[hider=Andrés Moruga] Name: Andrés Moruga Nickname: N/A Age: 25 Gender: Male Occupation: Comic book artist Appearance: [hider=Andrés][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/8b/6a/8f8b6ad64987beddfccecbfc098dc144.png[/img][/hider] Standing at 6'0 and weighing 170 lbs. He has brown hair, a short beard and brown eyes. Andrés has a tan complexion and has above average build. Since he works out but not enough to earn a muscular or athletic build. He tends to wear casual clothes when he can help it. However, it does not stop him from wearing more formal or weather-specific clothing when needed. He does take care of himself, maintaining his hair length and the growth of is beard. Never letting himself go unless something is really negative in his life. [b]Character Concept:[/b] A native, Andrés is one who thought he would never return to the Isles. His family, the Moruga, was one of the oldest and prominent families in the Isles. Andrés was the second child of his family, and his father had planned out of life for him. But Andrés was one who would not conform to his father's wishes like his older brother did. He rebelled and after an argument with his father. Andrés was cut off, and Andrés chose to leave the Isles and live on the mainland. Where he would earn a living as a comic book artist. It was not a glamorous job, but he enjoyed drawing art and was a fan of comic books growing up. It seemed like a good choice to him, more so when his comic books became somewhat popular, and he was able to earn a living off of it. Only he would return to the Isles on the insistence of his mother for Andrés's father was on his deathbed. Only to discover that his family's wealth was nearly gone. A good amount was wasted on a business venture and once his father died. Andrés's older brother would take what was left of the family's fortune and leave the Isles for his own reasons. Leaving what was left of the family without their wealth. Now Andrés has a choice, he could continue his own path or help what is left of his family on the Isles and steer them towards a better future. While Andrés knows this will be a tough choice, he still cares for his mother, and it does make him feel bad about her state. He does not know what the Isles can offer him, even though he has had success on the mainland. Not to mention that his relationship with his father has tainted his memories of the Isles, and he does not know if he wants to stay. Either through compassion or just wanting to get away, Andrés has to make a choice, and it will affect his family no matter what. The question is whether he will make the right choice for himself and not regret it. [b]Character History:[/b] Andrés was born the second child of the Moruga family, one of the oldest and most prominent families in the Isles, with the wealth to back it up. Now, growing up, Andrés did not want much. Since most of it was provided by his family, while there were some things he liked, like drawing, and was encouraged by his grandmother. His father had started to"guide" him towards a path that he wanted. A change that Andrés did not like and would grow to hate as his father became more and more strict about it. Starting arguments over it. By the time he was eighteen, his father had planned out most of his future, and finally, Andrés had enough. Now, he was tired of what his father wanted and wanted the freedom to follow his own future. Andrés had one final argument with his father and by the end of it, his father would cut him off from the family. A decision that Andrés did not care about and with what money he had. He chose to leave the Isles and move to the mainland. Specifically to Chetumal, where he lived with a friend while trying to find a job. As Andrés started to adjust to living on the mainland and in a city. He started doing old hobbies, now he was free of his father. On the advice of his friend and the fact, he was having trouble finding a job. Andrés started drawing and writing comic books, and after some failed attempts to attract an audience. He managed to gain a following over his latest comic and it started to become popular. Finally, becoming less of a burden to his friend, and he was able to support himself. Now, by the time he had reached twenty-five, was when he got a call from his mother. Apparently, his father was dying and on his deathbed. She insisted that he return and at least attend his father's funeral. Andrés thought long and hard about this, and in the end. He chose to listen to his mother and return home to the Isles. Though what he found he did not expect. For a while, he never talked to his father, and his father would die shortly after Andrés arrived on the Isles. Through his mother, he learned about the family's fortune, that a good amount of it was wasted on a failed business venture. After the funeral and after the will reading which Andrés expectly got nothing. His older brother got what was left of the family's fortune and said that living on the Isles was a waste and he would take what was left of the family's wealth elsewhere. Promptly moving from the Isles to somewhere on the mainland. What was left of Andrés's family was devastated by the turns of events, and now the once prominent family in the Isles was a shadow of its former self. Unable to support their current lifestyle, and most of their holdings had to be sold off. Andrés had to help his family through that ordeal. Now, the Morugas only own a normal house and a cafe that is owned by his mother. Now, his mother wants him to help rebuild what their family had lost and not lose anything else. Andrés realizes that he has a choice to make. While he does love his mother and he has not issues with his younger sister. He had a life and was happy on the mainland, and helping the family with rebuilding means giving up that up. But staying means he could direct what was left of the family towards something better and fix what his father and older brother caused. Currently, Andrés is still on the Isles and has yet to make a choice. Helping out his family while readjusting to island life and relearning what the Isles have to offer. He does not know how long he will be on the Isles, but Andrés knows that whatever he does, he has to do what is best for him. Now, he just needs to figure that out. Likes: Art Comic books Seafood Burgers Star gazing Dislikes: His father his older brother Snakes Being forced to do stuff Coffee [b]Special Talent:[/b] Andrés is a natural artist ever since he started drawing when he was young and encouraged by his grandmother. It was a passion for him but, as he grew. His father would get in the way of his progress and encourage him to take up a new hobby. Still, he tried to persist with his passion but has to stop because of his father. But, after rebelling aganist his father and leaving the Isles. He started drawing again and found work thanks to his artistic skills. Supporting Information: [hider=Moruga Family] [hider=Catarina][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/b8/88/0fb8881cd0b31394d986e62b35cd999d.jpg[/img] Andrés younger sister, Catarina(22). While she was subject to the same "guiding" influence as Andrés and their older brother by their father. Their father was noticeably more interested in "guiding" Catarina, unlike her older brothers. While it is unknown why, this meant she had less to time pursue her own interests. Before their father died, she was studying political science, but now, without the funds to continue going to a university. She is staying with her mother and is thinking of changing majors once she can go back to university. Following André's example of doing what she really wants to do. [/hider] [hider=Ángela][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/8e/89/70/8e89703af9f9ded0c31135c4e7e838ac.jpg[/img] Andrés's mother and matriarch of the Moruga family, Ángela(48). While Andrés hated his father, he does not feel the same way with his mother. Who, despite letting his father plan out his future. She did help him out and consoled him when he was angry or sad. She being the main reason why he has considered helping out the family. Ángela may not seen it, but she does care about her family, and while she did not agree with how their children were raised. She still tries to keep the family together despite failing in some regards.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Hidden Retreat Cafe][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/ca/4d/efca4d29660bdb82cb9836731f494eb3.jpg[/img] The Moruga family's sole remaining business is owned by Andrés's mother. The cafe started as a side venture that his mother wanted to do, and his father gave her the funds to do so. The Hidden Retreat Cafe is a popular hangout by the locals and despite the recent changes in fortune in the family. They are still able to afford to use high-quality ingredients for their food and drinks and keep paying the employees the same rate for the time being. However, the cafe is making less of a profit because of it, and Ángela is seeking ways to improve its income from the cafe without sacrificing what makes it great.[/hider] [/hider]