[quote][sub] Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant Brookside, Castleburg Being observed: Crane [@Zoey Boey], Lab Rat [@Silver Carrot], Blur Rabbit [@DClassified], Ardent [@manythings], Terraformer [@shylarah], Freakshow [@Crusader Lord], Mire [@Blizz] [/sub][/quote] [indent][indent]As the group of heroes at the recycling plant splintered, Torch smiled beneath his mask. Though nobody could see it, it was a deranged smile, the type of smile that lacked kindness and only contained twisted pleasure. The type of smile that was right to hide behind a mask. The newly-minted leader of the 'Azure Skulls' stood slowly walked towards the group of heroes that had entered through the hole. As he did so, the Terrazards that were rapidly scuttling out like bugs stopped their assault, as if they had just been commanded to do so. Granted, there were enough Terrazards outside that dealing with them was still a relevant priority, but this at least seemed to signal who was in control here. [color=chocolate]"Welcome, heroes,"[/color] he said, his voice oozing the type of overconfidence that was endemic amongst villains. He turned to face Freakshow, staring at her behind the mask. [color=chocolate]"Welcome home, Cadaver. I'm glad you were able to make it inside our humble abode."[/color] [color=chocolate]"Unfortunately for me and my friends, we are indeed outnumbered and outmatched. It would be best for us to surrender. But luckily, our benefactors- the ones that asked us to defend this hole-"[/color] He gestured towards the massive hole in the ground. It probably wasn't a good play to reveal all this information, but villains were going to villain, especially deluded, crazy ones. [color=chocolate]"-have also gifted us some technology. Two important pieces. Number one."[/color] Torch tapped what appeared to be a black box that looked similar in size and design to a walkie-talkie. [color=chocolate]"A Leftover control synchronizer designed by a very capable scientist in their employ. But the tricks get better. Boys, use the device."[/color] One of the twins looked surprised. [color=lightgray]"You sure, boss?"[/color] [color=chocolate]"Yes. Go, now."[/color] Torch quickly lifted a hand, procuring an intense fireball in his palm in case any of the heroes tried to interrupt his monologue. If they had, the sudden burst of heat would be enough to at least surprise them. [color=chocolate]"I hope you enjoyed the appetizer, because I say it's about time we had the full course meal."[/color] As Torch made his food-related analogy, the pair of criminally-minded twins quickly ran over to the hooded man on the couch. One of them was holding what appeared to be a gun with a hypodermic needle that was filled with some type of mysterious blue liquid. The twin then jabbed the needle into the ribcage of the hooded man on the couch, injecting the fluid into him. Immediately, the man on the couch began to howl like he was in immense pain, grabbing at his forehead and clutching it like the fluid had caused a sudden migraine. He unleashed a shockingly loud howl that might've even been heard outside of the facility. And then, suddenly, he began to grow. Larger and larger. His clothes were, of course, torn asunder, revealing somebody that looked barely human, even less human than any case file could anticipate. The man resembled some type of orangutan or great ape, with long, dirty wine-colored hair that thickly matting almost every inch of his body and a face that looked more simian than human. More importantly, the man was still growing, going from his already respectable height to 10 feet to 15 feet to 20 something odd feet, now towering over all the humans in the recycling plant. The HERO files had listed somebody called "the Menace" that had appeared to have some type of ape-like mutation resulting from the Hero Gene. Whoever this hulking beast was, was not that person. The person known as "the Menace" had never grown above 10 feet tall or looked nearly this feral or ape-like. The substance in the syringe had done [i]something,[/i] that was for sure. Torch chuckled madly. [color=chocolate]"Now, where were we? Oh, right. Killing you all."[/color] The fireball that was flickering in his hand now grew even larger and hotter. [color=chocolate]"Go forth, Terrazards! Go forth, Menace! Kill these heroes! Just leave Cadaver to me."[/color] Torch adjusted his gask mask with his free hand as he turned his attention towards Freakshow. [color=chocolate]"Do you remember me, Cadaver? Or do you go by Luna? Or something else?"[/color] He laughed maniacally once again. This was a man that had completely lost his marbles in every conceivable way. [color=chocolate]"Whoever you are, I'm about to show you what happens when you leave people to die. You get [i]burned.[/i]"[/color] And with that ominous threat, Torch lobbed the fireball he had been so carefully procuring directly at Luna. [center]¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤[/center] As Torch gave his little speech, the man/creature known as the Menace, still seemingly not having recovered from whatever was in the needle, lumbered around the room, still clutching his head. He gave a loud moan, before suddenly rushing towards one of the walls of the recycling plant. Of course, no recycling plant was built to withstand the force of a massive, chemically-enhanced monkey-man running at a dead sprint, and he burst clean through the wall, causing a massive cloud of dust and likely Asbestos to explode outwards, pluming into the darkening Brookside sky. The Menace looked around the outside of the plant as the Terrazards, once again seeming to be under the spell of whatever was commanding them, rushed out, scuttling past the Menace's feet. The Menace squinted as he continued to search, before his eyes locked onto Ting Feng. Despite having grown to an enormous size, Ting Feng was still probably a good few feet taller. And thus, she was a target. The Menace gave one more roar before charging into battle on all fours, preparing to take down the fellow massive being. There could only be one, after all. [center]¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤[/center] Meanwhile, the twins known as Things One and Two were approaching two of the other heroes that were still inside the plant. One of them was holding a lead pipe, the other one was holding what appeared to be a handheld taser. [color=lightgray]"Look, bro, we get the two lamest heroes. Lame Rat and...Lamedent. Sorry, didn't think of a name on time."[/color] [color=lightgray]"It's alright, bro. Let's show these suckers how it's done."[/color] And with that low-grade villainous commentary, the twins looked at each other, and suddenly, two more twins popped out from behind the two that were already standing there, like some type of really ugly magic trick. And then, another pair of twins from each of them. Suddenly, there were eight identical-looking humans standing there, all of them looking not unlike Eminem from 8 Mile, and all of them armed with some type of weapon. And with that little trick, they jumped at Ardent and Lab Rat, charging head on. [center]¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤[/center] The woman known as Chimera looked visibly disturbed as the massive hulking beast emerged from the wall of the recycling plant. This was not what she had signed up to supervise. A few Terrazards, OK. Some basic-level goons from a local gang, fine. But this was a whole new level of danger. Mari pressed her earpiece. [color=F52A23]"Magician, this is Chimera. We have a possible level 8 danger situation here. I'm aborting the mission and preparing to deliver suppressing fire."[/color] A moment later, the smarmy British voice responded. [color=SlateBlue]”Negative, my dear. Stay the course. This is an excellent opportunity to observe how HERO responds to dangerous situations.”[/color] [color=F52A23]"Spencer, this goes beyond a dangerous situation. If HERO fails, the immediate area is in danger. I can deal with this situation."[/color] [color=SlateBlue]”I'm well aware that you can, Marisol. But again, this gives us prime data for HERO's job performance. Which is our ultimate goal. I won't negotiate with you any further. This is a direct order. Go outside of your mission parameters, and you know what happens. As much as I hate to admit it, you're very replaceable.”[/color] The woman on the water tower scowled. c she said through a scowl, her little fists clenching frustratedly on the grip of the sniper rifle. [color=SlateBlue]"Thank you, dear. I know it might be difficult, but you have to let HERO try. If they can't fight their way into the tunnels, then the city would be in far more danger with them here then without. I know you understand me well. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make a quick phone call."[/color] Mari put her finger back near the trigger of the gun, eyeing the situation through the scope. She then furrowed her brow as she thought about what Randolph had said, lifting the sniper rifle from its position and resting it on her knee vertically. [color=F52A23][i]What tunnels?[/i][/color] [/indent][/indent][hr]