[center][h1][color=orange]Crane[/color][/h1] Outside Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant[/center] [hr] First, came the lizards. Then, came the mushroom person, who dealt with those lizards. Then...came even more lizards. A lot of lizards. The third part, the bit with the even more lizards, was where Crane really started to get involved. The sheer number of them was staggering. It was enough to make Crane nervous. She was tough, sure, but without support, she could imagine a future where she made one too many mistakes and let herself get overwhelmed. Fortunately, she had her first time allies with her. She had to prove herself a worthy asset. [color=orange]"Here I go!"[/color] She said, taking up a position that left her back towards a part of the city. Crane would be the living wall that kept the Terrazards from spilling into the civilian populace. Crane leaned over slightly, taking a wide stance with one foot forward, her weight on her back foot. When the Terrazards approached, she clapped her hands together, creating a dizzying shockwave that kicked up dust and rung ears the ears. [color=orange]"Clap! Clap! Clap!" [/color] Crane called out, doing this several times. This was the advantage of having super strength and super durability to go along with her super size. it Even if Crane was shrunk down to normal size, she would still be much stronger than the average person. These gifts were special, and unique, and it was all that Crane had to offer to the world. Well, Crane thought in the back of her head. That, and she liked to think, her sunny personality! She didn't want her inner monologue to think that her self-worth was tied up in her strength or usefulness or anything like that. Crane just liked to be helpful! And helpful she was, as the stunned mutant lizards failed to overcome her powerful shockwaves. Crane had developed many techniques like this before becoming a hero. It was a good AoE attack that affected many enemies at once, while being mostly non-lethal. At least, that's how she imagined it in her head. So it was good to see her hypothesis pay off. Crane slammed her fist into the ground, creating an explosion that launched several back at lethal speeds, or just flat out squished them beneath her knuckles. [color=orange]"Yah!"[/color] She yelled. Then she swept her hand back and forth in a slapping motion, sending lizards flying away. Everything was going well, until the GIANT MONKEY appeared. [color=orange]"Giant monkey?!" [/color] Crane called out in alarm. She was still taller than this thing, but it was the biggest thing Crane had ever seen in her life that wasn't a building. The Terrazards would have free reign over Crane's territory as she took a step back, eyes wide as the Menace charged towards her. Crane's thoughts raced. Was this thing stronger than her, in the same way a monkey was stronger than a human? It was entirely possible. On the other hand, she could be stronger than it. The only way to find out was to act with caution and restraint. Crane widened her stance again, her strange, large heart pounding in her chest. One hand was forward, the other one was up, like a scorpion's tail. Her first idea was to redirect all of its energy and send it spilling onto the floor. Or dodge the creature. But she realized that was too risky! What if it kept running? What if it went into the city? Or what if her teammates ran by and got squished by a giant monkey? She couldn't rely on Menace's anger to cause it to be entirely directed at her exclusively. If she dodged it, anyone could get involved. There was nothing for it, then. Crane would meet the beast head on, and hold it here. Keep its attention entirely on her. Her stance shifted, from one of evasive strategy, to one of solid, defensive strategy. It was obvious to anyone with martial arts experience what the thoughts were in Crane's head. First, she was ready to dodge, then she glanced over her shoulder at the city, and her priorities changed. And now... Crane lowered both her hands hand wide, palms out, like a wrestler. Her lips pressed together and she winced, bracing for impact. There was a mighty collision as she slammed her hands into the shoulders of the beast and tried to grab it to prevent it from tackling her.