[center][h3][color=green]Lewa[/color][/h3][/center] This city seemed impossibly large, its sheer population and its towering structures of stone unprecedented, but Lewa forged on, taking the labyrinth and its countless denizens one step at a time. He never liked traversing the claustrophobic tunnels of Onu-wahi that this place reminded him of, albeit less dark and enclosed, and while Nieve did in a way bring to mind the deep jungle of his home, its near-total lack of vegetation stripped out any semblance of familiarity. For someone used to braving the wilderness, with either wild beasts or nobody at all for company, the huge number of people felt a lot more intimidating. Nevertheless, the Toa of Air would see his duty through. As Lewa wandered, he received a lot of inquiring or wary looks, but only once did he receive a question, and it came from a surprising source. Lewa glanced down at the tiny organic thing in his arms, surprised to hear her talk. While he hadn't paid her much mind during the trip so far, reasonable that it fell to humans to take care of their young, he'd been subjected to the same few voices for days on end as the caravan traveled, but hers was completely unfamiliar. "Rot?" he repeated, confused. That word didn't ring a bell to him. He knew that plants decayed after death, but that concept was as inapplicable to bionic beings as photosynthesis. Probably something unique to organics, he figured. "Nope!" Lewa replied after a moment, his tone cheerful as he tried to assuage her worried tone. "A toa-hero never rots." Body language might be alien to him, but if there was one thing his people had in common with humans, it was expression through voice, and Lewa was nothing if not empathetic. Eventually, after a few rather timid attempts to ask for directions, Lewa reached a promising locale. The building that stood before him, with its distinctively elaborate windows and tall steeples, was excitingly reminiscent of the church where he first appeared in this world. In its vicinity he found a number of humans who also appeared to be suffering from ailments of one kind or another. This, he reasoned, must be where this city's people went when something was wrong with them. If they congregated here, there must be a reason, and what better than the presence of something able to fix them--or at least soothe their symptoms? Not knowing to keep his distance from any of the sick or injured, Lewa began the delicate task of navigating through the crowd to find someone who could help the child in his arms. He did his best not to ask anyone who seemed busy and risk distracting them from his work, but instead sought out an authority figure of some kind. There must be the equivalent of a Turaga here, he reasoned. Once he found a similarly old and wise authority figure, he could deliver his newfound responsibility to better-suited hands, and maybe -given the proximity of another church- get an answer or two about the elusive Navielle.