[hider=Etzel] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NdoR8Qg.png[/img] [hider=Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqvnMsDJM5c[/youtube][/hider][/center] [b][color=#999999]Name[/color]:[/b] Etzel Ashford [b][color=#999999]Age[/color]:[/b] 19 [b][color=#999999]Powers[/color]:[/b] Has developed a resistance to his digimon’s abilities, and can usually resist abilities similar to them: [list][*]Capable of maintaining his sense of self and control of his body while possessed. Can keep a possessor trapped within his body, for a time. [*]Capable of seeing through most illusions. He can see through even physical transformations and magically manifested objects by detecting the magical traces, although it takes some scrutiny to do so.[/list] [b][color=#999999]Weakness[/color]:[/b] Light magic. [b][color=#999999]Bio[/color]:[/b] Etzel’s mother suffered from willfully undiagnosed bipolar disorder, and her management of her symptoms was less than admirable. Etzel’s father may or may not have had narcissistic personality disorder, similarly unaddressed, and was an uncaring if not callous husband and father. Between an abusive mom and a neglectful dad, Etzel grew to hate his life. Thus, one day, while walking home from high school, he came across a shadowy, many-eyed creature, and the first thing he thought to do was walk towards it. Perhaps he had a deathwish, or perhaps he simply wanted to sate his curiosity, and lacked any sense of self-preservation. He didn’t know at the time that it was being chased, nor why it appeared specifically to him - he certainly wasn’t the only one who walked home from school, and wasn’t the only one it could have crept up on. Regardless, the creature slid into his shadow before sharing a long, silent conversation with Etzel. He merely stared at his own shadow, and his shadow stared back up at him. And so, when digimon-tamers; law enforcement officers came by and asked him if he saw anything, he simply responded that he hadn’t. As he continued past the officers, a persistent chill crept up his spine. It wasn’t cold, but it still made the hair on his arms stand on end. It was a bit unnecessary, he thought. Thus, at the door of his house, he stopped, turned his body to face his shadow, and reached for it. Etzel murdered his mother that day. Not of his own volition - no, he had Shademon to thank for that, though it’s not as though he tried to stop it. It’s not as if he hadn’t considered doing exactly the same with his own two hands - controlled by himself, that is. It’s not as if it wasn’t so, so peaceful afterwards, nor as if he wasn’t filled with an overwhelming sense of relief that his mother was gone. It’s not as if he didn’t want his mother to die. It’s not. Maybe his father came home to find the body and called the cops on him. Maybe his father just never came home before someone noticed she was gone. Either way, it didn’t take too long before police arrived at the Ashford household and took Etzel away. He didn’t resist, and neither did Shademon, if it knew what was happening. Etzel spent close to a year in a juvenile detention center, hiding Shademon and, as he later found out, its alternate digivolution, Eyesmon, within his shadow the whole while. After killing his mother, he went nonverbal throughout his arrest and incarceration. It wasn’t an act of rebellion per se, so much as being unable to muster the will to speak. For as much as killing his mother brought him a sense of freedom, even behind bars, he didn’t have the faintest idea what to do with it. Before his first year in the detention center had passed, Shademon took control of Etzel’s body once again to conduct an escape. Etzel, once again, let it, not feeling inclined one way or the other. Shademon: Etzel ver. continued to commit crimes, hijacking a vehicle and severely injuring the driver before driving away. Several miles away, it proceeded to rob cash and supplies from a store before finding a room to put Etzel in for the night and splitting into Eyesmon: Scatter Mode. The next morning it covertly stole some Pokeballs and a hidden machine for Fly, then directed Etzel towards a patch of wilderness and made a screeching noise to attract what appeared to be a living roast chicken burnt black over most of its body. It had wings of flames and fought Eyesmon valiantly, though ultimately fell prey to a barrage of ocular lasers and Pokeballs. Once caught, Eyesmon merged with Etzel once again, they taught the newly caught pokemon Fly, then they sent it out and flew off towards the most lawless, crime-ridden part of Japan: Osaka. Once there, Shademon switched to Eyesmon and split into Scatter Mode again as it began to analyze the city, leaving Etzel to wander with just one of the pieces of Eyesmon. It was as he was wandering the city that he spoke to Eyesmon for the first time in almost a year. “Are you hungry?” Eyesmon seemed to hear him, but did not respond. “I am.” He wandered over to a random shopping center food court, had a meal with the leftover stolen money, then proceeded to wander the mall until finding a store that sold digivices. Eyesmon hissed at them, though Etzel ignored it, going in and buying one. When he walked back out with a digivice in hand, Eyesmon used Shadow Bind to restrict his arm. Etzel simply shook his head before passing the digivice to his other hand and tossing it towards Eyesmon. Eyesmon caught it, a subconscious reflex it apparently shared with humans, then made a face that looked like it had just bitten into a lemon. “Take a look.” Eyesmon begrudgingly began to operate the digivice, though once it started, it became engrossed. Like many digivices, this one was sold alongside a Digi-egg, which, as they tend to do, hatched shortly into a cute little Tukaimon. What intrigued Eyesmon was the technique loading feature, that allowed Tukaimon’s techniques to be shared amongst its digivolutions. There were some other benefits, such as being able to gain strength from Etzel’s emotions, though those were less appealing since its Shademon form could already feed off of his despair - the very reason it appeared before Etzel the day they met. Ultimately it was only after Eyesmon recombined at the end of the day that a decision was made. Before then, at Etzel’s prompting, Eyesmon handed back the digivice and they went to a park for Tukaimon and the flying roast chicken to properly meet him and each other. While merged, Etzel could easily gleam Shademon and Eyesmon’s names, and Tukaimon’s name was labeled on his digivice, but if Eyesmon knew what the Pokemon was called, it didn’t deign to say, so he had to make up a name for it. “How about I call you Morgan?” Its flaming crest and overall color scheme made him think of witches for some reason, so he went with the name of the witch from Arthurian legend. It was only shortly after he explained the name’s origin and Moltres agreed to the name that a passerby exclaimed, “IS THAT A MOLTRES!?” [i]Ah well.[/i] The name stuck, and with the name of Morgan’s species, he was able to do a bit more research on it later that night, finding out that it was quite young for its species, and contrary to appearances, it was neither a fire type, nor capable of using fire-type attacks. For the time being, however, the man challenged Etzel to a Pokemon battle, which he accepted, and while he had overestimated Morgan’s ability to take on what appeared to be sentient ice cream, Tukaimon was able to finish it off, resulting in a win. Tukaimon was adorable, though contrary to its appearances, a complete menace. It was quick to violence, and took great pleasure in harassing Eyesmon: SM. For some reason it behaved when Morgan cawed at it though, and by extension Etzel was generally able to handle it. After getting Morgan healed, and as the day finally came to a close, Eyesmon reconvened with its other pieces and agreed to be registered to the digivice, while making it explicitly clear what their relationship was with its scratchy croaking voice: “YOU HOLD NO DOMINION.” Etzel didn’t say anything in response. After they found out that the most powerful skills of both Eyesmon and Shademon couldn’t be loaded, the digimon was rather disappointed. Then, Etzel forced it to revert to its Soundbirdmon form, to which it screeched much more loudly than before. Still not an attack, yet, though it looked ready to do so. “Finally, I get to see you.” With that, he placed the digivice on a table where Soundbirdmon could access it and went to sleep. The next morning, he found that he had fused with Shademon again in his sleep. Shademon, however, had not been able to rouse him, nor unfuse to do so. In fact, it wasn’t able to control its body at all anymore. Etzel had control, even in his sleep, and for some reason, Shademon couldn’t even unfuse. It was trapped. Etzel, seeing this development, realized his dreams had inadvertently caused him to seize control of their body. He had never bothered trying up until that point, and didn’t have a reason to remain fused either, so he simply unfused and ignored the circumstances of Shademon trying to take control. “Any plans for today, Soundbird?” “...” “Then why don’t we go train for today? My ability to direct Morgan and Tukai myself is still lacking.” “...” They returned to the park, with Morgan and Tukaimon battling each other. As with most rookie digimon, it didn’t take too much combat experience before Tukaimon digivolved into Saberdramon, another burnt roast chicken. Morgan seemed to approve, which made Tukaimon happy. Soundbirdmon, hiding in Etzel’s shadow via one of its digivolutions, refused to participate. Inwardly, however, it was jealous at the rapid progress Tukaimon was making, and its pride would only allow it to think it a result of an unfair advantage: the digivice. That didn’t change its mind, though. It would never allow another dominion over itself again. Thus, as they decided to return for the day, it rushed Etzel along before he could use the public bathroom at the park. Then, before they could get back, it told Etzel to make a detour instead, towards a different public bathroom instead of just going back. It was obviously suspicious, but Etzel, lacking both fear and a sense of self-preservation, decided to follow along. The bathroom had no urinals, so Etzel entered a stall. As he was relieving himself, the voice of a young woman sounded out from outside the stall, asking Etzel where her legs were. Sounded like a puzzle. Maybe there was a specific answer she was looking for, though she didn’t respond when he answered “within the eyes of my shadow.” When he exited the stall, no one was there. Quite rude for her to be intruding upon the men’s room, though he supposed he didn’t feel much in the way of shame either considering he’s been semi-naked in public before because of Shademon’s fusion taking away his clothes. With the haunting a failure, Soundbirdmon decided to digivolve into Eyesmon and take matters into its own hands. Its goal was originally to cripple Etzel using Reiko Kashima’s tendency to chop legs off, or even leverage his life if she went for bisection, solidifying it as the dominant party within their partnership and fusion. Since neither happened, it planned to give up on keeping the loaded techniques. Morgan and Tukaimon listened to him over Eyesmon at this point, and that made them unacceptable companions in its eyes. Of course, it still didn’t want to give up power. Even a sliver of it. Thus, when Etzel stepped out of the public restroom, he entered a fake digital subspace. A replica of the area and a prison to keep him trapped for as long as Eyesmon could get away with. Etzel simply returned to the hotel, now a fake, and went to sleep. When he woke back up, the first thing he did was tell Tukaimon to digivolve to Saberdramon and torch the hotel room. Although impressively rendered, he had been merged with Shademon long enough to know how the digital subspace worked. It took him all night to begin seeing the differences in common objects, not that he needed to do so to be able to know he was in an illusion, since Soundbirdmon was inexplicably absent since he left the public restroom last night. Riding out of the building atop Morgan, he began to survey the area. Eyesmon, of course, was there within the digital subspace, and could see his every move. The walls had eyes, because the whole space was created by Eyesmon, and while it had wanted to keep Etzel and his ‘mon pacified for longer to keep the loaded techniques, it had been merged with Etzel long enough to know he would be able to break out after a while if left unchecked. With the facade broken, a massive version of Eyesmon appeared, towering above its surroundings, and roared at Etzel, demanding in broken whispers and hushed screams for dominion over Etzel’s body, rather than the other way around. Etzel didn’t give the kaiju of a digimon an answer, finding what he was looking for, and coming to land in front of a clothing store with big display windows. Looking within, one could see a small collection of female mannequins donning fashionable outfits. Etzel called out to the empty air: “Are these your legs?” “No. They aren’t.” Although he was unsure she would follow him, he found it a pleasant surprise that she did. A floating ghost holding a severed leg appeared - Reiko Kashima, the urban legend he had met within that bathroom. “A shame. I thought Eyesmon could create anything.” Etzel turned to look at Eyesmon who was listening and accordingly giving him approximately 100 giant stink-eyes. “A clever ruse, to rope me into this. You’ll pay for it, of course.” “With interest, provided you acknowledge that this was mere coincidence.” “Fine. Just your misfortune, then.” With that, Reiko swung her free hand, bisecting Etzel before turning to fight Eyesmon. It wasn’t as easy to fight Eyesmon as it was for her to cut Etzel in half, but Etzel directed Morgan and Saberdramon to assist, and the three of them managed to defeat Eyesmon. Etzel, of course, doesn’t know how they won, since he was bleeding out on digital pavement and going into shock. Ultimately, they managed to defeat Eyesmon before his imminent demise in the digital world caught up to his body within the real world, and Etzel awoke to a new set of police officers arresting him. They had responded to a report of a drunk teenager passed out in front of a public restroom, but recognized him since he was a wanted criminal. Contrary to expectations, while he was detained, he was never arrested and sent back to juvie, nor tried as an adult and sent to jail. He never went to a courtroom at all, and he was let free the next day by a police officer who made no comment on the matter. Rather, he was simply released in front of a shady gentleman who had a proposition of sorts for him. Ultimately, Etzel accepted the man’s offer: He would fight as directed to take down YHVH and those working with the god. Etzel didn’t lie when he proclaimed his hatred for gods that sought to control humanity, just to gain the trust of the man, though he couldn’t help but find the irony of the situation amusing. With Etzel’s inscrutable nonchalance, Soundbirdmon was content to pretend his one-’mon coup never happened. With Reiko sticking around Etzel for some reason, it didn’t like its chances if it tried to vie for dominance again. Morgan, Tukaimon and even Reiko seemed to only get stronger the more combat Etzel ended up seeing, and Soundbirdmon had to either participate or risk falling behind them. [i]Being under his dominion is not... unacceptable, [b]yet[/b].[/i] [b][color=#999999]Faction[/color]:[/b] Currently works with the Ring of Gaea. [b][color=#999999]Team of Mons[/color]:[/b] [hider=Soundbirdmon] [img]https://bogleech.com/digimon/soundbirdmon.png[/img] Soundbirdmon Stage: Rookie Type: Bird Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Virus[/url] Elemental Affinity: Wind (Resists Earth, Weak to Electric, boosts Wind-element attacks) Manifested (Pokemon) Typing: Flying/Dark (x2 weak to Rock, Electric, Ice and Fairy, resists Ghost, Grass and Dark, immune to Ground and Psychic) Techniques: [list][*]Sound Finish - Soundbirdmon emits ultrasonic waves to immobilize the target. (Neutral, Exclusive to Soundbirdmon) [*]Giga Scream - Screams at max volume, sending out a shockwave. (Neutral) [*]Evil Eye - Fires cursed beams from the user’s eye. (Dark, Loaded from Eyesmon) [*]Shadow Bind - Uses shadows to bind and potentially control the enemy’s movements. (Loaded from Eyesmon: SM)[/list] Manifested typings (for all digivolutions): Digimon Element - Pokemon Types - SMT Element Neutral - Normal or Steel - Physical Fire - Fire or Dragon - Fire Plant - Grass or Bug - Force Water - Ice - Ice Electric - Steel - Electric Wind - Flying or Poison - Force Earth - Rock or Ground Light - Psychic - Light Dark - Ghost or Dark - Dark Digivolutions: [img]https://wikimon.net/images/2/22/Eyesmon.jpg[/img] Eyesmon Stage: Champion Type: Demon Dragon Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Virus[/url] Elemental Affinity: Dark (Resists Dark, Weak to Light, boosts Dark-element attacks) Manifested (Pokemon) Typing: Dark/Ghost (x2 weak to Fairy, resists Poison, immune to Normal, Fighting and Psychic) General Capabilities: [list][*]Capable of concealing itself within shadows. [*]Capable of splitting itself into numerous instances of Eyesmon: Scatter Mode, allowing it to gather data more efficiently. [*]The more data it accumulates, the stronger it becomes, and its power can surpass even that of Perfects depending on how much it has stored.[/list] Techniques: [list][*]Evil Eye - Fires cursed beams from all of the user’s eyes. (Dark) [*]Illusion World - Transforms accumulated data into objects, using them both offensively and defensively. Can be used to create a digital subspace, dragging nearby enemies within. (Neutral, Exclusive to Eyesmon) [*]Shadow Bind - Uses shadows to bind and potentially control the enemy’s movements. (Loaded from Eyesmon: SM)[/list] [img]https://wikimon.net/images/thumb/1/10/Eyesmon_scatter.jpg/600px-Eyesmon_scatter.jpg[/img] Eyesmon: Scatter Mode Stage: Champion Type: Demon Dragon Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Virus[/url] Elemental Affinity: Dark (Resists Dark, Weak to Light, boosts Dark-element attacks) Manifested (Pokemon) Typing: Dark/Ghost (x2 weak to Fairy, resists Poison, immune to Normal, Fighting and Psychic) General Capabilities: [list][*]Capable of concealing itself within shadows. [*]Capable of combining with the other instances of Eyesmon: Scatter Mode to reform Eyesmon.[/list] Techniques: [list][*]Evil Eye - Fires cursed beams from all of the user’s eyes. (Dark) [*]Shadow Bind - Uses shadows to bind and potentially control the enemy’s movements.[/list] [img]https://wikimon.net/images/1/11/Shademon.jpg[/img] Shademon Stage: Champion Type: Unknown Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Virus[/url] Manifested (Pokemon) Typing: Ghost/Dark (x2 weak to Fairy, resists Poison, immune to Normal, Fighting and Psychic) General Capabilities: [list][*]Capable of haunting the shadows of living things. [*]Feeds off of the despair of haunted individuals. [*]Capable of possessing humans it is haunting, forcibly triggering dark digifusion with them into a new, unique form. (e.g. Shademon: Etzel ver.) With most humans, Shademon assumes control of the gestalt entity, though if the possessed human has a strong enough soul, they may take back control and force Shademon out. While fused, Shademon typically wreathes the human in shadows, which substitutes their clothes and hangs off their legs, creating shadowy limbs near their feet that are capable of reaching out to strike. Shademon’s original body extends out of their back like a single, many-eyed wing. Control over their shared body is a fluid matter, and thus Shademon will conserve energy by allowing the human to control their body if it believes them to be cooperative with its goals. Likewise, it is possible to bide one’s time and fight Shademon for control at key moments to prevent it from doing things. However, a continuous losing struggle against Shademon results in mutual weakening. The human becomes an unwilling passenger within their own body, only able to take any action when Shademon tires from battle (since it never sleeps) or when its attention slips, the same way one may take their hands off a steering wheel while stopped at a red light. Likewise, while capable of continuous possession, this arrangement will increase Shademon’s fatigue, causing it to exhaust itself quicker in battle.[/list] Techniques: [list][*]Free Death Fall - Traps the target within an illusion of them being knocked to the ground up to 10,000 times. Time passes faster within the illusion, allowing them to experience all of it over several seconds. (Dark) [*]Kill Me - Manipulates nearby ‘mon to assault the target. Requires Shademon to haunt a target’s shadow or possess the target. (Exclusive to Shademon) [*]Evil Eye - Fires cursed beams from all of the user’s eyes. (Dark, Loaded from Eyesmon) [*]Shadow Bind - Uses shadows to bind and potentially control the enemy’s movements. (Loaded from Eyesmon: SM)[/list] Digivolution Lines/Future Digivolutions: Soundbirdmon → Eyesmon ⇄ Eyesmon: Scatter Mode Soundbirdmon → Shademon ⇄ Shademon: (Human) ver. Shademon [i]or[/i] Eyesmon Mastered → Orochimon → Nidhoggmon Shademon [i]and[/i] Eyesmon Mastered → Kuzurumon (a.k.a. Negamon - Evolved) → Abbadomon (Coreless) [/hider] [hider=Tukaimon] [img]https://wikimon.net/images/thumb/5/52/Tukaimon.jpg/600px-Tukaimon.jpg[/img] Tukaimon Stage: Rookie Type: Bird Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Virus[/url] Techniques: [list][*]Bad Message - Transmits insults via negative energy, causing psychic damage. May make sensitive targets cry. (Dark, Exclusive to Tukaimon) [*]Fluffy Attack - Tackles the enemy. (Neutral) [*]Purple Fog - Surrounds the target with a dark fog. [*]Purple Haze - Blows out poisonous smoke. (Dark)[/list] Digivolutions: [img]https://wikimon.net/images/c/c2/Saberdramon.jpg[/img] Saberdramon Stage: Champion Type: Giant Bird Attribute: [url=https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/digimon-story-cyber-sleuth/1/12/Digitypes-digimon-cyber-sleuth.jpg.png]Vaccine[/url] Elemental Affinity: Wind (Resists Earth, Weak to Electric, boosts Wind-element attacks) Techniques: [list][*]Black Saber - Shoots rings of dark flames at the target by flapping its wings. (Fire, Exclusive to Saberdramon) [*]Mach Shadow - Rams the opponent at high-speed while spinning. (Dark) [*]Night Roar - Shoots feathers from its wings. (Wind) [*]Fluffy Attack - Tackles the enemy. (Neutral, Loaded from Tukaimon)[/list] Digivolution Lines/Future Digivolutions: Tukaimon → Saberdramon → LadyDevimon → LadyDevimon (X-Antibody) → Lilithmon (X-Antibody) Tukaimon → Mimicmon → Chaperomon → Cendrillmon Lilithmon (X-Antibody) [i]and[/i] Cendrillmon Mastered → Ordinemon [/hider] [hider=Morgan] [img]https://www.shinyhunters.com/images/regular/1006.gif[/img] Morgan the Galarian Moltres Type: Dark/Flying (x2 weak to Rock, Electric, Ice and Fairy, resists Ghost, Grass and Dark, immune to Ground and Psychic) Ability: Berserk - Every time the Pokemon’s HP falls below half, its special attack is raised one stage. Moves: [list][*]Ancient Power - The user attacks with primeval energy materialized as rocks. 10% Chance of increasing all of the user’s stats at once. (Rock, 60 Power) [*]Fly - Fly high up into the air, becoming invulnerable to [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Semi-invulnerable_turn#Moves_that_can_hit_semi-invulnerable_Pok%C3%A9mon]most attacks[/url], then swoop down to attack. (Flying, 90 Power, a 2-turn move) [*]Gust - Launch a gust of wind at the target. (Flying, 40 Power) [*]Payback - The user stores power, then attacks. If the user attacks after the target uses a move, the power is doubled. (Dark, 50 Power) [*]Wing Attack - The target is struck with wings spread wide. (Flying, 60 Power) [*]Agility - The user relaxes and lightens their body, sharply increasing their speed. [*]Safeguard - The user creates a protective field for a while that prevents status conditions from being inflicted on the user or their allies.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Reiko Kashima] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Br2zh5K.png[/img] Reiko Kashima SMT Weaknesses and Resistances: [img]https://i.imgur.com/SHk4dCU.png[/img] Manifested (Pokemon) weaknesses and resistances: [img]https://i.imgur.com/RlEErLw.png[/img] Knows the following skills: [list][*]Eiha - Light dark damage [*]Legshot - Light physical damage. Lowers the target’s agility. [*]Arms Master - Halves the stamina cost of physical skills. [*]Assassin - Strengthens single-target attacks by 10% [*]Bloody Glee - Increases chance of a critical hit. [*]Dark Boost - Strengthens dark attacks by 25% [*]Dark Pierce - Dark Attacks bypass resistances and immunities, dealing neutral damage. [*]Null Curse - Immune to the “curse” status effect. [*]You’re Next - If Reiko knocks out an enemy with a single-target attack, and that enemy is revived, they will come back as a pathetically weak version of Reiko Kashima. (This change is purely physical) The transformation wears off after about a day, or when the original Reiko deigns to reverse it.[/list] Manifested typings: SMT Attack - Pokemon Types - Digimon Elements Physical - Normal or Fighting - Neutral Fire - Fire - Fire Ice - Ice - Water Force - Poison - Wind Electric - Steel - Electric Light - Psychic or Fairy - Light Dark - Ghost or Dark - Dark Digital Conversion: Treats Dark Spells as Dark Attacks. [/hider][/hider]