[Centre][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LjIyOGIyMi5RV3hoY21saklFUnlZV3RsLjA/arizonia.regular.webp[/img][/centre] A silent alarm went off in Alarics room, his enchanted alarm clock awaking him without noise and more of a nudge in the morning. One of his more favourite enchantments, avoiding the loud ringing of hammer on bell. He lifted himself out of bed with ease and stretched his neck, rubbing his hand on the opposite side. [color=ForestGreen]"Ugh.."[/color] was all he could mutter following his disturbed slumber before arising from the bed in need of a shower and coffee. He got himself dressed as nicely as he could be bothered, this still resulted in a crisp white shirt adorned with a dark green tie, tailored black slacks, and black shoes, but he had rolled the sleeves to his elbows. He made his way through his apartment and grabbed his messenger bag, not the most professional look but one that felt comfortable hanging from his shoulder. As he made his way to the door, he grabbed his skateboard, one enchanted to move without pushing. Another "why use effort when you've got magic" that he was quietly proud of. It helped that non-magic folk wouldn't think twice about someone travelling on a skateboard. As he arrived, quickly flicking between pedestrians, at the towering structure which was the MagiCorp building, he let out a small sigh, not one of dismissal or disbelief but one of quiet introspection. This was the company that wanted his parents to join them so badly, and maybe if they had, they'd still be alive. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a breathe before stepping into the building. He made his way to one of the many elevators and crammed in with the others that seemed to arrive a little closer to late like he had. He walked into the sales floor, brushing by two talking, one that for just a second Alaric thought had horns, he locked his eyes on her and expected to take it in but like it was there before it wasn't anymore. He looked away and raised an eyebrow. He attributed it to his imagination and made his way to his desk in the "customer service" department.