[h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] "Miyamoto... Musashi?" It wasn't the first time she'd ever heard that name. Though the Konpaku style of swordplay differed, certainly, her grandfather had told her about an ordinary human with extraordinary skills as a samurai. One who wielded two swords, not dissimilarly to the Konpaku school. Niten Ichiryu. That was it, wasn't it? But the Miyamoto Musashi she'd learned about was a man. The one she faced now certainly wasn't. Was this a similar situation to Toyosatomimi no Miko? Actually, what was that situation in the first place? She didn't really get it, but it was obvious the Prince Shotoku talked about in legend was definitely not a woman, so--- Aah, that was way too much to think about right now! Especially when she considered they were definitely from different worlds to begin with. Maybe the Miyamoto Musashi from that world just was a woman? It wasn't important. It wasn't important right now at all. Youmu took a deep breath. "I heard about you when I was learning from my grandfather," Youmu said, doing her best to put that initial confusion behind her, "You're not the same as the one I learned about, but that's definitely the same name and the same style of swordplay." In Gensokyo, it wasn't exactly impossible she could run across the legendary samurai in some form. It would hardly be the first time someone from the past appeared. She'd never really thought about it until now, but it was never an impossibility. But she hadn't expected it here. If she wanted to hone her skills and live up to Grandfather's expectations, what better opponent then someone like Miyamoto Musashi? Placing one hand on Roukanken's hilt, Youmu slid one foot back. In the same motion, she drew the longer of her two katana in her right hand, its blade glittering in the daylight. And then she was moving. The cobblestones beneath her feet shook. The air whipped past her. Even injured on a spiritual level, she could do this much. Her opening attack was a swift downward slash with Roukanken. But in the very same breath, Hakurouken left its sheath in her left hand and lashed out towards her opponent. [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]The Bookstore[/h2] "Mmm, just arrived?" mused the hooded woman, cocking her head as she spoke. Her tone indicated she was clearly intrigued by that notion, though exactly why was anyone's guess. "And looking for information on a goddess, as well? Surely, you've come to the right place. The capital's resources are far beyond anywhere else you might have visited, though some knowledge is seemingly out of the hands of shops like this." She paused for a moment, as if considering her last words, before continuing. "Still, if you're looking for information on a goddess, then maybe a book on theology would serve you best. Lavielle, was it..." The cloaked woman turned towards the shelves after a moment, scanning then briefly with her unseen gaze before reaching up to grasp one particular volume that was nearly out of her reach, let alone Rayne's. "Perhaps this one might be of assistance?" All that could be seen of the woman's features, even at this angle, was a smile. The book, entitled '[i]Ancient Divinities and those Who Worshipped Them[/i]', seemed to cover gods who were revered in the distant past. Was Lavielle really one of these deities? It was somewhat coincidental that the cloaked woman and the book in question had been in just the right place to assist the newcomer, but perhaps that really was just mere chance. Regardless, she offered the volume to the halfling. "I'm afraid information on ancient gods like that is a little scarce, but I believe this book might have what you're looking for." [@DracoLunaris][@PKMNB0Y]