[h2]Fujiwara no Mokou[/h2] This place was big. It wasn't anywhere near as huge as that glimpse of the cities in the outside world, but the size and scale of it? It was definitely much larger than the very little she remembered of Fujiwara-Kyou, or even Heijou-Kyou before she'd gone off after the elixir. Oh, maybe it didn't cover as much ground—she hadn't taken to the air to see, after all—but they had certainly built the city upwards a lot more; the sheer density of this place in comparison to the capitals of her childhood was astonishing. And yet it was still so small on an objective scale. It was funny, that; if she hadn't visited the outside world, this would undoubtedly be the biggest city she'd ever stepped foot inside. Now it just seemed big by comparison. As usual, the solution of "just walk around until you come across someone interesting" was paying off. They'd run into someone who looked like she would fit right into Gensokyo, if it came down to it, and certainly had the attitude down. What were the odds of there being another dual-sword wielding swordsman just hanging around where they could find her, anyway? Not seeing a point in getting sliced to pieces if these two went at it right here, Mokou kept going to stand beside the blonde that was… contracted? Hm, some sort of master-familiar relationship? She did have a bit of the [i]look[/i] of a magician about her. It was worth asking. "You're a magician, then?"