[center][h3]Nieve — City Streets[/h3][/center] While the swordswoman's eyes seemed to immediately brighten up at the sound of the white-haired girl's reciprocation of her feelings, the smaller girl seemed [i]far[/i] less enthused about the situation. Despite her intent to defuse the situation and hopefully continue on her way, it seemed that the world had different plans in store for her—for the moment, at least. "Konpaku, huh...? Haven't heard of that school of swordsmanship before, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose!" the swordswoman responded before dramatically throwing her hat off to the side—and into the unfortunate hands of the girl she had been traveling with. "My name is Miyamoto Musashi, founder of the Niten Ichiryu style of swordplay! Let me see what you have to offer!" With their formal introductions handled, Musashi slowly unsheathed both of her blades and adopted a combat stance. Given how she was in the middle of a street in so doing, though, it seemed that the passersby were quick to either clear the area or, more self-servingly, attempted to rubberneck and get a better view of the match between the two foreigners that was all but certain to break out. To all of [i]this[/i], the smaller girl was left with nothing more than a straw hat in hand and a look of [i]intense[/i] displeasure on her face as she watched her bodyguard square up for a wholly unnecessary fight. The other white-haired girl, adorned with odd red-white talismans, had chosen to approach her to strike up a conversation in the middle of the other two's duel. "Alchemist would be more apt—especially given our current surroundings," the girl responded in kind. "I suppose your rather outlandish appearance and the words of your companion mean that you're also not from here, then? Just my luck to find more people who think that fighting random passersby makes for a good pastime..." [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Embassy[/h3][/center] The trio's reception at the embassy was a bit [i]awkward[/i], to say the lest. Though Anne's clothing clearly marked her as a foreign entity in a city whose technology level was well behind what she was used to, the pair of girls she had entered with—one of whom seemed to be little more than a child who had run out of steam after throwing a fit and the other carrying her under her arm—made trying to piece the situation together rather difficult. It didn't help that the first people to meet them seemed to be rather reticent about doing so in the first place. It could be seen as a bit of a boon, then, that someone was finally brought out to [i]actually[/i] address them—a rather tall, well-built man in a suit whose face seemed to betray the slightest hints of aging. "Greetings, Ms. Mayer. My name is Bren Halmir, and I work as a minister here. While I would prefer that you would go through the proper diplomatic channels..." he began to say before glancing over the group as a whole, "and for you and yours to [i]not[/i] spend your walk here causing a scene, I believe that a discussion would at least be more productive than dismissing you outright. Would you mind following me to my office?" Assuming that the trio agreed, Bren would promptly lead them to another room—one filled with shelves full of documents—before promptly taking a seat at his desk and continuing to speak after gesturing for the three to do the same on the other side of it. "Now, placing matters of walking into a government building filled with international officials in such a manner aside, I would not normally entertain something like this. So please, speak frankly, and without falsehood; I will judge whether or not to proceed afterwards." [@Izurich][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92]