[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] After indeed drawing a bit of attention with her floating, stares and children pointing and such, Rayne followed Sana’s example and returned to ground plodding. Plus, being able to quickly bypass all the crowds didn’t really matter if she was waiting up on someone who had to deal with it. Of course, then the human woman had to be held up by Rayne’s short stature and stride, and also had to be the one to actually look out for things as the halfling got her sight-lines blocked by all the tall people in town. It was thus by her eyes that they found themselves by the bookstore, having failed to find somewhere bigger, or with free access. The lack of public libraries was very much a black mark against the nation’s rulers in her mind. As it was they were going to have to pay for the knowledge they sought, if they could even find it. Fortunately she had gotten a bit of coin doing odd jobs in this world, so if they did find something that looked promising it might be in their price range. The issue with that was that they’d probably only be able to get one or two things, so finding just the right book was key. The complete lack of spine labeling or any real sorting system really was not going to help with that, which left Rayne stressing about going through each and every tome till she encountered the suspicious/helpful stranger. She glanced him up and down in turn in just a touch of a ‘see how you like it’ kind of way, before tipping her hat in a witchy greeting of “hello, I’m Rayne” and then agreeing that “and yes, we are actually” “We’ve just arrived in town," she said, answering the sudo-question about their unprecedented visit, before loosely explaining what it was they were here for “and were looking for any books that might be about, or mentioned a goddess called ‘Lavielle’. We found an old abandoned temple of her out near the border and have been asking around, but no one seems to have heard of her so she seems like she might be old or obscure?” she wasn’t entirely sure how a deity could be either of those things really, but then her world only had one. “Might be she’d be mentioned in a history book, or in some kind of, uh, book about goddesses?” she guessed before asking “don’t suppose you’ve heard of her or know where we might read about her?”