her.