||Name|| Puriel (Cherry Bishop) ||Age|| Unknown (23) ||Race|| Demon (Demon-Possessed Human) ||Magic|| Fleshcraft—warping and augmentation of the body of the host. Provides excellent utility in combat as well as more mundane matters such as improved sight, hearing, speed, and so on. Puriel has a particular fondness for creating swords out of the host's bones. ||Appearance of Host|| [hair color] Blonde [eye color] Brown [height] 5'2” [body build] Curvy and short [weight] 140 lbs ||Personality & History|| Perhaps no creature is more beholden to a code than Puriel. Without law, there is chaos, without rules, destruction. By any logic, they are the perfect angel—but as much as they claim to value it, logic is not something Puriel possesses. They see God's insistence that humans retain free will as blasphemy. Free will allows humans to deviate from the divine commandments and sow sin across the Earth. Free will must be eradicated. This obsession with order eventually caused Puriel to fall from Heaven and become a demon. They are wrestling with this rather violently—they are not some wretched hellion, they do not renounce the teachings of God. They just renounce God. Funny how that works… such hubris from one who claims pride to be a sin. They are formal, cold, and haughty when interacting with others, only deigning to engage in sincerity with angelborn. The nephilim must be taught the word of God not as He wrote it, but as it is. It was a cruel twist of God's plan, then, that Puriel was crammed into such an impetuous host. Cherry Bishop has, at the achingly mortal age of 23, engaged in more heresy than many of the most tenured demons. The seven deadly sins are, to her, something of a checklist—the more she can do, the more often, the more creatively, the better. She has always been fascinated by the occult and has sought to serve Satan most of her life. Good news: now she is. Bad news: the demon He gave her is a major buzzkill. Like, how is she supposed to spread the dark one's influence when this pathetic substitute for Beelzebub won't even let her curse? Forget about Ephesians 4:29, Puriel, sometimes “fuck” is the only appropriate word! Long story short: Puriel is a by-the-book demon convinced they're still an angel who took the first ticket out of Hell by way of a chaotic, bloodthirsty cultist. They're roommates in Cherry's head and by God (and Satan), they will get along one day. That day is not today. ||Current Alignment|| Lawful Evil (Chaotic Evil) ||Miscellaneous|| Cherry usually wears clothing that's generally normal but is desperately aiming for whimsigoth energy. She'd really like to get into the traditional goth scene, but that takes far more money and time than she has. Puriel loves animals because according to them, animals function strictly on preprogrammed instinct and cannot sin. All dogs go to Heaven confirmed. Cherry used to live in an apartment with a bunch of roommates, but Puriel made her move out and demon-magicked her the credit score to get a place of her own. She misses her old roommates and their toleration of her freaky occult stuff, even if they too were weird and sort of toxic. They had so much in common. Puriel is trying to teach Cherry how to handle guns and other weapons (no, pointing an unloaded pistol at a grocery store clerk does not count) so they don't have to use incredibly conspicuous fleshcraft as often. Cherry thinks incredibly conspicuous fleshcraft is rad as hell and is reluctant to use mundane weapons because of that. Cherry's pronouns are she/her and Puriel's pronouns are they/them. Puriel keeps as tight a control over the body as they can, given their distaste for humans’ free will and all, but the constant focus required to prevent Cherry from running things always eventually exhausts them, allowing her to grab the reins when they can hold on no longer. As such, there is no co-piloting: either Puriel is controlling the body or Cherry is. That's not to say they won't fight each other for it. If either of them want to help the demons break the seals and win the war, they'll have to learn to balance their desires in order to function at full power.