[h2][center]Tatsui Enatsu[/center][/h2] So this is Hueco Mundo, Tatsui thought as he looked around from his place with the group and in the dome. His first mission in this place, and it is clear that they should not spend any more time here than they have to. If the harsh air was an indicator but they should not rush things because the last thing he wants is to be ambushed by Hollows because they are rushing and made their presence known to the Hollows. Still, Tatsui knows the virtue of being patient after years on the street, and if they want to remain undetected by the Hollows then silence and caution are to be respected. The only thing Tatsui wished for right now was that he could have met with his teammates before the mission. He missed that chance and is now with strangers, but that can be remedied later, and he can see how they fight at least. However, he can feel Ishi telling him not to think about this and to focus on the mission and he knew she was right. Now he thought about where to go, going upstairs and dealing with what was up there or going ahead and seeing what this dormant one was about. He thought for a time, the one upstairs seemed occupied while the dormant one is not, and he figured that going to the dormant one would be best since they could surprised it and deal with it now and not later. He does not want it showing up if they go upstairs. So, in a hushed tone to the group, Tatsui spoke. "I say we go forward and deal with the dormant one."