[center][color=96EACE][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/grey-magus-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210709/2a2dce1458bbe0a0c7c16fa79e4752ca.png[/img][/url][/color][/center] [hr] If he had to be honest, Joseph wasn't really fully paying attention as he left HERO Three, his mind focused on trying to figure out just what to do next. He knew he was going to the party, that much was certain. Not only was it the one he'd been prepared for already, having initially been assigned to the mission before they'd learnt he couldn't get out of his assessment, but he also knew that the recycling plant team was actually sort of [i]stacked[/i] when it came to heavy hitters. He was almost certain that they'd be able to beat down whatever threats they might be faced with. Meanwhile, the party team was made up more of people whose powers were suited for infiltration, which was the logical choice, considering what they were there to do. At least, it had been until whatever Spencer had shown him had occurred. True, there was a [i]more[/i] than significant possibility that it'd been a trick by the other mage, but even on the off chance it hadn't been, he had to get over there, and fast. As he reached the parking lot, he paused, looking down at his left arm. If he wanted to get there [i]fast...[/i] No. No, that would be stupid. Odds were he'd just get himself killed trying that. Wouldn't be much help to anyone if he died on the way there. Instead, he got into the large, grey van he'd driven to HERO Three in the first place. Technically, it was the Hag's van, and he'd been promised a fairly miserable fate if he brought it back damaged, but he was sure she'd understand if it was, given the situation. Besides, he'd known the grumpy old woman long enough that he was at least, oh, [i]sixty percent sure[/i] it had just been a joke anyway... He decided not to think about that any longer, instead focusing purely on the task at hand, and sped away from the building. Thankfully, it wasn't actually that far of a drive to Passenger Island, and it only took about fifteen or so minutes to reach a good spot to park. Not [i]at[/i] Peterson's estate, because if he drove a van like this one in there he'd probably be shot, but close enough that he could get out and run to the building in about a minute. However, first, he had to check whether he was gonna be going in through the front or not. [center][color=96EACE]ᚓᚔᚈᚔᚂᚃᚐᚔᚏ[/color][/center] As he mumbled the incantation, he threw a number of rectangular strips of paper out of the van window, about eight in total, before going to the back of the vehicle and beginning to get changed into his disguise. Before the paper hit the ground, they froze in the air, a blue pattern of runes briefly glowing, before they started gliding towards the mansion. Upon reaching the building, they spread out, hanging silently in the night sky. And through them, Joseph looked down, the vision in his right eye syncing up with the arrays. From what he saw, it didn't look like going in through the front was going to be as possible as he'd hoped, the security guards seeming more than a little tense. Guests weren't running out of the building or anything, so at least things hadn't [i]really[/i] gone off the rails or anything in there, but it looked like there was at least [i]something[/i] going on. However, luckily enough, shifting the arrays around to the side of the building showed that there was one spot that didn't seem to be in any of the guards direct line of sight. Likely because the only possible 'entrance' in that spot was what appeared to be a third story window, with almost no reason for anyone with half a brain to try and sneak in through there rather than just risking being spotted by the guards in one of the easier spots. Which meant it was perfect for him. Finally, he finished getting dressed, stepping out of the van in an honestly [i]uncomfortably[/i] nice, formal suit, a blonde wig, and a pair of particularly dark round sunglasses and a white cane, because if someone found him somewhere he shouldn't be, being legally blind seemed like a pretty damn good excuse for it. Sneaking into the estate, he kept a wide birth from the mansion until he reached the angle nobody had been looking at, and then quickly dashed towards it, all while trying to keep as low as he possibly could. Once he reached the wall, he pulled up the sleeve of his right arm, revealing the bandages he kept woven around it, and lifted his arm up towards the window. [center][color=96EACE]ᚄᚘᚅᚉᚑᚏᚅᚐᚔᚄᚈᚐᚏᚏᚐᚔᚅᚌ[/color][/center] With his incantation, just like with the paper tags, a series of runes briefly glowed on the bandage, and- "Hey, who the hell are you?!" And alerted security to his presence, apparently, because it'd been a while since he'd had to be particularly stealthy, and he'd somehow forgotten to keep the [i]glowing runes[/i] covered up while hiding in the darkness... On the plus side though, he didn't need to waste any time awkwardly stalling, as the bandage had already uncoiled from his arm, shooting up towards the window and looping around something above it, before just as quickly retracting and pulling him up to it. While he'd originally been planning a more careful, stealthy entrance, it looked like this was gonna have to do, and he covered his face with his free arm as he threw himself right through the window, landing with a pained grunt on the inside. He barely took the time to brush the glass from the smashed window off himself before he was already up and running. He recalled the observation arrays as he ran, stashing them back in his pockets and trying to figure out his next move, the sounds of the security guard shouting to his colleagues down below. From what he'd seen in Spencer's divination array, he knew that Rupa was... [i]somewhere[/i] in here, being threatened by someone with a gun. Which meant she was almost definitely fine, because it was a ferrokinetic being threatened with a metal gun. He just hoped she'd be able to hold herself back, and not beat the guy up [i]too[/i] badly. Unfortunately, while he still would've liked to go and back her up just in case, he had no way of really finding where they were, not having anything similar enough to what he saw in the divination for him to use his seeker runes on. What he [i]did[/i] know, however, was where Jake and Eva were. It had still been hard to tell, but Joseph knew a wine cellar when he was one. And that meant he just had to keep going down. More than aware of how little time he had, he dashed through the halls, finding the stairs within a minute, and all but throwing himself down them in his rush. Once he was on the ground floor, he threw his observation arrays out again, sending them to the ceilings and directing them from room to room, until he eventually caught sight of another stairwell going downwards, and quickly snuck his way over to it, withdrawing them back to his pocket again in the process. As he descended, he slowed down a little, holding the cane out and generally doing his best to act blind, deciding now was as good a time as any to put the disguise to use. [i]Especially[/i] since he could hear voices down there, but couldn't determine just who they were yet, and with how jumpy security had already been combined with what Spencer had shown him, he wasn't feeling especially optimistic about who he'd run into. [color=fff79a]"E-Excuse me..."[/color] He said, putting on a vaguely Irish accent as he stepped down, acting nervous and apologetic. [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry if this is somewhere I'm not s-supposed to be, I'm afraid I've gotten a little bi-[/color][color=96EACE]oh wait, it's [i]actually[/i] still just you guys?"[/color] He blinked, genuinely surprised to see that it was still just Jake and Eva down there, and not an army of security personnel. [color=96EACE]"Well... gonna be honest, wasn't really expecting that, but great! You guys alright? Looked like things weren't going super great in here from what I saw."[/color]