[b]Injimo![/b] "Good at using her tongue?" said Injimo-as-Heron. "Just how hard did you lose that fight?" Teasing isn't judging. She knows what it is to lose a fight, and so does Heron. There have certainly been extended periods where the Heroine was held captive, rendered into a damsel in distress, chained up with a chained bell collar in chains, gagged and kneeling and enslaved, wearing a harem outfit and looking at viewer. These things just happened and there was an entire branch of the martial arts dedicated to reversing that situation when you were in it. It's for that reason Injimo presses for details; if she was going to have that rematch with Aadya at some point, she probably needs every advantage she can get. [Entice: 6] "She changed her hair colour, but that was probably still her," said Injimo. "Appearance can change, but skills can't - and how many skateboarding maid knights can there be?" [b]Cair![/b] Before I get into that I'm going to answer your secret knowledge craving r.e. swimsuits. So Kalentia wears a string bikini with gauzy white veil attachments, like the beachwear version of a wedding dress. They expand out when she's in the water giving her a bit of an angel wing look. She's got a lot of scars, almost as many as Injimo, but she's also got a tattoo pattern that links them up and adds stars to the join points so it looks like constellations. Cool effect I don't see the point. My clothes are waterproof, I just go in fully dressed and shake myself off like a dog afterwards. Anyway, I'm not really a tinker. Heron did most of that - she could get good at anything. My job is to manage the stockpile. Heron made dozens of magical swords over the process of teaching herself blacksmithing, most of which she used once and threw away. I can sort, label, and catalogue a suit like this but the technicalities of how it works are way beyond me. I'm going to need to take this one upstairs. You wouldn't believe the stuff that's in the Stacks. Heron left to fight moon demons? Well, odds are one of them came down here sometime in the past, and Heron stuffed it in a box. Or maybe there'll be some sort of moon-based superintelligence shard, or a giant girl who sleeps in the heart of a meteor, or a magic wedding ring that grants wishes. You never know until you go looking. [Commune with the Unseen: 8. Cair gives a powerful entity a String, and learns something important from the Unseen. Restless Unseen cause a haunting.]